Candidates Want to Wipe Student Loan Dept: Is it a Good Idea?

Bandaid on a gunshot wound. The problem is these colleges and universities cost tooooooooooo much got damn money to begin. Lower the cost of education, and make community college free.

All this, particularly free community college. I do think in the meantime student loan debt should be wiped though.

That’s more money able to be put into the economy tbh.
Even Community colleges are expensive

I have no sympathy for someone who goes to a private University and majors in underwater basketweaving and ends up with six figures of student loan debt. Should have at least gone to a public university
Even Community colleges are expensive

I have no sympathy for someone who goes to a private University and majors in underwater basketweaving and ends up with six figures of student loan debt. Should have at least gone to a public university
I think only certain amounts should be forgiven. Capped at about say 5k a year worth max. Going to private is a personal choice, nobody forced anyone to throw away that money.
We as tax payers gotta pay for STADIUMS, and other silly municipal entities (which hey, corrupt city officials steal a chunk of, to buy yachts and fund vacations) that are worthless?

Hey, maybe they should’ve chose better careers too
We’ve all paid millions to fund Trumps Golf Trips and their family dinners for the past 3 years and also pay for every BS court hearing. People don’t like to talk about that stuff though. “Water wii?? Socialists?????”. Idiots
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We’ve all paid millions to fund Trumps Golf Trips and their family dinners for the past 3 years and also pay for every BS court hearing. People don’t like to talk about that stuff though. “Water wii?? Socialists?????”. Idiots
They rather have that money pay for the lawsuits that the police they luv so much get hit with when they wild out than investing in things to better society
They rather have that money pay for the lawsuits that the police they luv so much get hit with when they wild out than investing in things to better society
Right? How much those body cams that immediately get lost or shut off cost to place on all cops? How much paid cop leave are we paying for when they kill someone? “But water bout ma tax money??”.
Capitalism will eventually fall.

I’m against it for a few reasons. It would likely be a one time deal so there would need to be a change to the student loan process to help future students who likely wouldn’t get the same opportunity since they weren’t in the right place at the right time. Some type of reimbursement would be needed for those who paid theirs off already or it sets an extremely poor precedent to anyone who paid their debts despite them being a burden on them which minimized their quality of life.

However I’d be open to some type of program where they do volunteer work, community service, mentoring kids, coaching in youth leagues, tutoring students, helping senior citizens etc to pay down that debt. Include some mandatory budgeting program to try and prevent them from d ending up in other forms of debt.

Once they complete a certain amount of hours depending on what they owe, it’s wiped clean. Make it realistic and manageable to where it can be done in a way that works around work schedules.

They already have a loan forgiveness program for public service.... It just needs to be streamlined and expanded. Trump and Betsy trying to kill it. I'll be annoyed if they succeed because Im a federal government employee making my payments like I'm supposed to but it isn't denting my principle balance.
I wouldn't benefit at this point, but I don't really care. Main agenda should be tackling how schools are charging exuberant amounts for an education. I take my Master's program online, yet I still have to pay fees for facilities I don't go to. I even get charged lab fees for classes when all thats required is me typing **** on my computer.

my schooling so far is affordable but some of these fees for online classes :smh:
A topic I need to do more research on is who this concept will benefit the most. Please reread the first sentence these aren’t facts, but I need to do research on both sides of the topic to make a personal stance. Although we have more people in the lower classes going to school, what percentages of these classes hold the most debt. Plenty of lawyers, Dr.’s, etc. are in school DEBT, that doesn’t mean they are struggling. I also think we are ignoring the root cause of the issue and need something more comprehensive to make it long term. If you haven’t already check out Purdue’s concept on this, it will be interesting to see how that plays out. Otherwise I’m in for more information on this topic.
I think this will just be used as bait to get the vote of the young voters.

I wouldn't benefit at this point, but I don't really care. Main agenda should be tackling how schools are charging exuberant amounts for an education. I take my Master's program online, yet I still have to pay fees for facilities I don't go to. I even get charged lab fees for classes when all thats required is me typing **** on my computer.
That's the real way to solve the issue by tackling the root of the issue. These big businesses (colleges) not giving that up
I’m against it for a few reasons. It would likely be a one time deal so there would need to be a change to the student loan process to help future students who likely wouldn’t get the same opportunity since they weren’t in the right place at the right time. Some type of reimbursement would be needed for those who paid theirs off already or it sets an extremely poor precedent to anyone who paid their debts despite them being a burden on them which minimized their quality of life.

However I’d be open to some type of program where they do volunteer work, community service, mentoring kids, coaching in youth leagues, tutoring students, helping senior citizens etc to pay down that debt. Include some mandatory budgeting program to try and prevent them from d ending up in other forms of debt.

Once they complete a certain amount of hours depending on what they owe, it’s wiped clean. Make it realistic and manageable to where it can be done in a way that works around work schedules.
We're not talking about criminals who need to be reformed.

We are not talking about engineers, lawyers, or doctors racking up school debt in fields that will allow them to earn enough to repay.

This is not a proposal based on saving irresponsible people.

This is a proposal based on the fact that under the current reality of wages, many, many NEEDED professions in society (like teaching) will never generate the kind of money needed to repay the cost of education necessary to enter aforementioned professions.

Most importantly, this is a proposal aimed at making sure that we don't end up with a stagnant or deflating economy.

The government needs to stop backing these loans so schools will no longer be able to get away with charging exorbitant tuition.

Schools will keep charging high tuition and only educate the offspring of the 1% and rich foreigners.

Like it used to be before the 20th century.
I think only certain amounts should be forgiven. Capped at about say 5k a year worth max. Going to private is a personal choice, nobody forced anyone to throw away that money.
That's a fact I say **** that honestly it's not like its a hospital bill where u have no choice but to get help
So we want to forgive student loan debt just so the kids will go lease a $70k luxury car?

I can only imagine the number of kids that will attend college now because they wont have to pay for it.
So we want to forgive student loan debt just so the kids will go lease a $70k luxury car?

I can only imagine the number of kids that will attend college now because they wont have to pay for it.

basically be 13th grade & beyond.
Doctors coming out with 300k+ in loans. Hell some even 1mill+ in loans.

Y’all fine with forgiving them? It’s the institutions that’s eating. Everything is for profit now a days.
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