Can you really turn a H@e Into a House Wife? serious topic......

You definitely cant do it.

My best friend is saving a $+% right now. Dude claims he met her in school then i guess she missed registration (on purpose) so this idiot moved her into HIS ROOM. He lives with his grandma and mom in the family house and it's just ridiculous. she doesnt cook or pay rent and this guy just takes meals up to the room for her to each. She's a #%@@%!+ and her friends are the worst. She's had an abortion before and everything about her screams that she's a $+% and that she ran this game on dudes before. It's one thing when your friends dont like your girl, because those are your boys and ya'll might not chill as much anymore, so that's natural....but NO ONE in his family likes this girl....the most telling sign is that NONE of the women in his family take well to her. She got off work one night and got out a car with 4 dudes

Her and him got into an argument by his job...shorty ends up wylin out and breaks his glasses. This simp still messing with her off and on. Knocked her up and was gonna have a kid with her till they got an abortion.

Be smart.
Originally Posted by kix4kix


I would quote the whole thing, but that'd be doing too much.

Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

Double standards man. I'm 27, been w/ prolly 30 chicks in my life. Am I a Ho? Am i unworthy of being married? Yet, if it's a chick, she's dirty or a ho for acting on the same urges, we all get and act on and want women to act on. Like it doesn't make sense. Sex feels good, it releases chemicals and compounds that enhance our well being. As long as a chick practiced good habits, and wasn't using sex to fill some void in her life. I could careless what her past was. Because I know mine isn't sparkling.

Everyone goes thru phases, and has to come to their own personal realizations about what they want out of life. You guys are all too much. You want a model type dime, who is a virgin, but knows every sexual trick there is. Like come on. I'd bet the avg married 25-35 yr old woman, has like 15+ partners minimum.

We are all wired to enjoy sex and be %%$*, get off of it.

This man knows.
Originally Posted by NavyBoy24

This should go down as thread of the year on relationships/women..

nah, everybody pretty much is saying the same thing...but dudes is keeping it real.
some of your mothers were #$+! and your simp %%* daddies wifed them $++%#
i'm not saying....i'm just saying 
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