Black Enlightenment Thread. (*Index Added**Book & Movie Club Update on Pg.1)

Jul 15, 2006
Lets get the movement moving and growing, in each and every one of our lives mypeople.

There is so much that needs to be discussed, learned and discovered about our history,current situation and future.

Lets get it.

In this thread:
  • Keep it civil.
  • Keep it educated.
  • Keep it positive.
  • Don't post articles, video, audio or other media...unless you have absorbed and analyzed it yourself, having something to offer in regards to posted material. If you post a video, make a relevant comment.
  • Post up current events of relevance in the community.
  • Use opportunities to network.
  • Try to carry rhetoric and information into your real lives.
  • Ignore those who only chose to cause confusion.
  • Pass on your opinion and education to others. Spark conversation.
  • Read books....Absorb knowledge, discuss, internalize and discuss with others.
  • Don't just talk about it. Be about it! Live your life the way that you know is right, in ways that will uplift you and your people. Don't bend to a corrupted society.

People Get Ready - The Impressions

Suggested Ignore List: (Will help make your reading of this thread amore productive endeavor)
  • Dey Know Yayo
  • Gordon Gekko 979
Book Club & Movie Club Members:
First Book:

Things FallApart by Chinua Achebe

Click on Link to purchase from Amazon Books for as low as 70¢

You can also hit up your local public or school library and borrow the novel.

  • Topic 1 - Pre-Historic Africa and Human evolution (PAGE 6)
  • Topic 2 - Ancient Africa's First Golden Age. The Nile Valley Civilizations (Coming Soon)
Black men educate others with ignorance. Now before you comment please read. This is not a racist comment.
Originally Posted by he told on me

Black men educate others with ignorance. Now before you comment please read. This is not a racist comment.
thanks for elaborating
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Sucks to be the 1 race where you're always preconceived to being something can bea scholar, genius, philanthropist, whatever is deemed to be positive and great but that 1 slip up will cause you to fall in the "oh he a -er"bracket[/color]
Originally Posted by he told on me

Black men educate others with ignorance. Now before you comment please read. This is not a racist comment.

I hope you meant it like "Black men educate others without knowing it."
I would love to give my imput but when it comes to topics like these, unfortuantely I'm not articulate enough. I can't find away to put my words2gether to were readers would understand what exactly it is I'm trying to say without sounding stupid .

With that said...Black is beautiful.
I've always respected what you've done on here as far as keeping people informed, but honestly it's a tired fight here.

NT is a pretty good place to try and reach others but as of lately, Your either preaching to the choir or stirring up racist feelings in A LOT of NT'erswhen you begin speaking on race relations in America.

I won't even begin talking about race with people unless they've read at least a single book on the subject and can cite authors or folks withdoctorates in a subject related to "Racism"

Good Luck with this thread, as i see it turning into hollow "old-time" arguements and ignorant comments.
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Sucks to be the 1 race where you're always preconceived to being something can be a scholar, genius, philanthropist, whatever is deemed to be positive and great but that 1 slip up will cause you to fall in the "oh he a -er" bracket[/color]
Pisses me off
. Society has trained us to think any black man who dares speak on the injustices his people experience[d] in this country isseen as some sort of conspiracy theorist. Even some of us black folk think that way. "Oh here he go talking about them beanpies again"..

Americans know more about the holocaust during WW2 in another continent than their own past with slavery.

Fun fact:
This noted song.. 2 versions so you can see how long it has been used in American culture..

originally composed in 1939 by:

who happened to die poor and isolated..without receiving a single royalties check or at least acknowledgment for his work
Shoutout to Martin Denny though..dude was a damn genious, and in my heart Ibelieve he didn't know about the composer but was simply covering a known lounge-song of his time.
All human life on Earth, emanates from the continent of "Africa". (Why Africa is in quotations...we'll get into that later)


The oldest recorded fossils found of modern humans were found by Richard Leakey in Ethiopia's Omo River in 1967. The fossils, dubbed Omo I and Omo II, weredated at the time as being about 130,000 years old but have since been found to be thousands of years older.
Oldest Human Fossils Identified

The findings also add credibility to the widely accepted "Out of Africa" theory of human origins which holds that modern humans (later versions of +*@%-sapiens) first appeared in Africa and then spread out to colonize the rest of the world.

This Nat Geo Article is about the oldest human hair being found in fossilized Hyena feces in South Africa.
Oldest Human Hair Found in HyenaPoop Fossil?

