Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Your experience is not a unique one, I too spent most of my childhood in a city, and in a lot of ways I was more sheltered than if I were living in the burbs. Only when I went to college, was I introduced to subtle, and a lot of the times, not so subtle racism. This isn't about my, or yours experience though, this is about being just. Are you 100% black? 

No I'm not. I was raised by my one black parent in a 100% black/latino community and my father, who I have never lived with, came from piss poor Italian immigrants so I stand by the sentiment that white privilege has never touched me
especially when I factor in my physical appearance.
I am not either, and I also lived with my black parent in a black community. I have benefitted from white privilege though 
 No shame in it, just honesty. 

How so? Sorry I'm feeling inquisitive (nosy) today.
I also think our last exchange was a miscommunication. I thought you were saying that programs targeted at geographical communities rather than racial/ethnic communities were as unreasonable as slavery that's why I was taken aback.
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Y'all call it reparations, but it's really just evening up the playing field. It's like we started a foot race and you began ¾ of a mile in, then chastising us, telling us we aren't where you are because we aren't trying hard enough.

I understand your point, but realistically what else can be done besides huge investments into education in primarily black communities? What else do we need that the government can afford to give us? These are serious questions not combative ones, because I genuinely don't know.
End negative portrayals of blacks in every facet of the media, adequate healthcare/education, reform to the judicial system. (Just to name a few)

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

DAYTONA 5000 wrote:

Isn't that what white's have been telling us since the inception of this country? That we weren't your equal, not part of your 'one big family'? 3/5 of a man (and only then for tax purposes)? 

For a dude so up in arms about racism, you sure have a "you people" attitude about caucasians. 

But I'm only going by what has been presented to me all my life. That you and I we are NOT the same, despite how liberal and progressive and "all for equality" you might think you are (notice you ducked and danced around the topic of your white privilege)
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

End negative portrayals of blacks in every facet of the media, adequate healthcare/education, reform to the judicial system. (Just to name a few)


Those are things that a reasonable person could never be opposed to.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
For a dude so up in arms about racism, you sure have a "you people" attitude about caucasians. 
We learned from "you" folks 

From PREVIOUS GENERATIONS, or douchey prejudiced white people. Not me personally. I have definitely never in my life lumped races together like that, so don't give me that generalization garbage. 
It's called the Golden Rule, folks. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Don't make racist, generalist comments about other races if you don't want them made about you. I think it's silly that most of the people crying racism in this thread are making racist comments themselves. Hypocrisy much? I would never be like "AA's are still beneath me, they're still inferior", so why is it fair that someone else is like "white people are still racist, evil, tyrannical a-holes trying to hold other races down". It's time for people to start accepting people for who they are, and not as a long-removed part of a race that was once cruel. I know that the viewpoints of previous generations were stupid and unfair so I don't abide by them.
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

For a dude so up in arms about racism, you sure have a "you people" attitude about caucasians. 
We learned from "you" folks 

From PREVIOUS GENERATIONS, or douchey prejudiced white people. Not me personally. I have definitely never in my life lumped races together like that, so don't give me that generalization garbage. 
It's called the Golden Rule, folks. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Don't make racist, generalist comments about other races if you don't want them made about you. I think it's silly that most of the people crying racism in this thread are making racist comments themselves. Hypocrisy much? I would never be like "AA's are still beneath me, they're still inferior", so why is it fair that someone else is like "white people are still racist, evil, tyrannical a-holes trying to hold other races down". It's time for people to start accepting people for who they are, and not as a long-removed part of a race that was once cruel. I know that the viewpoints of previous generations were stupid and unfair so I don't abide by them.

White people benefit more from AA than blacks do, so I hope you wouldn't look down on your people. 
DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
For a dude so up in arms about racism, you sure have a "you people" attitude about caucasians. 

