Calipari to Kentucky.

If Calipari brings some/all of his recruits with him that would put Kentucky over the limit of scholarships they can give out....what will happen with that?
Ska your good to go man. It's official
^ I would think that a player with the arsenal Meeks has would have more 40-pt. games under a coach with a more up and down offense, not less.

Why don't you think so?
I would think that a player with the arsenal Meeks has would have more 40-pt. games under a coach with a more up and down offense, not less.

Why don't you think so?
not enough ball to go around.

Duh. I didn't even think about that.
You'reright, though.
Mike porter is having a kid and there is talk I him not returning anyways, ramon harris had like 3 concusions this past season so his health could be a factor,Aj Stewart will prolly transfer, and I don't know if harrellson would stay because of all the big men so all those possibilities could free up a few spots.
Ska I don't know if you know this but I grew up watching Kentucky bball since both my parents went to school in Kentucky and lived there before I was born.UK is like my third team after VT and MD (I still have a commemorative T shirt with all the players jersey #s from the last time they won the chip), so I tooam happy to see this
despite Cal's questionable recruiting issues. Here's to Cal returning UK to the glory days.
boys sound like riders already, fans coming out of the crevices of NT

i am however interested in how fast Cal will rebound the program, I expect road runner like speed zllol
So Kentucky fires a coach that they feel wasn't that guy, while SJU sticks with this genius of a coach.

Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

here we go .. now let's see what happens with the recruits/meeks and pat pat.
Same thing i wanna see. Everyone assuming Pat and Meeks are just gonna stick around...
porter will not come back cause his wife just got pregnant and he can graduate soon. Aj is not thinking of transferring anymore now that Calipari happens to behere. Ramon Harris thinks that he is good enough to go to the league and has talked about it multiple times. Harrelson and KG only have one year of eligibilityleft

Glad he took it. I just want to see him build another powerhouse as long as its out of the BE.

Hopefully all his recruits follow through. And $$@+ Henry going to Kansas.
Worth bringing up since we've talked about the recruits and all that...

Seen whispers that Cal could take Cousins with him, but it'll likely end up being a situation where he gets one or the other between Cousins and Orton...Apparently Travis Ford has already been kicking the tires to get a feel for what Orton is thinking, and you know Oklahoma could make room... Cousins reopeningis highly possible, and with Anthony Grant at Alabama and he seems to be genuinely interested in Kansas State as well...

It'll be interesting to see what happens with Xavier Henry... Kansas isn't in a great spot with scholarships, and they'll likely have to squeezesomeone out just to make room for one of Lance/Henry... It'll be interesting to see which one makes the call first, and how it affects the others'decision...

It'll be interesting to see how this pans out... I gotta wonder how on board Cal is with keeping GJ Vilarino and Anthony Kendrick on board... Can'timagine he's too interested in keeping around the guys Gillispie brought aboard for the sole purpose of keeping his foot in the door with Texas kids...
After over a day of deliberation, John Calipari is headed to Kentucky.

The coach sent a text message to's Andy Katz on Tuesday evening saying, "I am accepting the UK job! Go Big Blue, coach Cal."

I got chills when reading this
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Worth bringing up since we've talked about the recruits and all that...

Seen whispers that Cal could take Cousins with him, but it'll likely end up being a situation where he gets one or the other between Cousins and Orton... Apparently Travis Ford has already been kicking the tires to get a feel for what Orton is thinking, and you know Oklahoma could make room... Cousins reopening is highly possible, and with Anthony Grant at Alabama and he seems to be genuinely interested in Kansas State as well...

It'll be interesting to see what happens with Xavier Henry... Kansas isn't in a great spot with scholarships, and they'll likely have to squeeze someone out just to make room for one of Lance/Henry... It'll be interesting to see which one makes the call first, and how it affects the others' decision...

It'll be interesting to see how this pans out... I gotta wonder how on board Cal is with keeping GJ Vilarino and Anthony Kendrick on board... Can't imagine he's too interested in keeping around the guys Gillispie brought aboard for the sole purpose of keeping his foot in the door with Texas kids...
Gj's dad said that his son is commited to the program so well see where that leads.
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