Can We Have A Serious, Mature Discussion on Abortion?

Aug 4, 2011
To preface this topic and bring forth an idea, I don't agree with the act of abortion but I'm not radical.

Since the baby is half the man's, and half the woman's, shouldn't the man have a say?
To go further with this, if the woman can just go and get an abortion ,
shouldn't the man be able to choose to abort the baby?

Please tell me if my statement isn't clear, this is kinda weird to write down.
If I'm wrong please educate me.
To preface this topic and bring forth an idea, I don't agree with the act of abortion but I'm not radical.
Since the baby is half the man's, and half the woman's, shouldn't the man have a say?
To go further with this, if the woman can just go and get an abortion ,
shouldn't the man be able to choose to abort the baby?
Please tell me if my statement isn't clear, this is kinda weird to write down.
If I'm wrong please educate me.


You can have a say, but the decision is the woman's, bottom line.

After all, it's her body.
pretty much my sentiment.  A man is more than welcome to give his opinion on the matter, but we don't carry a baby for 9 months.
im pro.

a lot of people need to choose NOT to have kids

guys paying child support, women relying on child support, guys not ready and have no idea how to be a father, families who's lives would be better if they didn't have to collectively raise this baby that no one planned for...

not to mention each of them now have difficulty starting another family when they're ready because now they have to find a woman that can accept them, their baby, their babys mother/father :smh:

its all ridiculous ,
I've always thought that a man should get a say because he was also responsible for creating the child, but Roe v. Wade says that a man can't and ultimately they have the final decision. When it comes down to it, you should only conceive with someone who you can see as your wife and there is a mutual decision.
im pro.
a lot of people need to choose NOT to have kids
guys paying child support, women relying on child support, guys not ready and have no idea how to be a father, families who's lives would be better if they didn't have to collectively raise this baby that no one planned for...
not to mention each of them now have difficulty starting another family when they're ready because now they have to find a woman that can accept them, their baby, their babys mother/father

its all ridiculous ,
I feel the same way. My mother's family is a testament to what your saying. Having babies at the age of 17. They can't take care of themselves so how do they expect to take care of a a baby?
Yes, a man has quite a few opportunities to take a stand on abortion before the issue hits him in the face. If one is against it, then he should avoid getting a girl pregnant in the first place by the use of protection and birth control. If he doesn't, then he should be mentally and financially prepared to take on the responsibiilties of fatherhood. On the other hand, If one is for abortion, then he needs to find a woman who shares the same views... Because once a woman is pregnant, the man's power on this topic diminishes. He can reason, plead, or beg all he wants, she'll have the final say.
People always make the argument that the woman is the one that has to carry the baby for 9 months. However, they don't consider the permanency of the matter. If the man was willing to take sole custody of the child then he should absolutely have a say. (besides the fact that the baby is only insider her body and not an actual body itself)
People always make the argument that the woman is the one that has to carry the baby for 9 months. However, they don't consider the permanency of the matter. If the man was willing to take sole custody of the child then he should absolutely have a say. (besides the fact that the baby is only insider her body and not an actual body itself)
I'm a liberal. We can all make our own decisions.

If a couple feels like they should have an abortion because of medical reasons and what not, then I would be in support of that.

At the same time, if a woman uses abortion as an outlet, then that is her choice.

Having abortions doesn't come w/o consequences you know. She can have the risk of not being able to have a healthy pregnancy down the road. To say the least, there are consequences.

A guy should be responsible for his actions. If he got someone pregnant, he can't just force her. It would have to be a 'joint' decision. If they cannot agree, well the guy will be stuck paying alimony. Too bad, too sad.
Tough topic, but I feel that a woman should have the right to abort as it is her body. I feel that the man should also have the right to not be financially obligated if he does not want to be forced to support the child as the woman has this given right (abortion/ dropping off at hospital or orphanage etc.) It gets sketchy when a man wants the child but the woman does not. I feel the man should also be entitled to that, but the fact that the woman must carry it makes it difficult...

On th reverse...
These things should be considered prior to the "act" as to not be put in that type of tough predicamtent. In the end whats best for the child is always first as it had no say in the matter.
I hate that this topic is such a huge deciding factor in politics, thats the main reason it upsets me. Its a personal decision and should be left at that.
Tough topic, but I feel that a woman should have the right to abort as it is her body. I feel that the man should also have the right to not be financially obligated if he does not want to be forced to support the child as the woman has this given right (abortion/ dropping off at hospital or orphanage etc.) It gets sketchy when a man wants the child but the woman does not. I feel the man should also be entitled to that, but the fact that the woman must carry it makes it difficult...

On th reverse...
These things should be considered prior to the "act" as to not be put in that type of tough predicamtent. In the end whats best for the child is always first as it had no say in the matter.
Doesn't that then beg the question whether death is the right thing for the child?
Your body, your business is my view on all this, who am I to judge.
Man should definitely have a say.

I think they both should have a serious conversation about it.

Are they planning on being together?
Can they support a child?
Are they ready for a child?
Do they really want a child?

A lot of different factors can lead to an unplanned pregnancy, I dont think its fair to anyone involved, including the child, to be put in a situation they arent ready for.
I'm pro choice. As a female, I feel it is ultimately my decision to make about when and/or if I want to become responsible for another human life. Based on the situation I have with the kid's father and our agreement on whether or not to go through with this would weigh heavily. I think people who have totally opposite views on this should not bother getting together or having sex in the first place. As for me I tell a guy straight up I'm not ready to be a mother anytime soon so heaven forbid, birth control or condom failure occur more than likely I will not go through with a pregnancy. I've yet to have an issue with this at all, I assume because I'm upfront but mostly because INS so...But to answer OP's question, in a "perfect world" yes the man should have say in this choice but in all reality it's up to the woman since she's the one carrying the child. *shrugs*
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