Black "Stealth" Foamposite ones!!! December 14th, 2012 - A FRIDAY!!!!

Had two links open on two different computers. Same browser.

One took me to active page just fine. The other took me to the Product Unavailable Page.

I know I was able to get one pair just fine....but I can't help but feel disappointed at the error. :smh:

same thing happened to me, except i had chrome and safari open. chrome opened fine and i was able to cop my 9.5.... safari gave me the Product unavailable Page
Just picked up guy at Roosevelt said he thinks its gonna be a RSVP for leftovers at 5 P.M. today...also phones were ringing off the hook with people calling about them, He told me he heard every sob story and people were calling asking him to hold pairs at 5 p.m. giving him story's about having to take their grandmothers to chemotherapy...Sneaker-game is ****** up. Btw, they had about a page of names and a few extra on another page, not much at all.

Besides that shoes are beautiful a tiny bit of glue on the left shoes carbonfiber but no big deal.
same thing happened to me, except i had chrome and safari open. chrome opened fine and i was able to cop my 9.5.... safari gave me the Product unavailable Page
I used chrome(windows) too w/ success.  Personally I like chrome over all the other browsers due to it's speed.  
I just saw on ebay people selling their foams that they just purchased on NDC...are they that desperate for cash that they try to flip shoes?!
Fight just broke out at jimmy jazz cuz they sold their last 10prs to red carpet and ragga muffin across the street... I'm too old for this *^%# #murtaugh voice!
Why is this MF size 9 on NDC still there but it has the someone has it in their cart business and not sold out msg?! This is what I hate about this checkout system. Tell me they are gone so I can move on!!!!
Picked up my 3 pair of foams, copped 1 for a friend and he met me at the NIKETOWN this morning.

There is a high chance for a re-RSVP for the NTNY so be on the look out. Most of the small sizes are gone though so it will be higher sizes almost no 12-13-14s were selling and i got off line at 8:30 nobody else there.

Heres a picture of the stock -- best i could take.


Got 2 pair for me. Sexy as hell in person.

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Why is this MF size 9 on NDC still there but it has the someone has it in their cart business and not sold out msg?! This is what I hate about this checkout system. Tell me they are gone so I can move on!!!!
Aaaaand they pulled them.
Picked up my 3 pair of foams, copped 1 for a friend and he met me at the NIKETOWN this morning.
I peep those Dr. Doom's tho.

Shame that I'll have to settle for trading, but at least I got a size close.  From 11 to 11.5/12 shouldn't be too difficult.
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