Black Mother Jailed For Sending Kids to White School District

yo, at first, i was like "eh, i dont care"

then i clicked, and im like "well, she WAS guilty"

then i read the story

this is ridiculous...

she needs to appeal.....and contact every rep we have....local and federal

this is some %!%@%**%.

and nice ohio joke to really set the mood....


i just considered this

the husband or babys dad or whoever's address they used...that person lives in the district and pays taxes into the school system, so what does it matter, as long as theyre using HIS address, what does it matter where they live? each address that pays taxes into a school district has access to that school district.....

how many hours a week do they technically have to "live" there to get into the district?

im sure theres some arbitrary hour amount....what does it matter?

im actually salty about this...kinda +!+$%* up my morning
this is pathetic and always those couple of people who think stuff like this is okay...
This happens all the time. If your kid is getting in fights all the time, maybe there's serious trouble in the school, it happens. But I've never heard of anything like this happening.

Normally, they just kick you out of the school and tell you to go to the right one.

They made an example out of her in the cruelest way possible. Because she tried to send her kids to a better school her family is +@#++* for a good while.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

This happens all the time. I'm from a county that when I was in HS experienced MASSIVE white flight and even a few years after I graduated lost accreditation for a year. I saw parents pulling kids out and moving to other counties all the time.

People were getting in trouble for this all the time. Its not about the education...its about the money. If one or two people do it, they go undetected...however when you've got a couple hundred thinking they can fool the system, you're missing out on critical tax dollars and other appropriation of resources to meet that need.

Its just the way it goes. She broke the law. I feel for her for trying to do right for her kids, but the best thing to do would have been to make her kids excel wherever they are. If you need to move your kid, chances are its not the school sometimes, its your kid.

Not saying all school systems are better than we think, but individual effort needs to be analyzed.

This is wrong. You absolutely CAN NOT compare the quality of education of schools in suburban areas to overcrowded underfunded urban schools. It is NOT equal and is why this woman was trying to put her kids into another school. Better schools = better quality education = better chance to be successful. Come on now...
Don't get it twisted. I'm a black male that went to public HS and a top 20 university. I know about diversity and adversity so miss me with that. I've seen it all.

I'm just saying, that me and my peers that COULDNT move did what we had to situation will never be that of someone elses but i can say that its better to at least try and make it work.

While I think they made an example of her, I do think that she still clearly broke the law.

Originally Posted by tyisny

And this is why everyday i disassociate more and more with this country, its disgusting what gets a pass here. She has been sent to jail for trying to get her child into a better school district and she recieves a felony for this a FELONY....

This happens all the time. I'm from a county that when I was in HS experienced MASSIVE white flight and even a few years after I graduated lost accreditation for a year. I saw parents pulling kids out and moving to other counties all the time.

People were getting in trouble for this all the time. Its not about the education...its about the money. If one or two people do it, they go undetected...however when you've got a couple hundred thinking they can fool the system, you're missing out on critical tax dollars and other appropriation of resources to meet that need.

Its just the way it goes. She broke the law. I feel for her for trying to do right for her kids, but the best thing to do would have been to make her kids excel wherever they are. If you need to move your kid, chances are its not the school sometimes, its your kid.

Not saying all school systems are better than we think, but individual effort needs to be analyzed
Are you serious about this. its obvious that schools in richer districts have much better schooling facilities and oppurtunity than one in low income section of the city. So regardless of childs performance the better resources were gonna be available only in the district she attempted to send her child too.

Same  thing to you that I said above.

I get it. I swear I do, but she broke the law...

If you mess with the governments money, youre GOING to get screwed. Believe that.

this is the type of thinking that has turned a country founded by republic revolutionaries to a country of SHEEP. There is no government money. Its OUR MONEY. The government is based on the soverignty of the people, and ultimately it's the population's repsonsibiltiy to fix government, not the other way around.  
right, thats what im saying

the address they used PAID TAXES INTO THE DISTRICT

so, like i said, how many hours them girls gotta actually "stay" in that address to technically "live there" in the government's eyes?

because the address is certainly valid, and since it paid taxes into the district, it can send however many children they want into the district...

im failing to see why she was hit with a felony....

there IS a house, that house DOES pay into the much they gotta be there to "live" there?

yall makin it seem like she made up an address and no taxes were actually paid into the district...
This is gonna sound messed up but, the school district was right. She didn't pay taxes to them, people work hard to stay AWAY from bad neighborhoods and keep their kids out of bad schools.
Jail time?? Who got hurt??
This is complete and total *$#%@%@+
Guarantee they'll have free representation by the end of the day though
@ Dame Theory.......Just because you're black & went to a public school..depending on where you live/what public school district you were in can really change you'r entire argument.

ie...North Va Public School Systems vs Southern Maryland vs DC & B-More schools.. VAST comparisons, & I attended public schools in each area except B-More....

& incase anyone calls ducktales i attended Eastern (public) & Field (private) HS in DC, C.H. Flowers in MD (short term), & West Potomac out in VA

The entire DMV area does this all the from DC going to VA/MD HS, I knew a bunch of MD students coming out to DC schools with me.