Remarkably preserved fossils of the world's "oldest humans" have been found in the fossil rich Cradle of Humanity, East Africa (Ethiopia andKenya)

3.2 Million Year old of Australopithecus afarensis skeleton.

"Lucy's Baby" -- World's Oldest Child -- Found by FossilHunters


Africans settled Europe millions of years ago.
Piece of jawbone unearthed inSpain could be up to 1.3 million years old


the earliest occupation of Europe by humans that emerged from Africa
All human life on Earth, emanates from the continent of "Africa". (Why Africa is in quotations...we'll get into that later)

Could you please get into it now? I was born in "Africa", so I'm curious to know why these quotations are stressed. Thanks.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Forget About Jae[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 204)]It's all, movies, tv, news,'s all just sending these subliminalshowing how the average black man acts. There's music and movies showing the images of the maniac "-er" doing these malicious things then thenews broadcasting and clippings publish it...did research of this topic for class and the things blew my mind

Its the modern day minstrels and Birth of a nation....there's a reason why people hate spike lee in hollywood

Also does anybody have any good books on these topics? Hate reading but Earl Hutchinson's "Assasination of the Black Male Image" was a good book
Just because Abraham Lincoln signed the


Does not mean he respected all races.
How can any one who abhors the oppression of negroes, be in favor of degrading classes of white people? Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation, we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes." When they get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty - to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be take pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy. - Abraham Lincoln

I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.
How do you feel about

Dr. Malachi Z. York and his movement

What about Louis Farrakhan, the nation of Islam and the 5%ers.
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Sucks to be the 1 race where you're always preconceived to being something can be a scholar, genius, philanthropist, whatever is deemed to be positive and great but that 1 slip up will cause you to fall in the "oh he a -er" bracket[/color]
Its time for our generation to change that fam.

I would love to give my imput but when it comes to topics like these, unfortuantely I'm not articulate enough. I can't find away to put my words 2gether to were readers would understand what exactly it is I'm trying to say without sounding stupid .

With that said...Black is beautiful.

Respect Face. Don't worry about being articulate brotha. Post your mind and we can build from there. Our oral tradition and language has always been aboutsuccinctness and clarity...getting to the point. Much of the linguistic formality and convention of "proper english" are a waste of breath and onlyserve to dilute thoughts and messages. Speak your peace.

I've always respected what you've done on here as far as keeping people informed, but honestly it's a tired fight here.

NT is a pretty good place to try and reach others but as of lately, Your either preaching to the choir or stirring up racist feelings in A LOT of NT'ers when you begin speaking on race relations in America.

I won't even begin talking about race with people unless they've read at least a single book on the subject and can cite authors or folks with doctorates in a subject related to "Racism"

Good Luck with this thread, as i see it turning into hollow "old-time" arguements and ignorant comments.

Thanks for the good wishes and praise. Hopefully if we stick to the script, keep it positive, factual, civil and educated....we can break the moldof immaturity, veiled racism and negativity on NT. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but they are not entitled to derail others for sharing their ownthoughts.


Pisses me off
. Society has trained us to think any black man who dares speak on the injustices his people experience[d] in this country is seen as some sort of conspiracy theorist. Even some of us black folk think that way. "Oh here he go talking about them beanpies again"..
Exactly Jae. Its about time we start showing and proving....being representatives of more than just ourselves. Using indisputable historical factas our foundation and being walking examples of our ideology...making all of our ancestors proud that their lives were not lived and ended in vain.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

How do you feel about

Dr. Malachi Z. York and his movement

What about Louis Farrakhan, the nation of Islam and the 5%ers.
The Nation of Islam's once militant views were an out for African Americans fed up with their mistreatment by the everyday American society.Had they not shut Malcom X up, the way they are perceived and their methods of preaching the ministry would be quite different and IMO, would be much morebased upon interacting with all religions today.
Originally Posted by haiti5

Read it and lets discuss in a week or so

This is exactly what I had in mind Haiti...but if you don't mind...can we start off with another book to lay the foundation first.
Read it. Come back as a group and discuss it and then moved on to this critical piece of work?

There is going to be some much thoughts and info thrown back and forth in here that we need to try our best to keep it structured and organized.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Honestly....the civil rights movement was the last time we had i chance....they killed off all of ourleaders and now we're at a point where the black "leaders" are the ignorant ones...those who speak for the race are rappers, athletes,sharpton....

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]hit the 50 post i'll return 2mor %%!! YUKU
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

How do you feel about

Dr. Malachi Z. York and his movement

What about Louis Farrakhan, the nation of Islam and the 5%ers.
The Nation of Islam's once militant views were an out for African Americans fed up with their mistreatment by the everyday American society. Had they not shut Malcom X up, the way they are perceived and their methods of preaching the ministry would be quite different and IMO, would be much more based upon interacting with all religions today.

I see your point. They are portrayed sometimes unfairly and come off as crazy militant groups. Only thing I'm salty about is how they changed the Islamicreligion around. They claim Wallace Fard Muhammad is Allah (God). That just seems ridiculous to me. Some of the ideas are interesting, others end up beingracist themselves.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

All human life on Earth, emanates from the continent of "Africa". (Why Africa is in quotations...we'll get into that later)

Could you please get into it now? I was born in "Africa", so I'm curious to know why these quotations are stressed. Thanks.

Africa is the name given to the continent by Europeans. Specifically the Romans.

There is some historical precedent that indicates certain residents of the African continent referred to their homeland as Alkebulan but there was really noone name given to the entire land mass by its indigenous for the time being...Afica/Afika is a good as any other name.
Reactions ? Opinions ?

I think this is one of the greatest rap songs of all-time. Some things he is off about but it's thought provoking.
This is exactly what I had in mind Haiti...but if you don't mind...can we start off with another book to lay the foundation first.
Read it. Come back as a group and discuss it and then moved on to this critical piece of work?

There is going to be some much thoughts and info thrown back and forth in here that we need to try our best to keep it structured and organized.

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