Brooklyn Nets official thread: 20-21 season

i feel ya good Sir BUT............... no def 3 sec calls all game then 2 in the 4th qtr ???!?!!?!? tony brothers is a true low life eternally no matter what teams he is calling

effort was AMAZING, they feel THE RETURN coming, we all do

and nights like this will no longer be

enough is enough

WHATCHA GONNA DO .....................................................

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I'm looking forward to KD returning as well, but does anyone feel like the expectations are being set TOO high for him??

I'm watching all the sports commentary and reading all the stories and hearing all the chatter and feeling all the excitement building and I kinda have mixed emotions.

Cuz it feels like all the weight of the season is being placed on JUST him. I understand that's part of the deal when you're a superstar. But I don't know, I feel like it's a disproportionate amount of pressure being put on him to come back and carry the team. :ohwell:

Yes, I know if Kyrie were there full time, this would be less of an issue. But honestly, the rest of the team playing like lost puppies every time any of the main stars goes down bothers me more than a 50/50 Kyrie. :lol:

Anyway, can't wait for the game tonight!
Watch how much better Seth is with HIM on the court Sir, watch Patty break out of his slump with HIM back on the court Sir, we could go on and on.

Those pawnz are as useless as the words they speak.

Too much pressure being put on HIM ??? maybe by the foolz who do not understand what is about to go down.

As long as everyone follows HIS lead, knows their roles, and plays with the confidence HE injects to all around HIM, these next few weeks are gonna be IN Fn TENSE !

After Kyrie and Co. beat the paper champs without KD on tha road, its actually a little more fair for Ky to not be there tonight, wouldnt een be a contest. Why do you think THEY will do anything to keep Kyrie off the floor sir shuges ??? WE ALL KNOW WHY !!!



and as a side note............ fwiw SHE IS CURRENTLY A VP AT BET, pawnz and puppeteerz are being excommunicated F THEM ALL !!! AND ITS HIS STEP MOM, MY MANZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ARE YOU READY ??? YES IMA READY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO FALL BACK IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN 😻
I was beyond annoyed by the end of that game last night. It's so frustrating to watch bc I feel as if the spare parts are much better than what they have shown.

They get punched in the mouth and seemed stunned that somebody actually hit them. :lol:

Then they run to big bro KD to come fight for them. :smh:

At one point during a timeout, it looked like KD was on the bench shaking his head and hella frustrated at what was going on out there.

Heat had no Jimmy, no PJ, no Lowry and still had NO problems with the Nets even with KD returning and playing fairly well. Come on man. I'm tired of the "under-manned" and "no chemistry" excuse bc every team in the L is dealing with a similar set of circumstances and seem to be adjusting much better than the Nets have (except the Lakers :sick:) .

Nets lose 2 straight to a Raptors squad that lost to Detroit last night. DETROIT! The Pistons have the 3rd worst record in the entire league. And before they played the Nets, those same Raptors had gotten blown out by 32 to the Hornets and blown out by 27 to the Hawks. :sick:

Yet they were able to toss the Nets around like tour groupies. |l

I can understand why KD was pissed after the game and I'm really not surprised Vaughn said that was a game they should have won. Because really, they should have.

There's like zero urgency out there, very little hustle at times and in my opinion the Nets have players that are too good to be playing like that.
sometimes I think this is their version of urgency. They might be good as we thought. Certainly not as good as the games prior to January. Those games missed due to Covid really set the Nets back a bunch.

Nets bigs are simply too slow or not strong enough for a player like Bam. Heat went into a zone defense and had the Nets flummoxed. As if they never seen one before lol.

Also I'm noticing teams putting on a full court press the entire game, certainly recently with the Heat, Bucks and Raptors. With only Dragic as a true PG teams are speeding up the Nets forcing other players to really do things they're not accustomed or not good at ie Patty, Cam and Seth playing PG.
Bruh, you hit it out the park.

This is one of those games that a lot of people would have blamed on Nash. But unfortunately Nash was nowhere to be found last night so let's toss that excuse out the window for right now.

I'm not saying Nash doesn't have his faults. But I'm just not putting these last couple of losses on him when he wasn't even there.

Nets treated that zone like it was covid. They wanted NO parts of it. And on the flip side, Nets were all over the place on defense. Did anybody hear what Dragic said after the game about the Nets on d? "Three guys are playing I don't know, switch game.... the other guys are like blitzing.... too many breakdowns".