But I'm only going by what has been presented to me all my life. That you and I we are NOT the same, despite how liberal and progressive and "all for equality" you might think you are (notice you ducked and danced around the topic of your white privilege)

There was no ducking and dancing. I just didn't feel the need to justify myself to some unfair bigot on the internet. FTR, I've been working since I was 13 years old to afford to give myself an education so that I can be successful in life. I still work two jobs while taking a full course load. I busted my butt for everything I have. I'm going to be successful but not through 'white privilege". Through hard work and determination. 
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by kix4kix

We learned from "you" folks 

From PREVIOUS GENERATIONS, or douchey prejudiced white people. Not me personally. I have definitely never in my life lumped races together like that, so don't give me that generalization garbage. 
It's called the Golden Rule, folks. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Don't make racist, generalist comments about other races if you don't want them made about you. I think it's silly that most of the people crying racism in this thread are making racist comments themselves. Hypocrisy much? I would never be like "AA's are still beneath me, they're still inferior", so why is it fair that someone else is like "white people are still racist, evil, tyrannical a-holes trying to hold other races down". It's time for people to start accepting people for who they are, and not as a long-removed part of a race that was once cruel. I know that the viewpoints of previous generations were stupid and unfair so I don't abide by them.

White people benefit more from AA than blacks do, so I hope ou wouldn't look down on your own kind.
Sorry, I meant African Americans. I assume you thought I was talking about Alcoholics Anonymous? Sorry, is that abbreviation not politically correct? I didn't know. I saw it used in the thread and assumed it was okay. 
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

End negative portrayals of blacks in every facet of the media, adequate healthcare/education, reform to the judicial system. (Just to name a few)


Those are things that a reasonable person could never be opposed to.
See I'm totally behind this. I don't know why I'm the enemy just because I'm white. I support these things, but because I aspire to an equal society, not because I think I owe somebody something when I've done nothing all my life but be fair and unprejudiced. 
Edit: But I just dont understand why we can't give good healthcare and education to everybody that needs it. Why does it have to be focused toward black communities? I think everybody should have the right to these things. 
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Y'all call it reparations, but it's really just evening up the playing field. It's like we started a foot race and you began ¾ of a mile in, then chastising us, telling us we aren't where you are because we aren't trying hard enough.

I understand your point, but realistically what else can be done besides huge investments into education in primarily black communities? What else do we need that the government can afford to give us? These are serious questions not combative ones, because I genuinely don't know.
End negative portrayals of blacks in every facet of the media, adequate healthcare/education, reform to the judicial system. (Just to name a few)
Not trying to attack you ftr, but should "gangsta rap" music be banned? How about movies like Belly?
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio


big cities are actually the places where insidious racism occurs.� Racism is not only seen in radical gestures, but also in subtle occurences.��

Most people would love to say big cities like NYC and SF would be void of such behavior�but it does happen.� what's worse is what would happen if you saw it happen?:

youtube flash mob robbery though
if you owned a store you wouldnt want people stealing either
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by kilojules64

I understand your point, but realistically what else can be done besides huge investments into education in primarily black communities? What else do we need that the government can afford to give us? These are serious questions not combative ones, because I genuinely don't know.
End negative portrayals of blacks in every facet of the media, adequate healthcare/education, reform to the judicial system. (Just to name a few)
Not trying to attack you ftr, but should "gangsta rap" music be banned? How about movies like Belly?
No. That's like asking if movies like The Godfather or death metal should be banned.  For every 1 Bill Cosby you have 5 Nino Browns or JJ Evans. The media makes a point to show us in the most negative light possible. Not saying blacks aren't without blame, since we are responsible for what we consume. But blacks aren't the ones who are feeding these negative images to the masses everyday. How about some parity?
WaitWut wrote:
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio


big cities are actually the places where insidious racism occurs.� Racism is not only seen in radical gestures, but also in subtle occurences.��

Most people would love to say big cities like NYC and SF would be void of such behavior�but it does happen.� what's worse is what would happen if you saw it happen?:


youtube flash mob robbery though
if you owned a store you wouldnt want people stealing either

oh so if OJ murdered nicole.

I should tell every white girl to fear every black dude who plays football?

so what if those idiots who did the flash mob robberies were black.  doesn't mean i can logically assume that if more than one black teen come into a store theyre going to steal all the stf 511s and zebra print jeggins on the shelves

you are justifying racism and racial profiling? that is exactly what the video i posted shows. the provocation of "shopping while black"...this is how stereotypes become the "norm" and thus how minorities often feel oppressed in the slightest of ways.
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

DAYTONA 5000 wrote:

Isn't that what white's have been telling us since the inception of this country? That we weren't your equal, not part of your 'one big family'? 3/5 of a man (and only then for tax purposes)? 