Basically using a family member's address, some even stayed with that family member a few nights each week to increase the idea that those kids actually lived there.
Originally Posted by solekollectah81

This is gonna sound messed up but, the school district was right. She didn't pay taxes to them, people work hard to stay AWAY from bad neighborhoods and keep their kids out of bad schools.

C'mon son
read that last part to yourself and realize what you're saying.
You think if she had an opportunity to get out she wouldn't?
I did this in high school too. We bought a cheap house in the district and used that address.
We should always punish people for trying to better their child's future....Smh this world is so backwards.
Its not even a race thing either, if you're poor you get no love no matter what color your skin is. Welcome to America
From reading one article on this it made it sound like there were 30-40 other case of
people caught up in this and almost all of them came to an agreement/terms/settlement.

This one ended up going all the way to the courts.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

yo, at first, i was like "eh, i dont care"

then i clicked, and im like "well, she WAS guilty"

then i read the story

this is ridiculous...

she needs to appeal.....and contact every rep we have....local and federal

this is some %!%@%**%.

and nice ohio joke to really set the mood....


i just considered this

the husband or babys dad or whoever's address they used...that person lives in the district and pays taxes into the school system, so what does it matter, as long as theyre using HIS address, what does it matter where they live? each address that pays taxes into a school district has access to that school district.....

how many hours a week do they technically have to "live" there to get into the district?

im sure theres some arbitrary hour amount....what does it matter?

im actually salty about this...kinda +!+$%* up my morning

Just wanted to point out that "the father" is actually the kids' grandfather.  So they used the kids' grandfather's address.
Wow seriously? I can't stand this country sometimes. I know she broke the law, but a group of competent adults can't open their eyes and see this for what it is?
This happens ALL the time in the South. Hell I knew ALOT of people in Florida doing this. Its hard being black in the south ALL the good schools are in white suburban areas. Black Parents ALWAYS have to go through this my parents had to make the decision like SEVERAL other people to move out of black areas for the sake of their childrens future. More than likely this mother could not affod to do that. If a parent is willing to risk JAIL time for her children to go to a different school what does that say about their current school district? Obviously she isnt the only party doing wrong in this situation. School Systems in black environments have been HORRIBLE for years. It makes you wonder why. If you guys have ever studied the Black Panthers you will probably have read about the schools they started that OVERACHIEVED compared to ALL the schools in their area. Clearly Black Students are 100% capable of being able to achieve compared to their white counterparts so WHY arent they? Why are black schools so horrible? Look at who controls the school system and you will know why.....
Ahhh Florida. White and Black parents from all economic classes dealt with the same issue when I was in high school.
My mom and everyone else in my subdivision had to do the same thing, the parents just provided the transportation to stay off the radar. I mean it was only 2 miles away while the other was 20 miles away. They redistricted us to go to the most ghetto, country, majority white, 20 pregnant girls, cows and chickens in the front, highly agricultural concentrated, rodeo having, high school in the planet. My mom wasn't having it.
My mother did this for me when I was in elementary school, our nieghborhood was @%*$. It didn't get the funding needed to help kids who had actual issues let alone help kids who were advanced. She recognized that from my cousins going there and used someone elses address to put me in a better setting that would challenge me.

I would understand if they got caught and the school district put them out of the school, I'd have no qualms with that. Even to go as far as to say you have to pay back some of the money it cost to educate them, while I think thats hufflepuff cool. But to actually charge/convict her of a felony all but alieviating her ability to finish her own education in hopes of making a better life for her family through the measures we preach is absolutely disgusting
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

yo, at first, i was like "eh, i dont care"

then i clicked, and im like "well, she WAS guilty"

then i read the story

this is ridiculous...

she needs to appeal.....and contact every rep we have....local and federal

this is some %!%@%**%.

and nice ohio joke to really set the mood....


i just considered this

the husband or babys dad or whoever's address they used...that person lives in the district and pays taxes into the school system, so what does it matter, as long as theyre using HIS address, what does it matter where they live? each address that pays taxes into a school district has access to that school district.....

how many hours a week do they technically have to "live" there to get into the district?

im sure theres some arbitrary hour amount....what does it matter?

im actually salty about this...kinda +!+$%* up my morning

Just wanted to point out that "the father" is actually the kids' grandfather.  So they used the kids' grandfather's address.

and HE paid into the district, so HIS household can send children into the district, therefore, who is to say that  his granddaughters didnt "live" with him?

thats why im asking how many odd hours a day you have to be somewhere for the state to consider it your residence....

she didnt NOT pay taxes, her father paid the taxes....

the school district got compensation via taxation for the children...

i dont see how the state can "prove" the kids don't live there....
This is crazy!!! I KNOW WAY to many people that have done this including myself

I mean it's not a random's the children's GRANDFATHER
Ten days in jail for wanting an education for your kids sounds harsh, but she didn't get ten days in jail for that. She got the ten days for tapering with court records and one count of fraud.

I think that before anyone cries foul(like 99% of you do on this forum), we would need to know the racial breakdown of the other 30-40 people "caught" and then also the ramifications that those people chose instead of a jury trial (and if different offers were made to Whites vs Blacks).
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