BYU Comedian asks what students they know about Black History Month...


Aug 31, 2011
I don't know if I should be mad at the guy wearing black-face or if the students are just clueless.

Oh well...let this be a lesson:

Each one, teach one.

[h1]Comedian's BYU black history video goes viral[/h1]
February 10, 2012

PROVO, Utah—A YouTube video of a white comedian who painted his face black and quizzed Brigham Young University students about Black History Month has brought some unwanted attention to the Mormon-run school.

Observers have called some student responses ignorant while others criticized the comedian's use of the 19th century theater technique considered racially offensive by black people.

Standup comic Dave Ackerman told ABC 4 that he was going for the shock factor.

"I wanted to raise awareness in an interesting way and get a conversation started," he said.

Ackerman's montage of student interviews at the Provo, Utah, school had nearly 450,000 views by Friday afternoon. About 1,400 viewers indicated they liked the four-minute video, while 2,400 clicked "dislike."

The video starts by showing Ackerman donning skin-darkening makeup on his face and hands. He stops students at the school -- where blacks comprise less than 1 percent of the student body -- and asks them which month is Black History Month.

Several interviewees said January or March before one correctly answered February.

When Ackerman asks students to name prominent figures in black history, they name Martin Luther King, Jr. and rappers.

The final frame tells viewers to "fight ignorance with ignorance."

BYU spokeswoman Carri Jenkins told the Salt Lake Tribune that officials at the school, which is run by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, were disappointed by some of the remarks and said they don't represent the more than 30,000 students enrolled there. She also said some students complained the editing was selective and perhaps manipulative.

Others criticized the comedian's use of blackface, which was popular in 19th century "minstrel shows" that caricatured blacks.

"The kids are extremely naive, and Ackerman exploits that," Darron Smith, a former BYU professor, who is black, told the Tribune. "Where it went south was the use of blackface. He doesn't understand how offensive it is."


I mean I can't be completely mad that white students are clueless...but I have to wonder what is a reasonable expectation of things for them to know...but the grape juice and chicken comments? Really?

Its like whatever the comedian set out to do was lost on the fact that he was in black-face.

Oh and in a revelation "from god" in 1978, the mormon church finally allowed black priests. They were previously thought to be cursed people in mormon doctrine.
I almost cussed. Ignorant %!!+ people. The comments werent even funny. To top it off the blackcats in this joint need to turn in their black card. Damn shame. 1:42 SMDH
It's stupid, but why even get mad? To me,  states like Utah aren't even part of modern civilization anyways. Let them stick to their pathetic ways and enjoy their lives in the middle of nowhere

Steve Young gets a pass though
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

It's stupid, but why even get mad? To me,  states like Utah aren't even part of modern civilization anyways. Let them stick to their pathetic ways and enjoy their lives in the middle of nowhere

Steve Young gets a pass though
I thought we dont need black history tho since its so enriched in the american history curriculum 
saw it on wshh already, not funny nor informative.

White people in the middle of suburbia get's their ideas about black people from the media.

This isn't new news.
I saw this last week. The blackface is the least disturbing thing about the video.

If I remember correctly he said its purpose was to show that the majority of BYU students couldn't differentiate between a white guy in make up and a real black person, which he was right about.
Why do the 'black face' in the first place though ? He woulda got the same responses if he didnt do that. I bet most student bodies in the country would have produced similar results. Some answers were off the wall chicken and grape soda. C'mon now. And
at 'AWE FRO'
People usually come off looking like idiots in these sorts of interviews. If you were to go to a predominantly black school and ask about important Irish Americans and how white people act you'd most likely get the same type of reactions.

People are ignorant in fields they don't apply to or study. It is what it is.
Did this broad really just say "4 snaps in a Z formation"?!  
  You really brought it back to the Men on Film days, huh?  Unreal.  
That @$%$ is hilarious yet deeply saddening at the same time.  

Then again, anyone willing to form their opinion of a race from what they see on TV isn't anyone I'd kick it with anyways, so let the ignorant keep on being ignorant.  
Originally Posted by cartune

I thought we dont need black history tho since its so enriched in the american history curriculum 

Depends on where you went to school. Growing up for me it was pretty much only in Feb and just some basic MLK, Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Madame Cj Walker mentions and like a matching quiz and that was the extent of it. Hell, they're trying to completely rremove or minimize anything about anyone nonwhite, not to mention what does exist is heavily altered and mischaracterized anyways, in many of the Red Southern states.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Depends on where you went to school. Growing up for me it was pretty much only in Feb and just some basic MLK, Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Madame Cj Walker mentions and like a matching quiz and that was the extent of it. Hell, they're trying to completely rremove or minimize anything about anyone nonwhite, not to mention what does exist is heavily altered and mischaracterized anyways, in many of the Red Southern states.

Yup, I went to a majority white (75%) school and we were always taught about black history (and pretty much every ethnicity/race) throughout the years. We had mandatory year long courses on World Cultures, Ethnic Studies, etc.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

People usually come off looking like idiots in these sorts of interviews. If you were to go to a predominantly black school and ask about important Irish Americans and how white people act you'd most likely get the same type of reactions.

People are ignorant in fields they don't apply to or study. It is what it is.

Only truth spoken in this entire thread.

Its dead serious when a white person does the black face makeup but when a movie like White Chicks come out, its the funniest movie in America, right?
Samuel Jackson
50 Cent
Will Smith
Fried Chickening
Grape Juice
Classy...good stuff
Bick-a bam- bick a bam
Snap in z-formation
Broke peg leg walk

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Samuel Jackson
50 Cent
Will Smith
Fried Chickening
Grape Juice
Classy...good stuff
Bick-a bam- bick a bam
Snap in z-formation
Broke peg leg walk



I'm not expecting students in Utah to even know basic information about african americans. Seems as though all they know is what's been exposed to them. There's nothing about this that offends me. They don't seem set in their views, just ignorant and could use some teachings that will give them a broader scope of things.
as racist as this was i feel like if this happened at a predominantly black school and same type of questions were asked it would be the same type of answers
You guys gotta understand, these people grow up in an almost 100% Caucasian Mormon community their entire lives. As much random borderline $#$+ that I have dealt with out here you really can't blame them they literally don't know any better. Seriously. Ask a African American Nter outta Utah
Originally Posted by arrjae2

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Samuel Jackson
50 Cent
Will Smith
Fried Chickening
Grape Juice
Classy...good stuff
Bick-a bam- bick a bam
Snap in z-formation
Broke peg leg walk



at those responses.
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