Candidates Want to Wipe Student Loan Dept: Is it a Good Idea?

I’m against it for a few reasons. It would likely be a one time deal so there would need to be a change to the student loan process to help future students who likely wouldn’t get the same opportunity since they weren’t in the right place at the right time. Some type of reimbursement would be needed for those who paid theirs off already or it sets an extremely poor precedent to anyone who paid their debts despite them being a burden on them which minimized their quality of life.

However I’d be open to some type of program where they do volunteer work, community service, mentoring kids, coaching in youth leagues, tutoring students, helping senior citizens etc to pay down that debt. Include some mandatory budgeting program to try and prevent them from d ending up in other forms of debt.

Once they complete a certain amount of hours depending on what they owe, it’s wiped clean. Make it realistic and manageable to where it can be done in a way that works around work schedules.
Policy does not equal stance.
Before someone complains more about “ma taxes” know that the idiot Trump took the tine to request tanks for the 4th of July parade. Hope you watch it because you paid for it
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