Cars Are Stupid!

Koop I love you. We've always been driving weapons. It'd be cool to go autonomous cars and traffic fully when every car is, but that's the convo. When we getting to that point. Then it's not human error with the machines, it's basically the Sensor in your 2021 car that knows if you're about to hit something, which is great.
Koop I love you. We've always been driving weapons. It'd be cool to go autonomous cars and traffic fully when every car is, but that's the convo. When we getting to that point. Then it's not human error with the machines, it's basically the Sensor in your 2021 car that knows if you're about to hit something, which is great.

I want to take this out of our hands period (minus few well trained and veted)

Like we just don't let everyone fly a plane.

Your drunk uncle Larry has a DL.

Tooooo many cars, toooo much fossil fuel.

Its something we all know but have made NO advancements towards.
Some people are stupid...we gonna get rid of them too?

Car/tire companies etc and politicians are the reason we don't have better infrastructure. The US use to lead the world in rail until the rail companies were bought up and shut said car/tire companies.
Elevated railways over highways and major roadways in city’s would a good solution. Just build upon already existing infrastructure.
it’s all politics. With all this blood on the streets, these ****ers raise the gas and car prices..
I don’t mind the train at all. I prefer it to go and come from work and it’s usually faster too. Better than looking for parking in Manhattan and having to feed the meter and/or leave work for a few to move the car.
You would love NYC op :lol:.

Not only is there too much traffic, wild fools, and very limited legal parking on the road, the transportation system gets packed, and you deal with street performers, homeless people, crazy people, beggars, detoured/delayed trains and buses and increases in the cost of riding. And if you're lucky you might catch Alp :lol:.
the transportation system gets packed, and you deal with street performers, homeless people, crazy people, beggars, detoured/delayed trains and buses and increases in the cost of riding.

While I love taking public transportation overseas, this the main reason I avoid public transportation in the US unless absolutely necessary. BART and MUNI in the Bay Area have the same issues, there’s always some fiend covered in piss/feces, mentally ill person creating a scene, or unexplained mechanical issue/delay/cancellation ruining your commute.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that towards the end of 2018, when I didn’t have a car for a few months,, MUNI trains to get to my work were constantly canceled or delayed by 20-30 minutes EVERY DAY, causing me to rack up $$$ in Uber charges that my company thankfully reimbursed me for. I got lucky; I heard of plenty of people who lost their jobs because their employers didn’t care that their sole method of transportation never showed up.

until American public transportation can consistently provide a clean, safe, timely experience like other developed countries, I’d rather just drive and pay for/find parking. It’s not like the old @&$ trains in this country are that much faster anyway
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Are you saying we should all be driving EV's by now?
Are you saying something better than the pure invention of cars should be obsolete by now?
Random, but I feel like we should be past driving cars.

The older I get, the more stupid **** I see on the road...... its dumb.

Is there a movement for less cars and more public transit out there?
It doesn't help that most American cities aren't walkable or bike-friendly. I have a car and still take public transportation at least a few times a week.
In California....

By 2024 all small gas powered motors will be banned. Leaf blowers, lawn mowers, & etc....

By 2035 all new car sales must be emission free. Followed by truck and buses in2045.
While I love taking public transportation overseas, this the main reason I avoid public transportation in the US unless absolutely necessary. BART and MUNI in the Bay Area have the same issues, there’s always some fiend covered in piss/feces, mentally ill person creating a scene, or unexplained mechanical issue/delay/cancellation ruining your commute.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that towards the end of 2018, when I didn’t have a car for a few months,, MUNI trains to get to my work were constantly canceled or delayed by 20-30 minutes EVERY DAY
It depends on which line you take. I usually take the 54, T, 8, or 14. Out of those 4, the T is the only problematic one as far as being on schedule. As far as dealing with crazy people, San Francisco has always had crazy people, especially the 14. You probably got used to Europe. Bart was really ****** for most of 2020, but it's pretty much back to normal.
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