BYU Comedian asks what students they know about Black History Month...

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Anyone actually offended by this video needs to lighten up. Yes, there are people out there who don't know stuff. Anyone can ask 100 people the same question about a certain subject and only show the five dumbest responses.
This. Manipulative troll video is successfully manipulative.

You guys gotta understand, these people grow up in an almost 100% Caucasian Mormon community their entire lives. As much random borderline $#$+ that I have dealt with out here you really can't blame them they literally don't know any better. Seriously. Ask a African American Nter outta Utah
I go to BYU and I'm Mormon.

I was extremely disappointed in the idiotic and ignorant responses. I hope NT knows I appreciate Black History. The black people I know are some of the most sincere and happy people. I cannot relate entirely to the persecution and stereotyping done to black people and to the black culture, but as the brunt of some hate, I can empathize a little bit and I make it a goal to not fall into the crowd of ignorant people.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

You guys really think if he went to Hampton or Howard you would get the same answers? "MLK, Malcolm X, and Sam Jackson"?  Please stop....

Those white kids are a product of their environment and I don't blame them. If I was white I wouldn't care about black history month either. Thats the only real truth.

Also, you don't think he went up to some white or black students and got legit answers?  I'm sure 2 or 3 people did and he left that out for the sake of comedy.

i dont think the guy meant asking black people about historical black people. i think he meant asking black people about historical white people.
Now about this video like it has already been said, this is a rural town that doesn;t get much exposure to other races. I mean if it was a chicago high school/college, the answers would be different.
those replies stand for the majority of WHITE AMERICA....

believe it or not Americans on average are dumb as rocks
Originally Posted by devildog1776

those replies stand for the majority of WHITE AMERICA....

believe it or not Americans on average are dumb as rocks

fixed, I'm sure if you went to a majority black school and asked relevant information about American history they would be just ask ignorant
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

completely random : in 2nd grade, we had to color a picture of MLK as part of the BHM festivities. i, in my genius logic, used the black crayon, along with various others. they were not amused & called my dad at work. it went like this :

teacher : "it seems little DooDoo has used a black crayon to color a picture of MLK."

pops : "did you think to tell the kids not to use a BLACK crayon to color a BLACK man?"

teacher : "I suppose not."

pops : "grand."
Were you a little slow? Did you not watch television ever or leave your house? Ive always known that White people are the peach crayon and black people are brown.
nah. i had severe a.d.d. as a kid, but i don't think that was a factor. odds are someone was using my brown crayon and/or piddly little things like "coloring" didn't make any sense to me at the time, plus it was undiagnosed at that point so i think my old man was fishing for reasons to defend my idiocy. i tend to hyperfocus on the challenging. i could knock out science projects in a single afternoon and win that little blue ribbon like it was nothing, but simple stuff like worksheets ended up with the answers written backwards and with doodles all over literally every white (or peach) part of the paper.
They do go to a college founded bya known a racist they are the majority on campus , and they have never contacted real black people beyond buying or downloading rap.they are gonna be ignorant.
You go to an hbcu and they will know more about black history that's a fact.
For those saying if you went to a southern HBCU you would get ignorant answers for questions about white culture I have to disagree. I think the major problem is that white people can go their entire lives w/o knowing/caring/being apart of any aspect of black culture and still be successful. As a black person there is zero percent chance that you can be successful without being around white culture. We can't be that ignorant and expect to be successful. Imagine being the black dude at the office and asking your coworkers to touch their hair b/c its so weird or saying Bono is a great white historical figure.
I'm sorry...but I have no remorse for the amount of shame I have for these citizens of this country.

Its not the fact that its black history and they didn't know their facts per se, its the fact that they were just so IGNORANT.

A black guy "acting white" is all of a sudden "classy" ??? Come on.

There are too many people in this thread just sitting by and saying "well if it was XYZ you wouldn't be mad"....hell yeah I would.

We can't raise the bar if everyone's opinion in here is to be apathetic to the views these kids have. There is no excuse for that. I've never been to more than 7 states besides and a handful of countries and I know to act better than that.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

as racist as this was i feel like if this happened at a predominantly black school and same type of questions were asked it would be the same type of answers

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

those replies stand for the majority of WHITE AMERICA....

believe it or not Americans on average are dumb as rocks

fixed, I'm sure if you went to a majority black school and asked relevant information about American history they would be just ask ignorant
Quite possibly true. Are u still in Atlanta? Care to test this theory. I feel Moorehouse or Spellman students would know more than the basic stuff they teach us about BHM....
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

And here comes the posters who aren't even aware why black face would be offensive to black ppl.

