I don't want it to sound like I'm siding with him. I'm just saying it's possible that he jumped in to follow and then saw they had guns and was like "Whoa wait wtf?" The fact that he turned the video over to police right away as opposed to deleting just confuses me. If he had hid it and they later found it, it'd be easy to assume he was right there armed with them. But he didn't. And that confuses me. Maybe he is in fact so insane to think the video was clearing their actions and that's just a level of insanity that is hard to register with me.
And then you turn around and throw this goofy hypothetical out there.

Some of "yall" just need to learn when to stop man.

But I get it, yall are never told "You aren't included" so yall struggle to sit things out.
idk and I've thought about that. It's one of two things for me.

1. He's full blown racist and thinks they did nothing wrong. He showed the cop to say "See, he wouldn't stop for us! When we finally cornered us, he attacked us! See we did nothing wrong!"

2. He had no idea it was going to escalate to that level and was all "Look what these ****ers did, I have it on tape."

Was he armed? I haven't see that anywhere. If he was just following trying to ask Mr. Arbery questions, then I'd probably give him a pass. If he was armed too, then he's in the same boat as the others imo.
Again, why are you even saying something like this.
Right, he acknowleged that but then he proceeded to explain WHY a black person wouldn't truly trust any.

You left that part out.

Don't take this personally, but You are doing one of the most common things white folks do when it comes to these discussions.

You are spending SO much time trying to defend YOUR heart/stance.

Stop talking about YOU and how YOU aren't "one of them."

Listen to what I am saying. Nobody cares about what you are saying when it comes to this because you are making it about YOU and less about the SYSTEM.

Stop talking about YOU and how YOU aren't "one of them."
Stop talking about YOU and how YOU aren't "one of them."
Stop talking about YOU and how YOU aren't "one of them."
Stop talking about YOU and how YOU aren't "one of them."
Stop talking about YOU and how YOU aren't "one of them."
I took it as him saying he doesn't trust ALL bc he trust a FEW. That's a perfectly rationale view.

I'm all for talking about the system and how ****** up it is. But for some, nothing I say matters bc of my skin tone so what's the point?
The act of following someone to question them already seems confrontational. Like, if some stranger followed me from behind and then grilled me on questions I'd tell him to get the **** out of my face at the very least or possibly more depending on the circumstances

Add to the fact that it's not like there was an assault, or anything remotely on that level to begin with with in terms of wanting to question potential suspects. Even then like I said, creeping on someone and wanting to get answers from them is already escalating things
True. Definitely true. Like I said, not trying to side with him. Just him cooperating right away puzzles me.
I took it as him saying he doesn't trust ALL bc he trust a FEW. That's a perfectly rationale view.

I'm all for talking about the system and how ****ed up it is. But for some, nothing I say matters bc of my skin tone so what's the point?
Why should what you are say about OUR affairs matter in the first placE?

Answer that for me.

You say, "Nothing I say matters" as if you DESERVE a seat at the table to even have your voice heard in this conversation.

Again, you are displaying a classic case of Privilege. You are some how the victim (YES that IS what you are displaying) in a situation that you are far from that.
How does one reject whiteness? Serious question.

And she's two. She knows nothing about race. She's been out of school for a month. Ask her who she misses and she'll say Marvin, a young black kid from her class. She's not old enough to even understand race.
What you are doing is the equivalent to what is called mansplaining.
Why should what you are say about OUR affairs matter in the first placE?

Answer that for me.

You say, "Nothing I say matters" as if you DESERVE a seat at the table to even have your voice heard in this conversation.

Again, you are displaying a classic case of Privilege. You are some how the victim (YES that IS what you are displaying) in a situation that you are far from that.
I don't deserve anything. You want to talk about the system? Cool, I'm all for it. You don't want to hear **** from me bc of my skin tone, hey that's your prerogative too.
How does one reject whiteness? Serious question.

And she's two. She knows nothing about race. She's been out of school for a month. Ask her who she misses and she'll say Marvin, a young black kid from her class. She's not old enough to even understand race.

