Bulls offseason Thread

@WojYahooNBA: Just a matter of hours until Carmelo Anthony informs the Knicks of his return on a five-year deal, as @FisolaNYDN reported this week.

...he can rot in NY, basketball purgatory.
@WojYahooNBA: Just a matter of hours until Carmelo Anthony informs the Knicks of his return on a five-year deal, as @FisolaNYDN reported this week.

...he can rot in NY, basketball purgatory.

Stay classy, Chicago.

No way was NY going to take back Snell, Mirotovic, Dunelavy and Boozer for Melo.

Phil Jackson was never going to let Melo and have his cake too.
^^ If I were a Knicks fan, I don't know that this is a positive thing assuming he takes the full max. He's taking a massive amount of your cap space for 5 years and really limits their flexibility/better hope to get another star ASAP. Maybe I'm underestimating Phil, but it seems more likely he's another Ewing than NY's savior. By the time they put a solid team around him, it will likely be too late. I understand why Melo chose NY (money, Phil, loves NY), but he is really reaching if he convinced himself the Knicks are contending during his remaining tenure. So much for the rhetoric that he wanted to "win."
So the biggest thing the Bulls have to look forward to is Pau Gasol? I love this team but they truly are trash. They know NOTHING about getting a big name FA. :smh: :smh:

Looks like another season of 1st round exit basketball
Hopefully we don't fill this thread with Melo slander. Had nothing to do with our FO this time, we just didn't have enough money nor the players to get the deal done. He held out as long as possible in hopes of a sign and trade with us so he can get the money he's worth, can't blame him for taking 130 million. It's time to move on fellas, if we can add Pau, address the wing, and bring back DJ we will be fine.
So the biggest thing the Bulls have to look forward to is Pau Gasol? I love this team but they truly are trash. They know NOTHING about getting a big name FA. :smh: :smh:

Looks like another season of 1st round exit basketball

What else did you want us to do? We went after Melo as hard as we could. Just didnt have the money to get it done. Cant be mad at the front office for this. Melo wanted to get paid. We cant argue or compete with that.
Melo will die ringless. Dont have a single bad word to say about our FO in this situatioin

Love seeing delusional Knick fans come in here. Guess what Love is likely gone to cleveland, Aldrigdge is not leaving Portland for trash NY. Your big acquisitions gonna be what rudy gay and rondo yea ok.
We still don't know the specifics of the Pau signing and it looks like the Lakers might want a SnT.
Depending on how it plays out, and if we dump MDJ we might be able to still make another move without using an exception. I'm just waiting to hear the final deal.
What else did you want us to do? We went after Melo as hard as we could. Just didnt have the money to get it done. Cant be mad at the front office for this. Melo wanted to get paid. We cant argue or compete with that.

They could have done more to at least match the Knicks deal. I would have gotten rid of Taj and Dunleavy if it meant that we could have signed Melo. Pau Gasol isnt the same player that he was a few years ago and i doubt that he'll make this team any better. Its one of those desperate "its better than nothing" deals.

I hope to god we go after Lance Stephenson now and balance out this roster.
I think if he comes via S&T there's enough space to address Mirotic and the wing. Maybe Lance?
The money gap was too drastic, guys. We had slight hope, but i cant hate Melo for taking that bank. Lets see hiw he feels three months into the season when his team is in 9th place though.

Let's bring in Pau, Nikola, and DJ...we'll be straight.

No need to hold our heads down. We still have a great team. Pray for Derrick to return to form. See Red!!
So the biggest thing the Bulls have to look forward to is Pau Gasol? I love this team but they truly are trash. They know NOTHING about getting a big name FA.

Looks like another season of 1st round exit basketball
1st round exit for the knick, but not the Bulls.
Let Melo have his money he can't say too much about really trying to win cause he been wolfing this whole. Melo has been a real ******* Diva let him live with his 129 million. He won't win no rings not like cares anyway.
Hey can you guys hurry up and give us a draft pick+trash for Pau?

K, thx. bye.
Boozer and next years 2 round.
Ain't no way we giving up that Sacramento 1st rounder.

Not sure well have enough for Lance after the SnT

Deal, I may block us from signing Nick Young and Jordan Hill to those ridiculous deals. I'm all aboard the Black Ice Train.
What you guys wanna do as far as wing scoring? Im starting to actually warm up to Lance if hes affordable.
What you guys wanna do as far as wing scoring? Im starting to actually warm up to Lance if hes affordable.
lance is not going to be affordable he turned down the pacers deal which was what around 40 million?

I don't mind the gasol pick up with noah back there on defense. I much rather have Gibson come off the bench for the simple fact he has proven he is a huge spark off the bench for us.

we still need to add a player at SG or SF that can score and another that can play defense

could we get shawn marion for cheap?

if not we proably looking at guys like evan turner, Richard Jefferson or caron bulter
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