Quoting a post about ppl being ignorant to things. How ironic.
Stop it. Did you even try to understand the guys message? He wanted to take a different approach by fighting ignorance with ignorance. He wanted to show that ignorant people are blind in the face of ignorance and thus blind to their own ignorance. Why get caught up in the fact that he was wearing black face when there's a lesson to be learned? I could see if the guy was trying to be malicious but to me it seemed like he was trying to be informative. 
For those saying if you went to a southern HBCU you would get ignorant answers for questions about white culture I have to disagree. I think the major problem is that white people can go their entire lives w/o knowing/caring/being apart of any aspect of black culture and still be successful. As a black person there is zero percent chance that you can be successful without being around white culture. We can't be that ignorant and expect to be successful. Imagine being the black dude at the office and asking your coworkers to touch their hair b/c its so weird or saying Bono is a great white historical figure.
Originally Posted by CJ003

I think the major problem is that white people can go their entire lives w/o knowing/caring/being apart of any aspect of black culture and still be successful. As a black person there is zero percent chance that you can be successful without being around white culture. We can't be that ignorant and expect to be successful. Imagine being the black dude at the office and asking your coworkers to touch their hair b/c its so weird or saying Bono is a great white historical figure.
Agreed with most of that.
Seems so obvious to me but most people don't seem to understand this.

Although it's ignorance that can/should be fixed, it's not some vindictive cycle of hate some people would love to make it out to be.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Depends on where you went to school. Growing up for me it was pretty much only in Feb and just some basic MLK, Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Madame Cj Walker mentions and like a matching quiz and that was the extent of it. Hell, they're trying to completely rremove or minimize anything about anyone nonwhite, not to mention what does exist is heavily altered and mischaracterized anyways, in many of the Red Southern states.

Yup, I went to a majority white (75%) school and we were always taught about black history (and pretty much every ethnicity/race) throughout the years. We had mandatory year long courses on World Cultures, Ethnic Studies, etc.
 It all started with slavery right? 

What else would it start with???? I don't get the point of "
" when much of black history in the US ties back to slavery
Like I said it does depend on where you go to school; this was a private school in the Bay Area, so it's expected of schools here to promote diversity.  @#$% might be different for you in the south, but white people up here don't like southern white people anyways
Originally Posted by CJ003

For those saying if you went to a southern HBCU you would get ignorant answers for questions about white culture I have to disagree. I think the major problem is that white people can go their entire lives w/o knowing/caring/being apart of any aspect of black culture and still be successful. As a black person there is zero percent chance that you can be successful without being around white culture. We can't be that ignorant and expect to be successful. Imagine being the black dude at the office and asking your coworkers to touch their hair b/c its so weird or saying Bono is a great white historical figure.
Originally Posted by NYC game

saw it on wshh already, not funny nor informative.

White people in the middle of suburbia get's their ideas about black people from the media.

This isn't new news.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I'm sorry...but I have no remorse for the amount of shame I have for these citizens of this country.
Its not the fact that its black history and they didn't know their facts per se, its the fact that they were just so IGNORANT.
A black guy "acting white" is all of a sudden "classy" ??? Come on.
There are too many people in this thread just sitting by and saying "well if it was XYZ you wouldn't be mad"....hell yeah I would.
We can't raise the bar if everyone's opinion in here is to be apathetic to the views these kids have. There is no excuse for that. I've never been to more than 7 states besides and a handful of countries and I know to act better than that.

This. That's just one of those lame cop-out type responses people make to give themselves an excuse to be ignorant as well.

Registered Member

Posts: 1505

02/11/12 1:30 PM
For those saying if you went to a southern HBCU you would get ignorant answers for questions about white culture I have to disagree. I think the major problem is that white people can go their entire lives w/o knowing/caring/being apart of any aspect of black culture and still be successful. As a black person there is zero percent chance that you can be successful without being around white culture. We can't be that ignorant and expect to be successful. Imagine being the black dude at the office and asking your coworkers to touch their hair b/c its so weird or saying Bono is a great white historical figure.

All of that. 
Originally Posted by CJ003

For those saying if you went to a southern HBCU you would get ignorant answers for questions about white culture I have to disagree. I think the major problem is that white people can go their entire lives w/o knowing/caring/being apart of any aspect of black culture and still be successful. As a black person there is zero percent chance that you can be successful without being around white culture. We can't be that ignorant and expect to be successful. Imagine being the black dude at the office and asking your coworkers to touch their hair b/c its so weird or saying Bono is a great white historical figure.
this is true but when your in college most people aren't working in the office or anywhere else usually. i do believe the same type of answers would be given. i mean just look at how black actors/ comedians impersonate white people. that's just as disgusting as the students in this video. all people are ignorant and i don't believe this will ever change till everybody is the same race
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