He's only been here for 10 mins and he's already able to break down how ****** the Nets are defensively. :smh: Goran sounded like **** too. I hope that was just a dry throat and nothing more.

The substitutions were all over the place too. Clax played the least out of the bigs when in fact he probably should have played more bc he can at least run with Bam. Drum having less rebounds than KD, BB, Cam, Max Strus, Caleb Martin, Tyler Herro, and Haywood Highsmith (who???) is unacceptable. :sick:

K krazy88s , Nets definitely have too many guys doing way more than they should be doing.
agree with EVERYTHING yall said

with 36 Fn diff starting line ups defense will never come easy, yall know thatish takes alotta time and practice CONSISTENTLY TOGETHER to get it right, not making excuses for em but it cant be easy withe different faces damn near everytime you lace em up

TIMING is ****** too, KD just back, new faces HE has not played with yet and NO NASH = :smh: , again no excuses just fax !

LMFAO at them treating the zone like it was covid shigues, u AINT lyin !!!

not worried 1 bit about the offense eye dont think any of us are, now we gotta hope for HEALTH, which will lead to consistency, which will produce MUCH better defense all around, its gotta

dont wanna jinx anyting but keep this date in the back of yalls minds...... March 13

heres the best that can basically be hoped for soon......... once indoor mandate is lifted on Mondai private sector mandate is last hurdle, looking for the EXEMPTION and most important part is WHO PRESIDES OVER IT. here is the best sense of it eye could find, cat makes alotta sense. time is now of the essence in a HUGE wai, so even though all signs point to HIM being back soon, IT CANT BE SOON ENOUGH, eye know, obvious as F...anyways heres what I AM PRAYING FOR....

Well before the nyc indoor mandate out ruled the private sector mandate. So once they lift the indoor mandate on Monday the only thing stopping them is the private sector mandate. It will be easier to circumvent if it’s the Nets or Barclays presiding over it. Doubt the NBA would sign off on the exemption. Basically Adams is saying he can’t play because no exemption request was made as of now but sure enough they will apply for the exemption once the indoor mandate is lifted. It’s not ethical and I don’t agree with it but I think that’s how they’re going to get around so Kyrie can play.

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Good game so far.

I like how they are taking advantage of matchups. Drum in the post vs Pritchard is a no-brainer.

7 cooking so far.

EZMONEY SERVANT EZMONEY SERVANT , what kicks are KD wearing? :nerd:

And as always, I so appreciate the simple all black unis. :pimp:

they got a different tongue than the released pair though, colorway is straight fire, TRUE REAPER PAIR !


hell yeah ! the BAD GUYS ALWAYS WEAR BLACK !
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Welp, I don't know how many times I can say "good effort" and the team still takes an L. :ohwell:

But I much rather this kind of loss as opposed to the ones like against the Raps and the Heat.

Not much you can do here. Tatum gave them boys that work. :sick:

I looked up and down the Nets roster and don't really see any names that can stop someone like Tatum when he gets hot. BB? KD? JJ? Clax? Kess?? None of those guys are really equipped to guard Tatum. :smh:

BB is good on defense but I wouldn't consider him a tenacious defender like Tucker or Pat Bev. JJ doesn't have the foot speed. KD already has his hands full with anchoring the weak-side of the paint PLUS scoring. Clax has the speed and length but picks up fouls quick. Kess is a rookie and has hit a slump. Patty, Seth, KI and Goran are all too little.

In other words, we need Ben. :lol:
Btw, I hope Cam is alright. That fall was nasty. Love the fact that he tried to play through it but you don't mess with an injured back.

Also wanted to mention how KI gave a shout out to Eric Adams in the postgame and that he understands how difficult the position Adams is in. Tbh, the whole thing still doesn't make sense to me and now people are wondering if he will even play at home this season at all. |l

Season is going to be over before we know it and things are looking crazy right now. I'm not concerned about making the play-in. That's not an issue. But trying to squeeze the necessary chemistry into a handful of weeks and crossing fingers that everything just suddenly clicks is going to be a tall task.

You can see Nash had a hell of a time juggling minutes against the C's and he's going to have to figure something out on defense bc that's the area where the Nets have been getting killed ALL SEASON.
Defense and wing players :smh:

Nash has had a tough time with the inconsistency and availability of players.

All in all I thought they played ok. Maybe Kyrie could've played a tad better? Idk
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