"C&C" Retro 7s To Release In 2015 (06/20/15 $250)

finally tried mine on tts is ok for me. A little snug but i don't mind. I'm glad too because i wanted these cigars so it worked out good. Again thanks to you guys who put up the info about the niketown's. 
I wouldn't say he's the typical def of a reseller, he's helping folks grab pears for retail pretty much, in fact he might b losing money lolol
I was hated in L.A. in 01-08. Grabbed 100 pairs of DMPs (VI/XIs), every AF1/dunk release that was popular at their given fad time, retros galore but all at Employee pricing and no camping. I gave up when it became popular because it became another job and I just wanted another source of income.

Now a days, I'll resell high value stuff, but with these, I got PMs for help...bought shoes...no replies. Instead of returning over 1k in product and losing relationships at the store...sell at retail shipped and lose a few bucks but don't lose my secured pairs in the future.
I was hated in L.A. in 01-08. Grabbed 100 pairs of DMPs (VI/XIs), every AF1/dunk release that was popular at their given fad time, retros galore but all at Employee pricing and no camping. I gave up when it became popular because it became another job and I just wanted another source of income.

Now a days, I'll resell high value stuff, but with these, I got PMs for help...bought shoes...no replies. Instead of returning over 1k in product and losing relationships at the store...sell at retail shipped and lose a few bucks but don't lose my secured pairs in the future.

Smart man and a good dude. #respect
Igo 13 in most shoes and copped a 14 in these was the best choice ever.

Now I know I need to grab a 14 in the 7's next week.

Sad part is my unworn hare's are 13 I may need to try those on and or send to back to nike.

Ahh I may just take the soles out that always puts in the sweet spot when it comes to shoe tightness
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Igo 13 in most shoes and copped a 14 in these was the best choice ever.

Now I know I need to grab a 14 in the 7's next week.

Sad part is my unworn hare's are 13 I may need to try those on and or send to back to nike.

Ahh I may just take the soles out that always puts in the sweet spot when it comes to shoe tightness
I'd try the hares on. Going a full size up next week I think will be a big mistake
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Maybe im way too late, but if anyone has seen a size 14 or 13 in the Cigar 7s please help me out of its not too much trouble. I dig gum sole, same with deep burgundy. So I like this for about retail. Maybe someone else's return o something. Thanks
southseattle southseattle younare definitely late, but I would start by calling Nike customer service to see if they can look up nike's inventory for you. If everything is sold out there, ebay is your best option. You should be able to get the Cigars for around 325-400 depending on the seller.

I've got a sz 14 in the collection but NFS
Theyre no help. The other week, I asked a rep if the Champagnes were available at any Niketown and they said no. I called NTLV 10 minutes later and they said they had a FSR. Go figure.
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