Building a Better NikeTalk: What are your favorite website designs/layouts?

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
Okay, so we all know that NikeTalk isn't exactly the best looking website in the world.  As much as love as some of us have for vintage and retro shoes, not too many people really want a DS web layout from 1999. 

To say that NikeTalk is overdue for a redesign is like saying the Sacremento Kings are due for a championship.  You deserve better and our team here is committed to doing everything in our collective power to provide you with a number of substantive improvements in the coming months, whether here on Yuku or someplace else.  

NikeTalk is a community and it's important that we directly involve you, our fellow members, in this process.  We know that, with thousands of users, it will be impossible to for us to please everyone.  Tastes vary and much of the feedback we'll receive will conflict.  Although I can't promise that every single suggestion will be acted upon, I can promise that every single suggestion will be considered. 

Technical improvements (like rectifying the basic stability issues that continue to inexcusably plague our site) are an incredibly high priority, but we don't need 1,000 people to tell us what we already know on that front.  We know you want a faster and more stable site.  We know you want a better system for buying and selling.  We know you want mobile device optimization.  We know you want streamlined navigation and better organization for the site's content.  All of that will be addressed and discussed in greater detail down the road. 

Today, I'd like to get your input on the site's APPEARANCE and LAYOUT.  

What do you think are the best looking sites on the web right now?   You don't have to limit yourself to other discussion sites.  You can pick anything you think looks good.  (NT appropriate links only, please!) 

If you could change one thing about the way NikeTalk looks, what would it be?  

fix the search function instead ala v bulletin.

I've been here since 2001 and I cannot remember a year when the Search function really functioned well. I forgot on where we had the site before but the Search function on the "site" was turrible.

NT is fine as it is.
Wouldnt feel like NT without the Blk/Red colorway
I prefer more minimalist sites like Hypebeast and Superfuture. Though I would never do away with NTs OG colours. is a very good system and would be a good benchmark. is also well-organized and simple.

rather than change the looks, i would change the fluidity of navigating the site. this is a pretty old style, and there are some modern touches on other forums that make it easier to navigate.
please, please, please, just leave it the way it is.

*waits to see NT changed in like 4 months anyways*
Originally Posted by Dimelo

I think niketalk is fine the way it is

Yep. The basic nature of Niketalk makes NT what it is. We don't need anything else cluttering up our smooth sailing basic loading screens. It is fine the way it is.
I would like a, "Go to first unread post" link to the left of each listed thread though. That would be nice.

If you add any other skins, please allow us to keep this same Vintage NT skin for those of us that don't want to change.
NT is like Kim Kardashian.
Theres many things wrong with both but none of it is physical.

Please consider adding a rep/neg system.
Will rep you on sight if this gets done.
Some dude was making layouts awhile back in some thread... he made some dope ones

Its time for a change though
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Just fix the server (or w/e the issue is).. The 3 hour lag on posts and what not is quite annoying. 
Niketalk certainly needs visual improvement, but in terms of layout keep Niketalk exactly the way it is. Also, if you are going to do anything in terms of layout and visuals, could we (the users) get a kind of "demo"? I think the community as a whole should be able to decide what they like best out of several options, that way we don't end up being disappointed in the long run.
I think a redesign is needed as well, although I can't really offer any inspiration on what I think it should look like. If I run across a few
sites I'll def come back and list them.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Dimelo

I think niketalk is fine the way it is

Yep. The basic nature of Niketalk makes NT what it is. We don't need anything else cluttering up our smooth sailing basic loading screens. It is fine the way it is.
I would like a, "Go to first unread post" link to the left of each listed thread though. That would be nice.

If you add any other skins, please allow us to keep this same Vintage NT skin for those of us that don't want to change.
That's a great idea DC.
I really like the design elements on a lot. I'm a member there. Black, red and gray on this site can stay the same but the layout and organization could be greatly improved also the tagging system should be at the bottom.
One thing I would add is a save thread button. It would be at the bottom and you can achieve threads that you will see when you go to your own profile page. 
Another suggestion, for better future mobile integration. For the main directory page, can we get something that is not a list?

I HATE SCROLLING, having been on this page since i was 14, I probably would have saved a few hours from my life had I not had to scroll down every time to go to music/sports/etc







less scrolling = better


an auto page function like tumblr, so i don't have to keep clicking to load new pages
There is def. stuff that can be done while keeping it minimalist and the classic black/red color theme.  
the best looking websites aer pr0n sites.

seriously tho i love the simple layout and since there is no app this simple design works great on the phone too
Originally Posted by odog24

the best looking websites aer pr0n sites.

seriously tho i love the simple layout and since there is no app this simple design works great on the phone too

WRONG, clicking links is annoying cause text with an underline isn't an ideal target for a finger.
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