5 step plan off the top of the dome:

Step one:

Dismantle Institutionalized Racism.

Step two:

Criminalize Whiteness / Treat Whiteness like Terrorism. No more Karens, Kops, or Klans.

Step three:

Pay Reparations.

Step Four:

Teach the true history of WHITENESS. Make it mandatory / required learning in Schools.

Step Five:

DO NOT raise your children to be WHITE. Raise them to be HUMAN. DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO SEE THEMSELVES AS WHITE.

You know its a lie - Teach them the TRUTH!
What you are doing is the equivalent to what is called mansplaining.
I literally said it was a serious question., How does one reject their skin tone? There's nothing condescending about that. Sometimes you look for issues when there are none.
I don't deserve anything. You want to talk about the system? Cool, I'm all for it. You don't want to hear **** from me bc of my skin tone, hey that's your prerogative too.
If you acknowledge you don't DESERVE to be part of the conversation, stop the whining by saying, "Nothing I say matters anyway."

It shouldn't matter. Sit and watch and learn and stop TALKING.
How does one reject whiteness? Serious question.

And she's two. She knows nothing about race. She's been out of school for a month. Ask her who she misses and she'll say Marvin, a young black kid from her class. She's not old enough to even understand race.

You realize a single person can only do #5, right? I'm all for voting in people that can make 1-4 happen though.
You can't reject it.

It is a SYSTEM.

No matter how much of a "Good one" you are, you WILL benefit from that SYSTEM when it is convenient for you.

You are stuck with it.

Deal with it.

Take it on the chin.
5 step plan off the top of the dome:

Step one:

Dismantle Institutionalized Racism.

Step two:

Criminalize Whiteness / Treat Whiteness like Terrorism. No more Karens, Kops, or Klans.

Step three:

Pay Reparations.

Step Four:

Teach the true history of WHITENESS. Make it mandatory / required learning in Schools.

Step Five:

DO NOT raise your children to be WHITE. Raise them to be HUMAN. DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO SEE THEMSELVES AS WHITE.

You know its a lie - Teach them the TRUTH!
You realize a single person can only do #5, right? I'm all for voting in people that can make 1-4 happen though.
You can't reject it.

It is a SYSTEM.

No matter how much of a "Good one" you are, you WILL benefit from that SYSTEM when it is convenient for you.

You are stuck with it.

Deal with it.

Take it on the chin.
That's fair. I acknowledge it. I'm not one of those "I worked hard to get where I am!!!" when I was born on 2nd base guys.
He added race to a statement that wasn't racial at all.
Look at the title of this thread.

Everything within this convo is race related.

Again, you are showing your true colors and instead of trying to LEARN, you are trying too hard to EXPLAIN.

But you keep saying, "I am a good one."
Each event that we have gone through has hit certain folks differently, but I am seeing this one really hit home for a LOT of us. (Again).

Just tried of this foolishness man.
Yup. Racists that wear black endorsed product. This is why I give the side eye whenever I see the terms bruh, bro, famb thrown around all willly nilly like that.
^ You mentioned Germany. Fun fact: it's illegal to fly the swastika in Germany, the country that most people associate the swastika with. I've had German friends that have said that Germany is extremely shameful that the most prominent figure they are known for is Hitler, but because of that shameful stain on their history, the government does not allow the swastika flag to fly. It's almost like their government is collectively saying 'That whole time period was a shameful part of our history and we are not all Jew hating racists… but we're not going to allow that symbol of hatred to just fly freely. No swastikas.'

Here in Amerikkka however... stars and bars fly all over the place.

Guess what flag neo nazis in Germany fly

Look at the title of this thread.

Everything within this convo is race related.

Again, you are showing your true colors and instead of trying to LEARN, you are trying too hard to EXPLAIN.

But you keep saying, "I am a good one."
Were you in here last night? If so you should know that I'm all about learning. We all should be. If you want to pre-judge the book by its cover, I get it. It doesn't make yo u right, but I get why you would.
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