Just saw it shared on FB, can't say if it's valid or not at this point... but I wouldn't be surprised. Hell I would be surprised if he weren't.

The first step this country needs to make is to outlaw racist group like the KKK. It's not legal to act like a Nazi in Germany so how the hell is it legal here? Ohh, because so many of these politicians, cops, judges, and other people involved in the legal system are members. Meanwhile, the BBP gets dissolved with the quickness because they wanted POWER TO THE PEOPLE.
^ You mentioned Germany. Fun fact: it's illegal to fly the swastika in Germany, the country that most people associate the swastika with. I've had German friends that have said that Germany is extremely shameful that the most prominent figure they are known for is Hitler, but because of that shameful stain on their history, the government does not allow the swastika flag to fly. It's almost like their government is collectively saying 'That whole time period was a shameful part of our history and we are not all Jew hating racists… but we're not going to allow that symbol of hatred to just fly freely. No swastikas.'

Here in Amerikkka however... stars and bars fly all over the place.
The first step this country needs to make is to outlaw racist group like the KKK. It's not legal to act like a Nazi in Germany so how the hell is it legal here? Ohh, because so many of these politicians, cops, judges, and other people involved in the legal system are members. Meanwhile, the BBP gets dissolved with the quickness because they wanted POWER TO THE PEOPLE.

If you're actually looking for an answer.
^ You mentioned Germany. Fun fact: it's illegal to fly the swastika in Germany, the country that most people associate the swastika with. I've had German friends that have said that Germany is extremely shameful that the most prominent figure they are known for is Hitler, but because of that shameful stain on their history, the government does not allow the swastika flag to fly. It's almost like their government is collectively saying 'That whole time period was a shameful part of our history and we are not all Jew hating racists… but we're not going to allow that symbol of hatred to just fly freely. No swastikas.'

Here in Amerikkka however... stars and bars fly all over the place.
They tore down all relics of the Nazi regime too. There are no Hitler statues.
Im not offended. Just trying to stop the same 2 members from creating the havoc they seek out.
In a thread where a black man was unjustly murdered? Reported.

Dudes come in here like "yeah that sucks, but..." on the topic at hand then go on for pages about a couple NTers responses. That's ******* trolling, i've seen dudes banned from team threads for less.
In a thread where a black man was unjustly murdered? Reported.

Dudes come in here like "yeah that sucks, but..." on the topic at hand then go on for pages about a couple NTers responses. That's ****ing trolling, i've seen dudes banned from team threads for less.
He's going to come back in the thread and say:

"I buy Michael Jordan sneakers, I CaNt bE rAcIST"

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As terminology goes,

"Non-White" is a much more accurate description than "People of Color" - for more than a few reasons.

The purpose for using "White" as a term to describe human beings is to EXCLUDE people who are not "White", from the benefits established by and for "Whites" and "Whites" only.


"Non - White" is the proper term IMHO.

It clearly defines the original intent of the term while preserving the individual plights of the rest of us against said intent.

Likelihood of the term "Non-White" in politics and media? Pretty Low.

Even white folks can use it.

Oh Im, Non-White (a rejection of Racism) because I'm Italian, or German, or French, or English, etc.

The only true Americans are the Native Americans IMHO.

Now this doesn't mean we aren't "Black" because for some strange reason we can no longer access our historical files, to determine exactly who we are or where we came from for sure w/o genetic testing, and even then its a graph as opposed to a lineage.

So "Black" is what we have to identify ourselves as such.

Unless your ancestors were on the boat (no matter where you were dropped off) - you probably know who you are and where you came from.

That's a HUGE benefit that we (and we alone) don't have...again for some strange reason...Hmmm, I wonder what that reason could be?

Anyway - Just a thought.
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The Confederacy and their Army is alive and doing quite well.

They never went anywhere. Always here. Never left.

Just traded the uniforms.

Their flag is still flying over 7 state 2020.

7 States have "Confederate History Month".

Drive from DC to Richmond, Va and you'll see a HUGE confederate flag right outside Kings Dominion...on I-95.

Can't miss it.

Imagine Jews driving on I-95 and seeing a HUGE Swastika...

Nothing surprises me about these cases.

What surprises me is people's appetite for obtusity.


Also I’m seeing in this thread a pattern from a few users:

If a black person has had the unfortunate experience of having nothing but negative encounters with whites, that black person is subsequently not able to view any subject outside of the context of race.

That’s complete BS. That’s inconsiderate. That’s dismissive. It’s prejudiced. And that thought is born in the wheelhouse of ignorance and racism. It’s not that they can’t view anything outside the context of race, it’s that they don’t have the luxury to do so.

Like someone already mentioned regarding this, try to understand why that would be the case instead of focusing on why you think that’s wrong. It’s not hard to do.

This is on-topic and relevant to Mr. Arbery and also relevant to a number of the replies so don’t try to take this portion of the convo to DM’s again darthska darthska . This is a “racial situation” and there’s no way around it. Attempting to cut off a larger discussion about it is irresponsible.
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The Confederacy and their Army is alive and doing quite well.

They never went anywhere. Always here. Never left.

Just traded the uniforms.

Their flag is still flying over 7 state 2020.

7 States have "Confederate History Month".

Drive from DC to Richmond, Va and you'll see a HUGE confederate flag right outside Kings Dominion...on I-95.

Can't miss it.

Imagine Jews driving on I-95 and seeing a HUGE Swastika...

Nothing surprises me about these cases.