For a dude so up in arms about racism, you sure have a "you people" attitude about caucasians. 

being that im mixed black and greek and im basically pale enough to pass as white or at least hispanic

i can speak from whatever perspective i want on the topic, because i can pass either way

these are ideals formed by the experiences of an "almost so light he's basically white" mixed kid....

imagine the point of view from the experiences of a brown or dark skinned cat

you, personally, don't need to take offense nor get defensive, because, as youve stated before, you didnt do anything.

but to sit here and deny that the system was oppressive and has never really made things equal is ridiculous.

or to argue "oh well,whats done is done, get over it"

those are pretty ignorant points of view.

and kilo, you're right, you've articulated the very little bit of "equality" the system has put in place to TRY and make up for the which, of course, the system blames all social problems on....and scapegoats any and everyone who benefits from these measures....and calls them unfair to the poor majority who dominated all other races/classes in this country for hundreds of years....

and STILL you're a rarity....

for every one kilo coming from your situation, there are 10 who get pregnant at 18...

yes its their fault, but theres also a system at play where they're MORE LIKELY, STATISTICALLY to fail than to succeed

personal responsibility is one thing

and having odds stacked against you in every aspect of your life as it interacts with society is another thing altogether...

the word SYSTEMATIC in systematic oppression is important. this is a system. when a young black teen gets pregnant, yes, she made a bad choice, but this is actually the outcome of a system DESIGNED with the sole intent of that outcome.

im not even calling for anything specifically (reparations, tax breaks, etc.)

i just wanna clean up some of these thoughts and ideas that're being put out here for the sake of argument...
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by newbuck

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Whites are only rich and powerful because of the negro. Period.

U can come at me or believe what you want but it's the truth. I don't even wana get into this because it is what it is but the whites will get theirs sooner than later.


Quoting this buffoonery just in case you want to be slick and edit it.
No edit.

They are rich because of our ancestors. We were effing slaves, we built *+@, they got free labor out of us for years only to keep every dime in the family. Same *+@ down the line. Tell me something different, I say a lot of ignorant *+@ but tell me otherwise smart guy.

Lol, you first cleaned up "the whites" comment. Then when you saw I quoted it you edited it a second time to the original text. Extra slick.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Isn't that what white's have been telling us since the inception of this country? That we weren't your equal, not part of your 'one big family'? 3/5 of a man (and only then for tax purposes)?
Relax on the pronouns bruh, I'm not white. My grandfather was a university professor for twenty years before immigrating to this country, wherein he scrubbed toilets in order to put my mother in the position to put me in the position to attain a college education, despite affirmative action working against me within the American education system. Save me the 200 year old sob story 
Tell me how affirmative action worked against you my man. I want to hear this.
As far as admissions practices for higher learning go, beginning in the early 1990s certain ethnic minorities ceased to benefit from affirmative action. Those groups include, but are not limited to: East Asians, South Asians, Pacific Islanders, etc.  The rules for affirmative action were effectively narrowed, and as it is today only explicitly mentioned "underrepresented minorities" are given additional consideration when applying to undergraduate/graduate institutions. These underrepresented minorities are, in order of most to least advantageous: African Americans, Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Ricans. If your lineage does not lend itself to at least 1/4 (preferably 1/2) of one of those ethnicities, then you absolutely do not benefit in the least from affirmative action.
Moreover, because the aforementioned ethnic minorities who no longer benefit from affirmative action have assumed a healthy proportion of the undergraduate/graduate student population in recent years, they are –– for all intents and purposes –– grouped with Caucasians when being considered for admission. These groups must have much stronger applications, and overall must be exemplary applicants to a degree far more disproportional to their underrepresented counterparts than has been seen in decades past (affirmative action or not).

There is no denying that fact that asians are minorities. In this country, we are. Despite this fact, because we were taught by our families to work our %+@%@ off in school and sacrifice academic excellence under no circumstance, we are no longer afforded the same benefits that other minorities in this country are? It doesn't seem right.

As a disclaimer, I support affirmative action. I'm not crying over the fact that it has made things more difficult for me to get where I need to be. I did what I had to do to attend a top public undergraduate university, and will continue to excel in order to attend a top tier graduate school. I simply find it unfair that, for some reason, the sacrifices of myself and of my family to succeed in the face of adversity have received no reward, rather I have received a punishment in some sense. 

