Can God survive the next 150 years?

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

About 150 years ago, Nietzsche said "God is dead". Right around the time that Darwin's theory of evolution shook up the religious society.. Right around the time when Marx, whose ideas went on to be very successful in many parts of the world, said that religion is the opium of people... And yet 150 years later, God doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
Which only proves that mankind isn't as smart as it would like to believe it is. Mankind will always need a crutch.
Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

So gtek you mean to tell me that the bible is the bluprint for this earth?

That it predicts everything that's going to happen? A book created by mere mortals like me and you?

Well in that case. See you on doomsday champ.
1st of all the book was not created by mortals.
2nd of all yes, have you even read the bible? and Im not talking about a few famous quotes.
God won't be going anywhere. However, I think (hope) that the concept of God is going to be replaced by thepersonal experience of God in many peoples lives over the years to come. This is already happening to some degree,although not necessarily through organized religion, and you do need to keep your eyes open to notice it.

And please don't think that it is "impossible to know whether God exists or not". This very belief is what's stopping you from knowing. Ifyou keep an open mind and you truly want to know the truth, you will find the truth. But if you shut yourself off from it by saying it's impossible toknow then of course you're never going to know. You're not even asked to believe in God for no reason, just be more open minded and have a desire toknow the actual truth, and not just to reinforce the beliefs that you already have.
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

it baffles me how so many very educated people believe in religion

One doesn't have to be stupid to believe in religion.

One has to subscribe to a certain belief. Either:

a) Theism, that a higher power created us and placed us here, or
b) Atheism, by almost impossible odds we were produced out of the big bang by chance.

Both belief systems are difficult to blindly accept. It shouldn't be so difficult to see why people would be suspicious of both beliefs.

I shouldn't simply put 2 choices out there. There is a grey area.

For example, Einstein believed in God, not necessarily religion though.
I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.
(Albert Einstein, responding to Rabbi Herbert Goldstein who had sent Einstein a cablegram bluntly demanding "Do you believe in God?" Quoted from Victor J. Stenger, Has Science Found God? 2001, chapter 3.)
One of the biggest reasons for his belief in a God was physics formulas. He claimed the formulas used to explain modern physical phenomena werenot just formulas, they were beautiful formulas. And because of their beauty, it made him believe that a higher power deliberately did that, rather by chance.
I believe the concept of "God" will exist forever for better or for worse. I'll just say what I say all the time in these threads: If there is a"God", it needs to either speak for itself or find better spokespeople.

I think people cling to "God" not only because they can't explain what happens in the "End", but also because they cannot explain whathappened in the "beginning". I use quotations because I think the biggest mystery to man will always be the concept of time. Most if not all peopleare conditioned to view time as a line with an unexplainable beginning and an unpredictable end. I think that we should look at time as a loop that passes overits self with each cycle (infinity). This thinking will allow us to release this fear of an end that will never come and progress to a level of being able torecognize the crossover point of the time loop.

I'm personally Agnostic. I believe there is some force with some purpose. But I also believe it's better to not try to get into specifics or refer tothis force as your father who created an adversary who he can't defeat even though he can conquer all things while giving us free will, yet decides toflood the Earth when people don't live to his liking, etc., etc. It just gets messy.
well think about it most of the youth now are being forced to go to church, or adapting out of the old way, what makes you think 3-4 generations later it wontcompletly fade and the old way will completly die out.\

but btw, i think this world is gunna be chaos in the next 150 years ( and not by natural disaster)
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

it baffles me how so many very educated people believe in religion

One doesn't have to be stupid to believe in religion.

One has to subscribe to a certain belief. Either:

a) Theism, that a higher power created us and placed us here, or
b) Atheism, by almost impossible odds we were produced out of the big bang by chance.

Both belief systems are difficult to blindly accept. It shouldn't be so difficult to see why people would be suspicious of both beliefs.

I shouldn't simply put 2 choices out there. There is a grey area.

For example, Einstein believed in God, not necessarily religion though.
I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.
(Albert Einstein, responding to Rabbi Herbert Goldstein who had sent Einstein a cablegram bluntly demanding "Do you believe in God?" Quoted from Victor J. Stenger, Has Science Found God? 2001, chapter 3.)
One of the biggest reasons for his belief in a God was physics formulas. He claimed the formulas used to explain modern physical phenomena were not just formulas, they were beautiful formulas. And because of their beauty, it made him believe that a higher power deliberately did that, rather by chance.

I don't think they believe that we were just put here by chance
atheism is more of a lack of belief in any dieties
they don't believe in supernatural claims that lack empirical evidence

it's more like "God doesn't exist and we don't know how humans were created. It could be evolution, it could be something else, but it'snot some dude sitting in the clouds waving his hands and making stuff happen"
Even if there is a god - to think a being that powerful would concern himself with whether or not humans gave a +#!% about him is preposterous. It'segotistical and just downright fitting of human beings to assume we are that important in a world so vast and complicated.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Even if there is a god - to think a being that powerful would concern himself with whether or not humans gave a +#!% about him is preposterous. It's egotistical and just downright fitting of human beings to assume we are that important in a world so vast and complicated.

