Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..

Dressing your son is a dress is on the same level as Dressing him like a Nazi :rolleyes :smh: :lol:

yes it is.

you're using da kid as a prop in both instances to push an agenda.

this is what gender neutral parent advocates do to their kids, last time i checked kids dont have their own money to make their own decisions.

No it isn't, you are being ridiculous with this Ben Carson "It is just like the Nazis" schtick

Plus Theron has said nothing about raising her kid gender neutral.

-And GFTO with the implication (you not really implying it though) that supporting the transgender community, is the same as supporting the Nazis. They are no where near the same.

where did da kid get da money to have all this Frozen merch & ballet shoes? :nerd:

propaganda b, no different than raising a little neo nazi.

Transgender people are now on the level as the Nazi :rolleyes

gender neutral parenting ≠ transsexualism

nice try though :lol:

da point which you are conveniently dodging is da METHODS of propaganda which are being employed here are no different than using a offspring as a neo nazi political prop.
The only method you have brought up is clothing.

You have conveintly left out the hate speech, and seeing yourself as superior to others. And you know, the extreme nationalism.

But don't let those things get in the way of your false equivalency
I need the homie sckid to come in with them cliffs.
This thread been lit for too long...

da OG princess boy thread was alot more funnier...hell even da kid with da extra carbs in his daily nutritional facts in da Barbie commercial was more entertaining...

this? ehh..too much faux approval from men pretending da dress money is coming outta their wallets for their tikes :lol:

i can cosign da robes though...

The only method you have brought up is clothing.

cuz its relevance to this thread, your SJW shtick needs not apply here. jeez :lol:

Do you not know the difference between plural and singular.

You said methods, I'm pointing you only mentioned one.

Even then, the comparison is still ridiculous.

So I'm asking, what are these other methods. Actually I'm just pointing out the false equivalency. Because it takes more than clothing to make your child a neo Nazi. (And you specifically mentioned raising a neo-nazi.) You would have to indoctrinate them.

But nice try on the deflection
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cuz its relevance to this thread, your SJW shtick needs not apply here. jeez :lol:
If it weren't for SJWs you'd be a slave tho :lol:

civil rights leaders ≠ sjw..nice try

So I'm asking, what are these other methods. Because it takes more than clothing to make your child a neo Nazi.

like i said, we're talking strictly appearance, cuz da child hasn't uttered a word here.

your deep tissue analysis of systemic oppression isn't needed here :lol:

da parent is obviously da root of this, princess boy gender neutral parent advocate.
I wouldn't want my kid to be dressing like a girl either though.
Is there something wrong with having this want?

I also don't want my kid dressing likes samurai.
Or like a frat bro.
I want my son to dress like Kanye...or Camron

What is wrong with having these wants from life?
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I wouldn't want my kid to be dressing like a girl either though.
Is there something wrong with having this want?

I also don't want my kid dressing likes samurai.
Or like a frat bro.
I want my son to dress like Kanye...or Camron

What is wrong with having these wants from life?
Besides wanting him to dress like Kanye, nothing.
I wouldn't want my kid to be dressing like a girl either though.
Is there something wrong with having this want?

yeah all the keyboard warriors will call you a bigot because you think boys should dress like boys

just cause they think it puts them on some moral pedalstool lmao
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I wouldn't want my kid to be dressing like a girl either though.
Is there something wrong with having this want?

I also don't want my kid dressing likes samurai.
Or like a frat bro.
I want my son to dress like Kanye...or Camron

What is wrong with having these wants from life?

Is Charize Theron or anyone else telling you how you gotta dress your kid famb ?

Because there sure are a lot of dudes that are telling this woman how she should and shouldn't dress her kid.
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I wouldn't want my kid to be dressing like a girl either though.

Is there something wrong with having this want?

yeah all the keyboard warriors will call you a bigot because you think boys should dress like boys

just cause they think it puts them on some moral pedalstool lmao


seeing as how da proliferation of diamonds in Hollywood via carefully placed discreet Debeers propaganda campaign lead to their mass acceptance, these Hollywood "paparazzi" shots aren't much different.

cuz lets face it, this is a complete non issue in da real world once u get off social quicker find 100 bucks on da ground then a father buying his little son a princess dress.

Hollywood ≠ main street.
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Really man? You want me to bring up threads were u have definitely been a SJW? Now you wanna act like you at a Trump rally> :lol:
We can also bring up threads where you've disowned and put down black women and shook and jived for their pale skin counter parts then show up in every social injustice thread fronting like you care about your fellow blackman. Unlike you, not everyone is willing to put their son in a dress and have the media come and take photos just to get some attention to possibly move ahead in life. Have some dignity man.
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I need the homie sckid to come in with them cliffs.
This thread been lit for too long...

- movie star charlize therons adopted son is seen wearing a dress.

- the argument is made that she is leading her son to a life of zest

- counter arguments arise from free spirits.

- the subject of a white woman raising a black child is discussed.

- dcallamerican touches on the subject of "flamboyancy"

- can a white woman explain racism to a black child becomes a topic of discussion.

- NT then "niketalks"

- the subject of the boy wearing a dress comes up once again.

- personal shots are thrown.

- enter ninjahood.

- "you got it bros" are inevitable
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Putting your son in a dress is nothing but an attempt at getting ahead in life? :lol:

Some of y'all have such a distorted sense of reality
You mean when I said Kelly Rowland was my ideal woman? Are you a black woman, cause you sound like one of those if a black man dates a white women he only likes them types...but I digress. 

Oh bdw I'm only attracted to black men if that matters. Idris Elba is a fine nubian man (dead serious).
View media item 643035

Even if I were a woman, that makes my post less credible ? You some kind of sexist ?
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why do you call people, who arent extreme liberals, trump supporters? 

cause you are way off. 

you probably a bernie bro lmao
Dudes literally say stuff like homosexuals are not natural and still think they're being called bigots cuz they don't want their son wearing a dress.

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Keep using my "supposed" lack of support for black people as a crutch, even though you're siding with certain NTers who have also called me a social justice warrior for being "pro-black".

When is the next Trump rally Mr. Digletson? :nerd:
The real question is when is your next Klansman meeting. You don't care for blacks and you put down women and claims to be "progressive".
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Where are these extremist?

And you just complained about being labeled a bigot for your views, but now you wanna label people extremists for theirs.
complaining ? nah...never

yall are soft. yall call everyone a bigot these days if they have an opinion.  

i get it. no ones feelings should ever be hurt. 
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