What surprises me is people's appetite for obtusity.
Alright this is going to sound silly but this is how I had to break it down for my family back home when they tore down the statue in Jackson Square in NOLA. My family members were like "We can't erase our history!" so I had to put in a way they could grasp. My whole family is Alabama fans. I asked them how they'd feel if they had to pass a Cam Newton statue every single day on the way to work. It'd tick them off daily. They'd hate that it was being thrown in their face. And that's over FOOTBALL. Not someone that fought to keep your ancestors in slavery, but FOOTBALL. Having that **** up to troll, intimidate, and remind blacks of the past is disgraceful. There's no other way to put it. I don't think we should erase our history. That's what museums are for, not city parks. There's so many people in our history that deserve to be honored in our parks and traitors that fought to keep slavery don't make the cut.
Black independence is needed, badly. Throughout this thread, several posters stated, guccishades being one, "you guys really do stick up for each other, " which is the biggest fear that these white racists have. A unified front proves to them that their system of oppression would not work as well as it does, if Black people were clearly focused upon one goal. The disarray created through religion, most notably christianity, is a HUGE tool used as a wedge against Black people in america. Christianity gives an IN to the Black consciousness through guilt.

When you read the responses toward those of us who speak TOO BLACK for the non Blacks on NIkeTalk, you'll see some supposed moral authority come into play.

You sound just like the white racists, that you claim to hate!

Even a few so called black NT'ers hit me with that one. It shows you how deep the internalized hate actually is, in order to please white jesus, that great overseer.

This is an interesting ploy, in order to make you doubt the right to freedom.

Unity is needed, freedom will be guaranteed. They can't mess with us when we are all on the same team.
Black independence is needed, badly. Throughout this thread, several posters stated, guccishades being one, "you guys really do stick up for each other, " which is the biggest fear that these white racists have. A unified front proves to them that their system of oppression would not work as well as it does, if Black people were clearly focused upon one goal. The disarray created through religion, most notably christianity, is a HUGE tool used as a wedge against Black people in america. Christianity gives an IN to the Black consciousness through guilt.

When you read the responses toward those of us who speak TOO BLACK for the non Blacks on NIkeTalk, you'll see some supposed moral authority come into play.

You sound just like the white racists, that you claim to hate!

Even a few so called black NT'ers hit me with that one. It shows you how deep the internalized hate actually is, in order to please white jesus, that great overseer.

This is an interesting ploy, in order to make you doubt the right to freedom.

Unity is needed, freedom will be guaranteed. They can't mess with us when we are all on the same team.
My only complaint is when you cast all whites as being on the same team. I get why you do, but that's just not the case.
fwiw it seems like the guy that filmed it has been helping> I was Team Arrest Him Too but now idk

The man who recorded the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia is receiving threats after authorities announced that he's also being investigated following the. killing, his attorney said.

The man, William "Roddie" Bryan, shared the 36-second video with the police and was cooperating with investigators, his attorney Kevin Gough said in a statement Friday.

"It was Mr. Bryan who videotaped the incident in question, disclosed the existence of the videotape, and invited a responding Glynn County Police Officer to sit with him in his truck where they watched the video together," Gough said.
My only complaint is when you cast all whites as being on the same team. I get why you do, but that's just not the case.
White privilege disagrees with you, and that is why white privilege does you no favors. As my hero Muhammad Ali stated in that vid, to paraphrase, I am not going to be stupid enough to open up the door to let one good snake in, when there are millions of bad snakes right behind it.

Mind you, this isn't about hate. I do not hate white people. This is about trust. I do not trust any of you, and rightfully so. I'll say it again, I do not hate white people. I just do not have the currency to trust you, and then will never be that wealthy.
fwiw it seems like the guy that filmed it has been helping> I was Team Arrest Him Too but now idk

The man who recorded the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia is receiving threats after authorities announced that he's also being investigated following the. killing, his attorney said.

The man, William "Roddie" Bryan, shared the 36-second video with the police and was cooperating with investigators, his attorney Kevin Gough said in a statement Friday.

"It was Mr. Bryan who videotaped the incident in question, disclosed the existence of the videotape, and invited a responding Glynn County Police Officer to sit with him in his truck where they watched the video together," Gough said.

Is it just me or did I hear the guy recording the video cocking a weapon?

Wait lemme guess that was his seatbelt unbuckling in case he had to hop out of the truck to go help two people with weapons subdue an un-armed man.

He's cooperating because he can feel that heat on his cheeks and he knows he was part of chasing Arbery down that road.

He needs to be arrested and charged immediately!
White privilege disagrees with you, and that is why white privilege does you no favors. As my hero Muhammad Ali stated in that vid, to paraphrase, I am not going to be stupid enough to open up the door to let one good snake in, when there are millions of bad snakes right behind it.

Mind you, this isn't about hate. I do not hate white people. This is about trust. I do not trust any of you, and rightfully so. I'll say it again, I do not hate white people. I just do not have the currency to trust you, and then will never be that wealthy.
Blaming someone for something they have no control over is just dumb. There's no other way to put it. I'm self aware to know it exists but I do not try to take advantage of it.

But yea I get the trust part. Don't blame you. If I were in your shoes, it would take a lot for me to really trust a white guy. Luckily I have some dear friends that don't hold things outside of my control against me. They judge me off my actions, not those of others. Maybe one day you can do the same, but I get it if you can't.

Not trying to do this with you today though. Have a good day, man.
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