Brooklyn Nets official thread: 20-21 season

Also, Drummond is highly effective at rebounding, setting picks, and clogging the lane on d. But not so good on switches leading to him getting subbed out quickly. He also does a hell of a job putting fouls on the opposing team which I feel is overlooked. There's something to be said for putting a team in the penalty early in a quarter and then having KD and Kyrie benefit with easy freebies at the line.

The coaches have to figure out a better way to keep him on the floor and utilize his strengths.

Otherwise he'll just become another DeAndre Jordan.
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if only Ws depended upon effort, record would be alot different

i honestly dont think the D is gonna get much better, so gonna HAVE TO have those kinda efforts from KD, and yeah i agree Kyrie had to lay back a little cause wasnt nobody stoppin 7 but HE coulda added more on the offensive side. gonna have to win with AMAZING OFFENSE AT HTIS POINT. looks to me like teams are ONLY concentrating on KD and Kyrie and letting the rest have at it, almost like a box in 2 ! lol Patty and Seth had terrible games, each of them drop 2 more buckets each and it ends differently, oh well. KD/Kyrie having trouble gettin any open looks, and who can blame the opponents ? until somebody else steps up might as well just worry bout tha Dynamic Duo

it does have to be damn near impossible for Nash at this point, has any team ever had this many diff starting line ups ??? good God already, its like a crap shoot... BB gr8 on D rarely adds much else. Clax great on D, rarely adds much else., LMA great on offense D not so much too slow maybe, Drum dominant rebounder lacking elsewhere, too bad cant take a little from each one and build the perfect big lol

if i remeber correctly last year in playoff tatum had 1HUGE game which they won, and didnt win another ?!?! he is just beast , only guy who can give him trouble aint suitin up right now

this gonna be quite the stretch run here, destiny not in ones own hands is always real dangerous, so i guess we shall see.

eye still hold out hope casue if not for the tip of a nike Bklyn woulda beat milw with KD and the supporters, there was no Kyrie or soften.

every home game they play is 5 v 6, the other teams 5 plus the idiot mayor of nyc :ohwell:

who woulda thought tonight would be such a big game ?!!??!>!>! not me

aint nobody smilin off thst plane, NOBODY NOBODY NOBODY

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Great input as always EZMONEY SERVANT EZMONEY SERVANT . :pimp:

So so accurate with that box and 2 comment. :lol:

The rest of the team is gonna have to step up and show that it's not just about the Dynamic Duo as you said. KD is damn near superhuman on the court but even he can't do it all by himself. Sounds an awful lot like what fans of a certain aging player out west has been saying for years. :nerd:

I'm not worried in the slightest about Kyrie's off game. He'll show up in the big moments when it's all on the line.

As for Ben, good to hear that he'll be on the bench in Philly. That's going to be some real team bonding **** right there.

And I never pictured KD to be an UGG's guy. Looking mighty comfy coming off the plane up above. :lol:
>>> I'm not worried in the slightest about Kyrie's off game. He'll show up in the big moments when it's all on the line. <<<

and the smaller onez too :wink: thanx to all the klansmen and klanswomen on sundai, lil motivation often goes a long wai, GOD BLESS HIM

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Real rap, if this was a better team, Nets most likely lose this game bc that 2nd half was atrocious. But a win is a win is a win. :lol:

Obviously, KI deserves a healthy share of the credit tonight. He came to play.... and he wasn't playing. Steady, efficient performance. He was phenomenal tonight. Period.

After Kyrie, BB has to get his credit too. He looked like the old Energizer Bunny Brown from 2021. His hustle and defense opened things up on both sides of the court bc his tight defense led to a bunch of easy transition points. He's needed in this current lineup for his defense bc without him, KD Drum KI and Seth would be easy pickings for opposing teams.

Drum also has to get his share of credit. I bet no Nets fan imagined he'd be the 2nd leading scorer with all these weapons in the lineup. :lol:

He played solid d (2 blocks and a steal) and did his usual window cleaning. He even hit his free throws *shaq voice* when it counts *shaq voice*. Also good to see Clax with some solid minutes. We know LMA will be finishing most games but am I the only one who wants to see Drum/Clax over Drum/LMA right now??

Finally, I know his shooting numbers probably didn't look too good, but I really like when Dragic is running the team. He does a great job of finding guys for easy shots. And he's constantly attacking the paint. This might sound wild but I really think the Nets need to make sure he comes back next season.

On to Philly!
Kyrie Irving is the first player in NBA history to record 50 points, 9 3-pointers and 75% shooting in a game. He finished the game with 15-19 FG (78.9%), 9-12 3P (75%), 11-13 FT (84.6%) shooting splits, along with 3 rebounds 6 assists 1 steal 1 block and a game high +14

Kyrie had FIDDY of them thangs :pimp:

Teams usually make a run if they're down huge but I don't think they got within single digits after that great second quarter

Something's got into Bruce. He seems reborn lol and Drummond had one of his better games.
I just realized none of us even mentioned KD as far as game contributions. :wow: :wow:

Now THAT'S wtf I'm talking about!

When was the last time KD played and he wasn't even mentioned after a win??

This is a team and KD shouldn't have to carry the burden every single night. Can't stress enough how great that win was with all the various contributions.

