car notes bout to be da new housing bubble VOL. NTers paying BMWs off in 73 months

Unless you writing off lease payment as a business

Expense and recouping all that back in da tax season

then Its basically probably one of da biggest money

Wasters, with nothing to show for it in da end of da


unless you are a mechanic and very into the maintanence of a car, a used car out of warranty is just as much a waste of money....


Spoken like TRUE millennial :smh: :lol:

You do know cars are entering some of their most

Reliable era ever right?

Cats scared of changing their own oil these days and

**** :lol:
Not necessarily true. There are a lot of good cars out there out of warranty that are in great condition x are the better buy for your money.  Just because you buy a new car, doesn't mean that its the best deal. 

The best possible way to drive a car though is definitely leasing. Paying cash or financing a new car is dumb IMO. You're paying interest (unless you're paying 0% obviously) and depreciation. Really depends on what kind of car you get though

its a leap of faith when dealing with out of warranty cars, you may land a good car, a great car and you can also land a damb lemon for which unexpectedly youll have to drop hundreds of dollars in one shot to take care of issues which will otherwise be covered unnder a warranty, i rather budget before hand with a monthly steady payment than having to have a rainy fund set aside strictly for unexpected car issues, not to mention i hate dealing with not an engine head so heading into a mechanic shop im completely vulnerable, i remember i had bought a 1997 honda accord back in 2004, biggest lemon on wheels and the main reason i told myself, never again...i maxed out my credit cards and even some of my mothers, trying to solve some over heating issue, mechanics took us for alot of money, till i practically had to give that POS away.
Unless you writing off lease payment as a business

Expense and recouping all that back in da tax season

then Its basically probably one of da biggest money

Wasters, with nothing to show for it in da end of da


unless you are a mechanic and very into the maintanence of a car, a used car out of warranty is just as much a waste of money....

you are paying for convenience and comfort, my shift starts at 7pm, i walk out my house at 6:55pm and make it on time because of my car, you will never convince me that a car
Thats cuz luxury vehicles have some of da worst

depreciation in da whole industry..

people that should and can be riding in LUXURY cars shouldnt be too concern about the depreciation value of said car.

the problem is when someone who cant eem afford to buy a house wants to jump into the latest range rover with an 800$ monthly payment and thinking of it as an long as people stay in their lane, there shouldnt be a problem.
I got what I could afford and 3 years later paid it off, I'm gonna drive this thing until it has absolutely nothing left to give.

By then I'll have saved up enough $ to get something I want that won't break the bank. Win win
Spoken like TRUE millennial :smh: :lol:

You do know cars are entering some of their most

Reliable era ever right?

Cats scared of changing their own oil these days and

**** :lol:

call it what you want I care

about the maintanence of a

car as much as you care to

pay your own rent/mortgage...

I rather let a third party handle that for me, IE a dealer.
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Spoken like TRUE millennial

You do know cars are entering some of their most

Reliable era ever right?

Cats scared of changing their own oil these days and

call it what you want I care

about the maintanence of a

car as much as you care to

pay your own rent/mortgage...
Only thing is once that mortgage paid off, equity of the crizib has potential to increase. A car on the other hand... yeah...
Only thing is once that mortgage paid off, equity of the crizib has potential to increase. A car on the other hand... yeah...

and this is why i lease or as NH would say i rent a car long term, im not worried about the depreciating value, i just want to ride out a car for its best years worry free with the exception of regular oil changes, tire rotations and change of tires maybe 1 time in the lease period.....what happens to the value or after my lease is up has me with no worries.
If you're trying to be smart with your money just buy used

buying new is not that much better than a lease

lease> IMO b/c you can stay with the newest whips
buying new is only smart if you are buying your dream car with disposable income, i learned that the hard way, NEVER think of a car as an investment, think of it as what it is, a machine that will get old, lose value but in the meantime it can fascilitate your life, so you are not really throwing money away, what i spend on monthly paymets, is pretty much around the same as i would on a metronorth fees, buses and trains, cabs and most importantly my time and convenience.
How can you not afford a car but have a valid opinion on leasing a vehicle?
From what Ninja posts I believe its a choice to not a have a car right now, not lack of funds
Who cant afford a car?
Slow down fool.
U kno i'll quote u if ima fire shots at you. Lol
I kno u have 5000 shoes u can sell at any time and buy da hemi.

Btw... Im with you on the long lease terms. If its longer then 3 years you not suppose to be in that car. IMO.
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Ninja you live in a place where it's not completely unheard of to not own a car at your age. Here in baltimore there is decent public transportation but I would never wanna endure such a headache day in and day out to commute to work and school. So much time would be wasted waiting on the light rail and bus. I prioritize in order to be able to afford my car note and insurance every month. I understand where your logic comes from but honestly for people that aren't from NY it sounds silly to us that someone who can afford a car chooses not to.
Slow down fool.
U kno i'll quote u if ima fire shots at you. Lol
I kno u have 5000 shoes u can sell at any time and buy da hemi.

Btw... Im with you on the long lease terms. If its longer then 3 years you not suppose to be in that car. IMO.

not really true

a lot of people get great interest rates and finance for 5 years but pay it off well before hand

I financed my BRZ for 5 years and my interest is like $6.30 a month, I can pay it off any time I want to but I'd rather pay it off when I feel like it

if you know how to handle your money than you are fine but the folks who get into 6-7 loans with $600+ car payments are way over their head
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Ninja you live in a place where it's not completely unheard of to not own a car at your age. Here in baltimore there is decent public transportation but I would never wanna endure such a headache day in and day out to commute to work and school. So much time would be wasted waiting on the light rail and bus. I prioritize in order to be able to afford my car note and insurance every month. I understand where your logic comes from but honestly for people that aren't from NY it sounds silly to us that someone who can afford a car chooses not to.

in my personal preference, as awesome as the transport system in ny is, i would never want to give up the comfort/privacy of my car to be mixed in with all sorts of commuters day in and out :x @ the ratchetness that goes on in some of these trains is hard to tune out...

whats the average interest rate on car loans nowadays? i always see 0% apr for x amount of months type advertisements.

What's messed up is that rate is only for people with top tier credit. The worse your credit the higher the rate is. If you want a good loan rate don't get it from the dealer because they are getting "points" off it. Join a credit union if you want some of the best loan rates and you can take your loan check to buy whatever you want.
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