Black guy hair cuts

It's rough out here for a brotha in Vegas.

-My first barber didn't take appointments. I work 50-60 hrs a week, I'm not waiting hrs in a shop.

-2nd barber was official. But he charged 30 for a cut. Decided to raise his prices to 40 a cut. On top of that he would never respond to texts. I'd hit him up a week before then he wouldn't respond until an hour before an opening.

-3rd guy was legit. Charged me 25 for a cut. I gave him a 7 dollar tip I thought a 28% tip is good. NOPE.! I text him 2 weeks later for a cut and he tells me not to come back bc I don't tip enough.

-try some new guy and just butchered. Flat out disgusted

-if anyone knows of a legit guy in Vegas let me know. If not I'm about to pull a Kobe, I feel like that cut can't be messed up.
you almost made me break my moral code with that one

the gall of homie, he must cut mayweathers hair or somethin because thats too bold
HELL NAW! I trim my shi t every 2-3 months bruh. I like to keep it the way it looks, tight and pristine. Sometimes I let it get a lil longer cuz it looks good with length and my hair hella coils up if I stretch it all the way outs probably 4+ inches. I'm doin the wayans brothers look, i'm really thinkin about lockin it up and trimmin it every couple months...super low maintenace. This cut is already low maintenance as it is. I get it twisted for $30. Get lined and tapered after for $15. That cut is fresh for a week and a half without touchin it. Then i get it lined and tapered with the same twists and all together it lasts 3 weeks on average. Then after that leave my hair out for a few days so it can breathe, wash the dead hair out and throw some grease and moisturizer in it. Then start the whole process over again when i wanna get fresh for an occasion again. I literally get up, take my du rag off, brush the sides comb baby hairs in the front if needed and im good to go. No hair doing at all
lol i was hopin not fam

real talk that sound like a lot, but i know when you used to a process its actually not much at all, and sometimes explaining stuff with detail makes it sound like a lot

like in hs my homie wanted waves like mine, so i told him every minute detail about what i did, homie was so flustered, but essentially all i did was brush the shampoo out my hair while showering and throw a du rag on when i got out but every little step made it like a essay lol

imma start messin wit a taper and let my hair grow a little longer than usual, imma get it done tomorrow, pics shall follow
lol i was hopin not fam

real talk that sound like a lot, but i know when you used to a process its actually not much at all, and sometimes explaining stuff with detail makes it sound like a lot

like in hs my homie wanted waves like mine, so i told him every minute detail about what i did, homie was so flustered, but essentially all i did was brush the shampoo out my hair while showering and throw a du rag on when i got out but every little step made it like a essay lol

imma start messin wit a taper and let my hair grow a little longer than usual, imma get it done tomorrow, pics shall follow

Brushing your hair in the shower :x it's what always held me back from trying to get waves. Always felt like brushing your hair in the showers weakens your hair and essentially speeds up the hair loss process :lol:
idk, im 25, so it might be too early to call it, i dont think im experiencing any hair loss

but i read no one actually notices youre losing your hair until you lose 50% of your hair

so i could be at 20% loss and aint eem know it

but then again one of my homies is 23 and is balding like hes 43

i think im good, my dad is in his mid 70s and has a light patch in the back of his head but its hardly noticeable and he dont do a comb over
At Sally's right now trying to figure out what moisturizer and shampoo should I buy , I'm just trying to take care of my hair that's all I have a shadow fade right now I'm just trying to add the curls on the top .
$40 for a cut...what kinda foolishness is that?

I was offended when a fool charged me 20 :lol:. Usually I pay 15-17 + $3 tip.

Lol man Jamaican barber I went to one time cut me real good , till I handed him that 20 and I'm standing there waiting for my change dude just look at me and call next lol never went back to him , but I'm thinking about going back tired of settling for less .
At Sally's right now trying to figure out what moisturizer and shampoo should I buy , I'm just trying to take care of my hair that's all I have a shadow fade right now I'm just trying to add the curls on the top .
shea moisture shampoo and palmers coconut oil

and the hos gon be like "dam you smell good daddy"
At Sally's right now trying to figure out what moisturizer and shampoo should I buy , I'm just trying to take care of my hair that's all I have a shadow fade right now I'm just trying to add the curls on the top .

Do yourself a favor and get Orgabnix brand cocoanut shampoo and conditioner
That stuff makes my hair feel like a tropical mixed baby's lol
I think its like $10 a bottle
Then use blu magic cocoanut hair conditioner
Only need a lil bit
You'll be wavy son
This is the for the quality of your and makes it look healthy
not so much for styling you could add other styling products as well
Do yourself a favor and get Orgabnix brand cocoanut shampoo and conditioner
That stuff makes my hair feel like a tropical mixed baby's lol
I think its like $10 a bottle
Then use blu magic cocoanut hair conditioner
Only need a lil bit
You'll be wavy son
This is the for the quality of your and makes it look healthy
not so much for styling you could add other styling products as well

Salute my man I appreciated it .
Smh front of my hair thinning. Is the best bet to just rock that low cut?, haven't had a light Cesar since I was like 5.
I haven't grown my hair out in like 3 years, and I'm tryng to grow it out into

an Isaiah Rashad style.

1. What is that style called?

2. What products should I use to make sure my hair is as healthy as possible?
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