Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..

Sayijg that letting your kid wear whatever clothes they want, that are not offensive, is the same as dressing your kid like a Hitler? Someone responsible for the murder of millions of people because of their race, religion, etc. That's a ******* disgusting thing to say. People need to move past these superficial things and not worry about what others are doing when they are not hurting anyone.
complaining ? nah...never
yall are soft. yall call everyone a bigot these days if they have an opinion.  

i get it. no ones feelings should ever be hurt. 


You're a bigot for trashing a oppressed minority and thinking they're mentally ill.

Pls tell me how I should respect your opinion when you prolly know nothing about the struggle of trans people.
So basically we are back to the don't be intolerant of my bigotry bro comments? 
Don't trigger me, Senor Sangre de Leon!!

complaining ? nah...never
yall are soft. yall call everyone a bigot these days if they have an opinion.  

i get it. no ones feelings should ever be hurt. 

:lol: Dude please.

You want to call people soft, yet you're throwing a mini tantrum because dudes coming at your neck a Lil.
lmao @ playing the victim and throwing a tantrum ...wut are yall on?

yall in here doing the same song and dance yall do in every thread. same cats too
This thread is a perfect representation of the NT community lately :lol:
Dudes coming with the ninjahood deflections once you confront them on their bigoted views. How typical. :lol:
Threads like this always remind me of one of the best things ever posted on NT:


Originally Posted by knowledgebones72  

Culture of hyper-masculinity regardless of the realities of normal human existance = emasculation of the black man

this is all just a result of it.

all those dudes in prison for chasing what they thought was the image of a "Real N" have been successfully emasculated. They're in cages, having to fight for their lives and buttholes, living a sub-human existance at the beck and call of a group of powerful, old, white men.

these emsculated dudes somehow convinced all young black men that this is how we're all supposed to be as men: that we're supposed to act and follow in the actions of those who have been fully and successfully emasculated. Sell drugs like this emasculated man who doesn't hold any value in education. Smash mad broads and disrespect women like this emasculated man who has no sense of family and has children he doesn't take care of (that emasculation: a real man takes care of his kids). Be quick to anger and violence like this emasculated man who has no sense of community and has no idea how to handle situations without screaming and becoming violent like a dangerous 4 year old with a weapon.

THAT'S the emasculation. We're just all up in arms about a bi-product of it.

But, whatever. Let's not get into the real heart of the issue.
Thats Charlize's son. She adopted him and can raise him how she feels is best.

The only thing I question is, in one of the videos she says that he is not only into the Frozen stuff but he is into everything including Iron Man.

So I just wonder, if she wasnt empowering him to make decisions about what to buy based on what he says he wants, would he just gravitate towards other things?

Because there are two things that I know, for sure, about kids.
1. They want everything they see and recognize.
These marketers know exactly how to brainwash your kid into wanting their crap and Frozen was a huge phenomenon with a massive marketing campaign behind it.

2. Kids are impressionable. Even when it comes to social norms.
For example wearing clothes. Kids just naturally love to be naked. They dont see anything wrong with it.
Ive seen it several times in my life, where a young adolescent takes off their clothes and is happily running around naked in the house.

That is until the parent steps in and teaches, that in society, you cant just go around taking your clothes off and running around naked.
And eventually, the kid adopts that way of thinking and assimilates it.

So taking it back to this situation, could it be that Frozen just resonates with the kid because he likes the characters, the story, the music,
and also because it was so visible with all the marketing behind it? And If that's the case, I really dont see any problem with him playing with the dolls, basically role playing.
Using his imagination. But when it comes to things like the wig, and the dresses, does she have to buy the kid these things simply because he says he wants it?
Of course he wants it, it's his favorite movie characters from his favorite movie with commercial after commercial telling him he wants that.

Where is the harm in Charlize saying no, Im not buying that for you? Not neccesarily saying forcing the social norm on him, by saying that is for girls and you are a boy,
but just simply saying you're not getting that. And if she did that, would he just simply move on to wearing pants like other boys and assimilate that social norm?

Im not sure. But I do know this. Kids test limits. Since they are powerless, they do what you allow them to do.
If they are used to yelling and screaming to get their way, that is what they will do, if the parent constantly falls for it.

So I guess after all of that, my question is, just because the child says he wants something, does that mean tha Charlize as the parent HAS to buy it?
I wouldn't want my kid to be dressing like a girl either though.
Is there something wrong with having this want?

You aren't letting your kid pick and chose what he wants to dress as.

As a parent, you shouldn't force that on your child
where did da kid get da money to have all this Frozen merch & ballet shoes?

propaganda b, no different than raising a little neo nazi.
When did men wearing dresses exterminate millions of people? Or carried forth an ideology that is in support of mass genocide?
iron man and barbie arent any different, both toys that children dont need...

materialistic distractions from practical things they could be learning to do like cooking, tai chi, or coding...
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Threads like this always remind me of one of the best things ever posted on NT:


Originally Posted by knowledgebones72  

Culture of hyper-masculinity regardless of the realities of normal human existance = emasculation of the black man
yeah this is not an extreme view at all...lmao

lets blame the masculinity as the reason why there are so many black people in jail.

not the systemic racism thats been in place for hundreds of years. 

and now iron man and barbie are the same toy 
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^ I don't think masculinity is the problem -- it's the extreme hyper-masculinity that OP was referring to.

I'd argue that masculinity can be many things: calm/collected/confident personality, good education, taking care of your kids/family, contributing to your community, dressing/doing as you wish so long as it doesn't impede on others' lives, etc.
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Where is the harm in Charlize saying no, Im not buying that for you? Not neccesarily saying forcing the social norm on him, by saying that is for girls and you are a boy

some far left liberals consider identifying a child as boy or girl is bad parenting and outdated since they are not old enough to decide who they are yet :lol:
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Threads like this always remind me of one of the best things ever posted on NT:


Originally Posted by knowledgebones72 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Culture of hyper-masculinity regardless of the realities of normal human existance = emasculation of the black man


yeah this is not an extreme view at all...lmao
lets blame the masculinity as the reason why there are so many black people in jail.

not the systemic racism thats been in place for hundreds of years. 

and now iron man and barbie are the same toy :rofl:  

Systemic racism is one of the causes and influences of hypermasculine behavior in some black Americans [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Look harder at what he's saying.
Oh yea,let me give my opinion on this topic:

parents suppose to train and raise their children. not the other way around.
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