Charles Barkley pushing back against da political correctness frowning of N word

at the end of the day.    it's alot of people who are butthurt thinking.  "if they can say it, why can't i say it"  "if i can't say it, then no one else can say it either"

it's a word people use amongst their friends as a slang term. moreso in places like nyc and the bay area.  

context is what should matter more then anything.   if someone refers to their homie or friend as their n with an a, who's it really hurting.    now if someone says it in the riley cooper context then that's a whole other issue and they should be checked.

i knew when matt barnes tweeted this and offered his explanation afterwards, that the politically correct sensitive police were going to be out in full effect.

im suprised he hasn't been accused of speaking in a bullying manner yet the way current day society is so soft.  
Hmm. So some people deny the liberty for white people to do something simply because of their race. Isn't that..... racist? Irony.
see but if u aint black how can u dictate what is ok and not to say
me personally i aint trippin
i wanna just know what ur rebuttal would be
just like we cant tell u that ur black and it be ok
why can u say the n word and it be ok
Everybody wanna be a n___
but nobody wanna be a n___

Pretty much.

Watch a racist hit him with the n-word with the hard -er at the end and they be all like "hey man, I'm not even black" :rolleyes

Clowns I tell you....CLOWNS.
You can say whatever you want and other human have a right to the reaction of what ever you say.

I'm black, I use it really only around other black people.

if a white or "not-black" ninja hood style black person, says it in mixed company there is going to be a negative reaction,

why is this so hard to understand about the N-word, its like every other bad word; know your audience, and if you don't know your audience you take th risk and suffer the consequences.
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You can say whatever you want and other human have a right to the reaction of what ever you say.

I'm black, I use it really only around other black people.

if a white or "not-black" ninja hood style black person, says it in mixed company there is going to be a negative reaction,

why is this so hard to understand about the N-word, its like every other bad word; know your audience, and if you don't know your audience you take th risk and suffer the consequences.

Couldn't have said it any better... though I rarely use it period, even around black people.

If you not black, just don't say it... especially aloud. It's not hard at all
im latino, and only 1 time in my life has anyone ever voiced concerns over my use of the word. It opened my eye and i tried to curb it around him but in general i use it to this day, I do say it less then when i was younger but i cant help it. Its like saying the F word or the B word.
Life is so weird. A group vehemently despises a word only when used by a certain race. Yet when a member of their own race uses it, it transforms to a term of endearment. Life is too crazy to think logically.
i hate that people say "oh we owned it and turned into a term of endearment" no...whites used to call blacks the n with the er so much that blacks would call each other that. it was not owning was accepted as what we were because the majority of people around us called us that. if dogs could talk and its master kept calling it "cat" and training it to think it was a cat eventually it would start to believe it was a cat because that's what was trained into its thinking. if it thinks its a cat it would then refer to other dogs as cats..
i hate that people say "oh we owned it and turned into a term of endearment" no...whites used to call blacks the n with the er so much that blacks would call each other that. it was not owning was accepted as what we were because the majority of people around us called us that. if dogs could talk and its master kept calling it "cat" and training it to think it was a cat eventually it would start to believe it was a cat because that's what was trained into its thinking. if it thinks its a cat it would then refer to other dogs as cats..
:lol: What?? I don't know about you but I'm not a slave and never have been.. aint nobody my master

ME PERSONALLY I use it as a term of endearment
Latino's in NYC using ***** to start and end sentences tripped me the **** out this past summer.

This is the only time hearing it from Latinos and Asians really bothers me; when it doesn't sound... natural, for lack of a better word. Dudes will say that **** like 2-3 times every sentence, grinning from ear to ear.

I'm just chilling there like
Latino's in NYC using ***** to start and end sentences tripped me the **** out this past summer.
This is the only time hearing it from Latinos and Asians really bothers me; when it doesn't sound... natural, for lack of a better word. Dudes will say that **** like 2-3 times every sentence, grinning from ear to ear.

I'm just chilling there like
it only sounds unnatural becuase of the color of their skin

cmon son, if you were talking to someone over the phone without knowing what they looked like, would it still sound unnatural? 
it only sounds unnatural becuase of the color of their skin

cmon son, if you were talking to someone over the phone without knowing what they looked like, would it still sound unnatural? 

Anyone saying ___ 2-3 times every sentence would sound like they're forcing it/unnatural, but in all honesty, yes; I'm probably more aware of just how forced it sounds because of skin color.

Black person says ___ every other word? They sound corny, but who I am to dictate how someone who has just as much of a "right" to use it as I do does so.

Latino/Asian says ___ every other word? I'm laid back, so I let it rock, but I'm thinking to myself, "Son, chill :stoneface: We get it, no one tells you not to say it."
Women call other women the B-word, Homosexuals call other homosexuals "queers". Yet almost everybody seems to have the common sense not to go around calling women b's or callling homosexuals queers, yet somehow when it comes to the n-word everybody is all "why can't I say it too, that's not fair, you're being reverse racist :frown:"

People have selective logic I swear.
Life is so weird. A group vehemently despises a word only when used by a certain race. Yet when a member of their own race uses it, it transforms to a term of endearment. Life is too crazy to think logically.

It's these type of clowns right here :smh:
I do think alot of white people feel that if its not considered acceptable for them to say it then its not acceptable for anyone else to say it either which is funny to me.

However I've heard people of all races say it as a form of slang. Some white dudes and Spanish dudes I guess you can say get the G pass on saying it whereas some kid from the suberbs who says it to try and force it would more likely get checked.

Everyone's reaction is going to be different though
Rappers need to be held accountable if you don't want people of other ethnicities to use the word. Dropping N bombs continuously when a large % of the fans of the culture are not black lets them think that it's perfectly fine to use it. How many white people were calling each other N____ before the genre became mainstream?
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I don't remember who said it, but they said when has "but rappers do it!" been an acceptable reason to do anything?

But like Charles and Wilbon said, I don't think it's up to White America to direct the narrative on when it is acceptable and by whom.
It's not acceptable. But when you have thousands of boring suburban kids who desperately want to look cool, they start copying the slang, style, etc. Hip hop culture is followed by many young people all over America, so you can't expect them to not pick things like that up
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