I somewhat agree with this. I don't believe God concerns himself with all the little details like whether or not someone is gay or believes in him. He doesconcern himself with us on the same level that he does everything else, like a rock or a plant or something.
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

it baffles me how so many very educated people believe in religion

One doesn't have to be stupid to believe in religion.

One has to subscribe to a certain belief. Either:

a) Theism, that a higher power created us and placed us here, or
b) Atheism, by almost impossible odds we were produced out of the big bang by chance.

Both belief systems are difficult to blindly accept. It shouldn't be so difficult to see why people would be suspicious of both beliefs.

I shouldn't simply put 2 choices out there. There is a grey area.

For example, Einstein believed in God, not necessarily religion though.
I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.
(Albert Einstein, responding to Rabbi Herbert Goldstein who had sent Einstein a cablegram bluntly demanding "Do you believe in God?" Quoted from Victor J. Stenger, Has Science Found God? 2001, chapter 3.)
One of the biggest reasons for his belief in a God was physics formulas. He claimed the formulas used to explain modern physical phenomena were not just formulas, they were beautiful formulas. And because of their beauty, it made him believe that a higher power deliberately did that, rather by chance.
I don't think they believe that we were just put here by chance
atheism is more of a lack of belief in any dieties
they don't believe in supernatural claims that lack empirical evidence

it's more like "God doesn't exist and we don't know how humans were created. It could be evolution, it could be something else, but it's not some dude sitting in the clouds waving his hands and making stuff happen"

Well if it's not God, or another superior being, than how else could you attempt to explain why we are here (other than chance)?

I thought it pretty much fell into Superior Being Vs. Chance.

The other discrepancy comes from if one believes that God should be worshipped, if there really is an afterlife, etc.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Even if there is a god - to think a being that powerful would concern himself with whether or not humans gave a +#!% about him is preposterous. It's egotistical and just downright fitting of human beings to assume we are that important in a world so vast and complicated.
Yea. If he exists, and tried to stick out with us he definitely gave up on us in the 14th/15th century.
I love it when people bring up the big bang theory..and to that i propose to them..what if the big bang was the tool used by God? I just think people dont wantto believe that one being or entity can control so much power...but look at it like this..with all of the smarts and technology that humans have managed tocome up with, u find one piece of tech that is super advanced and i can come back within the next day to find something that occurs in nature that inspired theidea..thats just it, something HAD to create us as humans it couldnt be by camera lens is as good as our eyes, no recorder can achieve the qualityof an in tact eardrum, the fact that our tongues and nose work together to bring taste..the fact that the concept of taste is even real..EVERYTHING had to havea creator...No, we didnt create came from watching the solar system..we didnt CREATE fire, we discovered it..we still discover species we never evenheard of EVERY DAY...
To think that all of this came by chance is baffling to me..
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

I see what you are saying. The human body is like a SUPREMELY COMPLEX machine, an organic machine. The final form of a machine, containing nothing synthetic.Life is like the "final form" of a self-preserving/evolving machine.

There are programmers and scientist that are creating realities within a computer, thats like a separate universe in side this universe. A verrrrry primitiveone, that is stuck in 2 dimensions. It contains pixels that relate with each other, reproduce, die and things like that.
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

I love it when people bring up the big bang theory..and to that i propose to them..what if the big bang was the tool used by God? I just think people dont want to believe that one being or entity can control so much power...but look at it like this..with all of the smarts and technology that humans have managed to come up with, u find one piece of tech that is super advanced and i can come back within the next day to find something that occurs in nature that inspired the idea..thats just it, something HAD to create us as humans it couldnt be by camera lens is as good as our eyes, no recorder can achieve the quality of an in tact eardrum, the fact that our tongues and nose work together to bring taste..the fact that the concept of taste is even real..EVERYTHING had to have a creator...No, we didnt create came from watching the solar system..we didnt CREATE fire, we discovered it..we still discover species we never even heard of EVERY DAY...
To think that all of this came by chance is baffling to me..

Couldn't have said it any better.
To even communicate on Nt, the creation of the internet, creation of technology, creation of human actions and emotions, creation of etc. you have to feel thatthere must be some thing or some one that is behind all of this.
The human body is like a SUPREMELY COMPLEX machine, an organic machine. The final form of a machine, containing nothing synthetic. Life is like the "final form" of a self-preserving/evolving machine.

I'm baffled at the complexity of our bodies and also everything (not to mention all the beautiful things) you see in nature. I laugh when people try to saythat everything evolved from a blob of cells.

There MUST be a Creator.
wow - so i just typed up a super long response and yuku logged me out... and it's lost.

maybe that's god at work...and if so, screw him in his butt.

it was actually one of the better, longer things i've typed out... i'm rather upset now...
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