Originally Posted by KbUeNo12

Originally Posted by Air Murphy 23

Originally Posted by ehbball88

Jay-Z was wearing the CDP iii's at UMass Amherst Sunday October 25. I was there wearing the same shoes as Jigga himself easily the best concert I have ever seen but the fact Jay-Z was wearing the same shoes I was wearing just set it off. I though NT would understand how my mouth just dropped when I saw his shoes, I had a moment, and I could not share it with the people there because they would not understand how I felt, but knew NT would. Here is the video fast forward to J.



Originally Posted by ehbball88

Jay-Z was wearing the CDP iii's at UMass Amherst Sunday October 25. I was there wearing the same shoes as Jigga himself easily the best concert I have ever seen but the fact Jay-Z was wearing the same shoes I was wearing just set it off. I though NT would understand how my mouth just dropped when I saw his shoes, I had a moment, and I could not share it with the people there because they would not understand how I felt, but knew NT would. Here is the video fast forward to J.

Some people are to easily impressed by celebrities, at the end of the day they are people just like you. "Jigga himself" "I had a moment"(I don't even want to know what that 1 implies)
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

if a celebrity is wearing a shoe it means their stylist thinks it will look cute on them. Meaning shoes are cute and trendy and "urban". its better when someone who is an average joe is wearing a dope pair of shoes. Just a soccer dad with some oldies but goodies on. Or a mom with some prestos from 2000 on. There should be a thread dedicated to that instead of people who are told what to wear by someone who is following a trend.

I knew it was going to be on point when I saw you post in here! HA!
its like NT has become shoe paparazzi. Take a picture of a homless person in some jewel forces, or OG delta forces. Not some rapper in a shoe he got for free and was told to wear by his stylist.
why u turnin your noses up at rappers? if i dropped at what i was doing right now and became a rapper all of a sudden im "too cool" to know

whats sneaker heat?
i think the majority of rappers lack style and just follow trends. They are told what to where and are like Ken dolls with a microphone. The restof what you wrote "if i dropped at what i was doing right now and became a rapper all of a sudden im "too cool" to know whats sneaker heat?" im not rreally sure what you are saying so i cant really add dialogue to that. But as far as the rappers are concerned i dont see much originality. Justwearin what your average white boy would on a sunday at the mall.

can anybody point me in the direction to cop some play comme des garcons online that is in ENGLISH

gotta use my airmaxpenny quote "For everyone who said she ugly, then post pics of the last broad you smashed you bunch of fapping, pizza facedvirgins...."
Originally Posted by Air Murphy 23

Originally Posted by ehbball88

Jay-Z was wearing the CDP iii's at UMass Amherst Sunday October 25. I was there wearing the same shoes as Jigga himself easily the best concert I have ever seen but the fact Jay-Z was wearing the same shoes I was wearing just set it off. I though NT would understand how my mouth just dropped when I saw his shoes, I had a moment, and I could not share it with the people there because they would not understand how I felt, but knew NT would. Here is the video fast forward to J.


I'm Sure Yu Nd A THOUSAND Otha Ppl Was Wearin Them Same Shoes. SMH.
Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

^^^ i agree that kanye rocks some stuff that just ain't right (to me, in my opinion, but hey, girls may like it, so it's whatever, but i just couldn't get down in some skinny turquoise colored jeans)...

BUT, when kanye's fit is on point, it BLOWS TI's best fits away (or any rapper imo)...

even his simple fits, like that black tee, lighter colored dior jeans, and the white cement IV's pic that recently got quoted in here a million times, i've never seen another rapper rock jeans so well, they just looked right, not too skinny, not too baggy, the way they stacked, the way they sat on the shoes, everything, and i've personally never seen those J's look so good...

and i'm not even gonna go into the fact that dude made one of the most sought after, most successful shoes any music artist has ever made... or how he got tons of hard acting rapper cats to tighten up their clothes a bit and stop looking so sloppy with the overly baggy junk...

and no, i'm not even a big fan of all of kanye's music or behavior, so i'm not a stan, but i just can't agree that somehow TI is better dressed... i've never seen a TI fit and thought to myself "damn, now that looks ill"...

just my opinion tho...
i frequent other sites when i want to see some d-riding
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