7 was ******* around anyway with a lot of uncharacteristic turnovers. And that technical for shoving Rozier... what the hell was that about?? :lol:
>>> Something's got into Bruce. He seems reborn lol and Drummond had one of his better games. <<<

nuthin got into him good sir, something got outta town , something soft and prone to choking, BB couldnt stnd his bish ***

shuges not too much talk about 7 casue HE about to wreak Fn HAVOC in the city of brotherly love, batterty throwin bishs


nuthin got into him good sir, something got outta town , something soft and prone to choking, BB couldnt stnd his bish ***



BB pretty much said so in that presser a couple weeks back.

shuges not too much talk about 7 casue HE about to wreak Fn HAVOC in the city of brotherly love, batterty throwin bishs

The reaper is coming...... I can't WAIT for this game.

Btw, EZMONEY SERVANT EZMONEY SERVANT , did you happen to see the postgame presser 2 games ago (I think) where KI called KD his "best friend"?

So in case anyone was wondering, Kyrie is going NOWHERE. :lol:

Nets gonna put up with Ky for as long as KD and him remain tight. :pimp:
I did see it and it made me love em BOTH even more, LOYALTY is a dying quality, through this whole ridiculous situation KD has never once thrown any shade at all, not even 1 negative word from the jump, always stating its HIS LIFE and HIS DECISION and I SUPPORT HIM NO MATTER WHAT, considering what may be being aint gonna find many if even 1 to ride with you like that, they are both truly blessed and have amazing souls, we are lucky and fortunate to get to witness these 2 together, I AM THANKFUL EVERYDAY for the opportunity and pleasure.

did you go to mcdonalds today and ask for a 50 piece too ? and ehen they said wedont have 50 pieces tell them THEY DO IN CHARLOTTE !!!


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dont want anyone here to get their hopes up fopr MAR 13, I called early April a few pages back and eye am stickin

Mar 22nd, Richard Thompson vs Bill de Blassio & NYC at the NY Supreme Court to halt/end the private vaccine mandate.

This was scheduled in December.

Kyrie isn't being allowed to play because he would be evidence FOR ending the private mandate. It has nothing to do with whether ppl think he's infectious or not and poses a greater risk.

Adam's has been incredibly vague about when the private mandate will be up because that directly affects the suit against them, and for the class suit by many of the 1400 ppl he fired.

Health numbers usually need a rolling 2 week period to see its actual effects. Unfortunately, relaxing the public mandate means numbers are going to increase, even if marginally.

So if the plan was hoping the numbers continue a steady linear regression under some arbitrary benchmark, then this public relaxing will skewer it temporarily.

Sorry but Kyrie ain't back until at least April. At least giving a basis why, yet everybody keeps pulling Mar 13 out the ***. He removed the public mandate so now he has his St. Paddy's day revenue.

And the vast public majority are happy with Adam's news today. Only 1 stubborn athlete of all the NY teams is being rail roaded, so it continues to stand that most NYers don't care. The pray and cross fingers approach was absolutely stupid.
As Jay said, politics as usual. :ohwell:

**** it, it is what it is and as fans we deal accordingly.

This is why we both were saying earlier in the thread (at the beginning of all this) that we can only focus on what's happening on the court with the players who are available.

KI and Ben not being able to play is just another reason for some people to try and use as a point of division.

And I'm not about to do that.

KI and Ben both have my full support regardless if they are playing or not. That's just me though. I can understand why others put the blame on them for whatever. But again, I'm not going to do that.
I did see it and it made me love em BOTH even more, LOYALTY is a dying quality, through this whole ridiculous situation KD has never once thrown any shade at all, not even 1 negative word from the jump, always stating its HIS LIFE and HIS DECISION and I SUPPORT HIM NO MATTER WHAT, considering what may be being aint gonna find many if even 1 to ride with you like that, they are both truly blessed and have amazing souls, we are lucky and fortunate to get to witness these 2 together, I AM THANKFUL EVERYDAY for the opportunity and pleasure.


Had to quote it all for emphasis.

Loyalty is indeed a dying quality and I wish more people understood that there can be no up without a down.
>>> KI and Ben both have my full support regardless if they are playing or not. That's just me though. I can understand why others put the blame on them for whatever. But again, I'm not going to do that. <<<

we in the same club my man, 100% through and through

its the easy wai out. its the battle cry of tha fools and pawnz, they can all blow it out they azzes !

enjoy 2nite, not everydai we get to watch the circus from home !


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Let's get it!

It's only fitting that Ben doesn't play. Let KD, KI, and Mr Softee settle their ****.

All I'm hoping for is another GET THE **** OUTTA HERE from 7 at the end of the game. :lol:
I hope Spyrie finds another 50 piece tonight. Kicks look like when a new car is being tested and it's covered in camo. :pimp:

Love seeing how Patty is with Ben at shoot around having Ben make passes to him. Some big bro having little bro's back type ****.

It's going to be difficult for Philly fans to really get their rocks off bc Ben will just be sitting there and they won't get a chance to directly boo him. So it will be interesting to see how far they take it with the chants bc that's pretty much all they will be able to do.
Patty is as solid as they come, I will be a huge fan of HIS even when HIS playin days are over, almost too good 2 b true

Kyrie warmed up in those Kobes in charl too, He miss KB so much, another 50 would be a nice tribute to the Mamba, lol. just dont let soften hear the words 50 piece or he is out and on his way to the golden arches ofr the 3rd time todai probably

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shuges they threw batteries at santa, if showing up to boo and troll a guy who like you said is on the bench and is goin through some stuff, let em have at it.
its a reg season game , it not like a finals game or anything, only fool *** d green would know anyting bout that on they side i guess

personally i think Ben10 should take a ish on the court b 4 they leave, but that would be immature and juvenile

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One thing I'll say.... I agree with Reggie when he said that KD and Kyrie live for games like this.

And if I was a 6er fan, I'd be a little nervous about poking the bear.
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