The system is broken, I'm sure. Affirmative action is, and always has been, a cheap %%% %++$%$@*##%%+ CVS type band-aid placed on a gaping, infected, pus-filled stab wound that has threatened opportunity since Washington and dem boys had slaves build this country from the ground up.

Like I said, it is what it is.
OP, I say we make this into a poll with the five leading suggestions as to how Black America can get to a respectable level in society as a whole. If there are other popular suggestions they can be added but I think a poll would make it easier for people to see what the argument really is and see who sides with what (low key swag list you know how that goes).

I honestly stand by what I said for the fact that if help is given soon something is going to be expected within a short amount of time. The way things are going right now, it would take too much time and things would go back to square one.
Disclaimer: I didn't read any post in this read except OP.

Reparations/hand-outs are not the answer. The answer is so obvious it's become cliche: "wake up" and "do better". The problem is in actually doing it.

You can write books (and there already are plenty) about all the factors that limit black achievement in this country, and most of them are legitimate issues, but to put it as simply as possible; the solution is to work harder. The fact is certain kinds of achievements aren't "cool" and are even looked down upon instead of being praised/respected. The family unit is often in shambles so it creates a cycle of failure. Breaking the cycle isn't as easy as throwing money at it... all that will lead to is kids failing in fancier schools. Not to play the "who-had-it-worst" game, but look at how immigrant groups have successfully adapted and made great achievements despite all the problems they also face. The world is changing, globally the Western (aka: traditionally white) grip on world power is being yielded to the rising "2nd/3rd world" & here in the US the racial demographics are changing rapidly... a perfect opportunity exists for "minorities" to start making moves; it's ultimately up to every individual to decide for themselves how they are going to handle whatever problems/disadvantages they have.

^A story I know some of you are already familiar with, but very powerful none the less.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Its too late to do this.

Do mixed people get these benefits?

Its easy to give money to Japanese people. Thats a targeted population.

Black isn't even defined in the US. Black is anything thats NOT-white or Non-hispanic.

No body wants to be "black" thats why they always shy away from those labels.
Maybe I should start hitting the report button, there is a lot of ignorance in here. 

Not to bust your balls or anything but what you said, while I mean was in good nature in itself was ignorant.

Its easy to give money to Japanese people. Thats a targeted population.

Um japanese isnt a people. Its a nationality, and any race can have origins from japan. So basically are you saying any person regardless of race should get reparation so long as they have some family decendants from japan.

Black is anything thats NOT-white or Non-hispanic.

Non white/Non hispanic is the same thing. Its a double negative. Its like when people say im going to have to revert back. Revert and going back is the same thing. They are define one another.Or like advance foward. Advance meand to move ahead/foward.

Not trying to be an A-hole just saying, to ridicule someone for ignorance by making a ignorant statement.

In this country, while Japan is a nationality, it also speaks to a highly homogenous population of immigrants. Very few countries that have immigrants in the US come from extremely diverse populations. Especially during the time of WWII before the extent of globalization that we have now. If you were Japanese and in america, chances are that you were ethnically japanese not just by nationality. And yes I know that Japan has a bunch of smaller ethnic groups, but do you think the US government recognizes them? They just saw a yellow person with slanted eyes and threw them in a camp then called it a day. 
Reparations gets harder to even THINK about with time because those original populations end up being so much more dispersed than when the original transgression was committed. This also speaks to the racist idea that populations can't change in the first place to even think of giving reparations 60 years later. At least with the Japanese they kept records on who deserved to get paid. There is no such documentation for other minorities. 

And I stand by my statement. In the US, you're considered Black if you're not white. Ask most mixed kids (in my experience that is) why they choose to associate with being black over being white rather than not picking. They always assume that "white" is the default and anything that strays from that is "colored." Only until very recently did we stop trying to pigeon-hole people into these limited categories. 

 Very true and their lies a problem. How can ppl unify with one another when they are discriminating disassociating themselves within there own race. how can negroids as a whole unite and better the struggles when its a differential/hierarchy/discriminatory within its own. Hell you got spanish speaking ppl differentiating themselves from whites when the are all the same. We first need to address the jamaicans who say im not black. Or the hispanic/latin etc who says they arent white. Or ppl who say im not mongloid im asian/japanese/fillipino etc.
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