BREAKING: Actor-comedian Robin Williams Found Dead

Man, I just read something about this that doesn't make sense to me. I have huge respect for the man and his impact, but man, my feelings on suicide in general make it hard.
Maybe you need to take a look at your views on suicide and realize it's not as black & white as you might perceive. People that just blanketly classify it as a selfish act come off ignorant.

Don't even start with him.
yall see this ...dope 
Could be the other way around. Sad people like making other laugh and happy. That gives them some happiness in return.
Maybe you need to take a look at your views on suicide and realize it's not as black & white as you might perceive. People that just blanketly classify it as a selfish act come off ignorant.
I'm so far away from that end of the spectrum it's not even funny. You want to off yourself, go for it. The article I read was talking about how "brave" he was for toughing it out through the disease, but he wasn't brave, he took the cowards way out, the disease didn't kill him, he killed himself. He didn't lose to the disease he lost to himself, so don't tell me how "brave" he is...or anyone that commits suicide to be honest.

If you feel thats what you need to do, I don't think it's selfish at all, hell you may be right and the world may be a better place when you aren't in it. Also if you are constantly getting raped ( or something on that level) I don't think it's selfish either, it's really only selfish if you had someone depending on you, matter the situation, it's a cowards way out. Whether it's understandable or not is a different story, even it if is understandable, it's still a cowards move.

But, my opinions on suicide are...different I guess. When a wall street dude jumps off a building because he lost millions of dollars he's a coward, but when someone we love commits suicide we act as if it was some great tragedy, thats ********, both people are equally as weak.

If I ever see the two dudes I know who did commit suicide on the other side, I'd tell them straight up, "Cowards move. I go to war, I'm leaving your weak *** behind. We still cool and all but I look at you like a weak child instead of a man. I love children, I love you, children can do cool things, you can do cool things, but to me, you're not a man, men aren't cowards."
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Maybe you need to take a look at your views on suicide and realize it's not as black

I'm so far away from that end of the spectrum it's not even funny. You want to off yourself, go for it. The article I read was talking about how "brave" he was for toughing it out through the disease, but he wasn't brave, he took the cowards way out, the disease didn't kill him, he killed himself. He didn't lose to the disease he lost to himself, so don't tell me how "brave" he is...or anyone that commits suicide to be honest.

If you feel thats what you need to do, I don't think it's selfish at all, hell you may be right and the world may be a better place when you aren't in it. Also if you are constantly getting raped ( or something on that level) I don't think it's selfish either, it's really only selfish if you had someone depending on you, matter the situation, it's a cowards way out. Whether it's understandable or not is a different story, even it if is understandable, it's still a cowards move.

But, my opinions on suicide are...different I guess. When a wall street dude jumps off a building because he lost millions of dollars he's a coward, but when someone we love commits suicide we act as if it was some great tragedy, thats ********, both people are equally as weak.

If I ever see the two dudes I know who did commit suicide on the other side, I'd tell them straight up, "Cowards move. I go to war, I'm leaving your weak *** behind. We still cool and all but I look at you like a weak child instead of a man. I love children, I love you, children can do cool things, you can do cool things, but to me, you're not a man, men aren't cowards."


I'm just gonna try & chill & not get banned
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That is in fact the gibberish gawd with rampant alcoholism that chooses to endanger lives starting with his own.
Hahahahah Yup. everything any of you believe about me is least to you I suppose. When things like this occur I'm always so glad I don't think like ya'll, it's gotta be hard being you guys.
You need an outlet for these wonderful little soliloquies.
I'm thinking-- journal. Yes. Journal. That'll do just fine.
no one except him knows the pain he was in, however couldn't ever see myself putting my family and friends through the pain of a loved one committing suicide
RIP Robin
what if OP was Robin :nerd:

The OP in that thread was posting after Robin Williams had been confirmed dead. Someone mentioned that it could've been Zelda Williams but that's sick and i don't know if she's a bears fan...I think it was just a wild coincidence from a guy who was truly a big fan of Robin Williams' work.
I don't think I've ever seen so many people on social networking acknowledge and mourn the death of a celebrity as I have with Robin Williams. It's crazy.
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