Black Culture Discussion Thread

A son taking over his father's bbq spot is not a problem. Children of athletes becoming athletes should be expected. Bert Kreischer taking over a pharmaceutical because his dad passed it to him, THAT'S the problem.

Wow @ the question

I dont agree its bad, all around, full stop. It depends on the situation.
That's a no. It doesn't depend.

If you want to see plenty of Black nepotism, look no further than African countries. Advocating for it shows how unaware you are about its role in encouraging corruption and promoting incompetence.

We can't avoid nepotism, because people get access to opportunities through relationships. We should always strive to limit its extent.
Wow @ the question

That's a no. It doesn't depend.

If you want to see plenty of Black nepotism, look no further than African countries. Advocating for it shows how unaware you are about its role in encouraging corruption and promoting incompetence.

We can't avoid nepotism, because people get access to opportunities through relationships. We should always strive to limit its extent.
Yes but that example of nepotism doesn’t represent all nepotism. You just said it. It has to be limited. Like allow some, but not all. Or, for short, “Depends..”
I THINJ he said limit it because it's a more realistic approach than thinking there is any way to get rid of it completely.
Yes but that example of nepotism doesn’t represent all nepotism. You just said it. It has to be limited. Like allow some, but not all. Or, for short, “Depends..”
What's happening with Bronny feels exactly how it works in African countries. Pops/mom is a high ranking government official, and before you know it, the entire family leads various groups under pops/mom's watch.

The league has had a lot of kids whose parents were pro ballers. There's no doubt in my mind that strings were pulled at one point or another to get coaches/scouts to assess them, but that's usually as far as parents would go to flex their access. The kids didn't ride their parents' coattails to make it to the league; they had the numbers. With Bronny, it feels different.
What's happening with Bronny feels exactly how it works in African countries. Pops/mom is a high ranking government official, and before you know it, the entire family leads various groups under pops/mom's watch.

The league has had a lot of kids whose parents were pro ballers. There's no doubt in my mind that strings were pulled at one point or another to get coaches/scouts to assess them, but that's usually as far as parents would go to flex their access. The kids didn't ride their parents' coattails to make it to the league; they had the numbers. With Bronny, it feels different.
Maybe. If it is, he’s gonna fizzle out and it all going to become a big joke and ANOTHER reason why Lebron isn’t the goat. I don’t believe the NBA is going to carry Bronny through a whole career.
Maybe. If it is, he’s gonna fizzle out and it all going to become a big joke and ANOTHER reason why Lebron isn’t the goat. I don’t believe the NBA is going to carry Bronny through a whole career.

Bryce coming up the pipeline soon too. Business is all about maximizing profits. LeBron is an icon along the lines of Magic and Jordan. Bron is the next in line. Whether Bronny is successful or not, Bryce will probably be a first round pick in the next 2-3 years. He’s going to be drafted as well
Bryce coming up the pipeline soon too. Business is all about maximizing profits. LeBron is an icon along the lines of Magic and Jordan. Bron is the next in line. Whether Bronny is successful or not, Bryce will probably be a first round pick in the next 2-3 years. He’s going to be drafted as well

I don’t know about Bron being an ICON champ……particularly along the lines of Magic let alone Jordan.

Actually let’s just clarify right now…..he’s nowhere near an ICON by definition like or close to Jordan. Not a chance in hell.
I don’t know about Bron being an ICON champ……particularly along the lines of Magic let alone Jordan.

Actually let’s just clarify right now…..he’s nowhere near an ICON by definition like or close to Jordan. Not a chance in hell.

Bro. MJ is my GOAT. I’ve never been a huge Lebron fan in the least bit. But ummm… LeBron definitely is an icon. He’ll be a team owner within 3-5 years after he retires. Maybe earlier.

Dude definitely is a sports icon
Bomani is saying, if nepotism is bad then it is bad. It doesn't matter if we are doing it or the white man.

My man compared it to black folks celebrating OJ getting off. Sure black power or whatever but what are we really celebrating here?

He is simply asking for consistency because a minority acting in the same manner as their oppressors doesn't automatically make the act fine.

But yea, I agree with all he has said on the topic.
it’s a late 2nd rounder so it really doesn’t matter, Bomani really having his takes for attention…but it def is always funny to see when we wanna do what white folks do…it be the most random **** :lol:
Bro. MJ is my GOAT. I’ve never been a huge Lebron fan in the least bit. But ummm… LeBron definitely is an icon. He’ll be a team owner within 3-5 years after he retires. Maybe earlier.

Dude definitely is a sports icon

Bron not an icon? His name alone rings bells worldwide :lol:

First off finessence finessence said “Bron is an icon along the lines of Magic or Jordan”. I’m here to tell both of yall that he’s NOWHERE near Jordan as far as icon status. Even other NBA players have said such.

Also, the thing that Jordan has and will always have over Lebron is having a city that loves him beyond belief. Obviously we know Miami don’t give a dam about Lebron, neither does LA as that’s Magic and or Kobe’s city depending on which sports generation fan you ask. Lebron broke Cleveland’s heart not once but twice… much so that folks burned his jersey and cussed him out to no end. That’s not an icon champ……that’s just simply someone chasing the fame. Real ICONS don’t chase fame as fame simply follows them.
Bomani is saying, if nepotism is bad then it is bad. It doesn't matter if we are doing it or the white man.

My man compared it to black folks celebrating OJ getting off. Sure black power or whatever but what are we really celebrating here?

He is simply asking for consistency because a minority acting in the same manner as their oppressors doesn't automatically make the act fine.

But yea, I agree with all he has said on the topic.

Why can’t we celebrate OJ getting off when thousands of black men were wrongfully convicted of crimes for years?

Emmitt Till’s killers never got prosecuted and it was always an open secret about them doing it.

Bomani is to old to be living in a fantasy world
Does Bomani even have children? Dude speaking to something and he doesn’t even have kids?

Bomani has also taken issue with Deion Sanders wielding his power. What’s wrong with him? Like I said, dude has always been a weirdo to me.

If he had a nephew or neice, or close friend who he could accelerate into a into a higher job position or allow them to “skip the line” he’s doing it. Like, what are we doing here?

That’s the point of having connections and building relationships. Dude is lying to himself
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People are NAIVE if they thought Deion was gone be at Jackson State forever:lol: :lol:

And Deion was a high school assistant coach/volunteer before he became a high school coach with Prime U. If he didn’t want to be an assistant coach so what. Bomani takes everything personal
deuce king deuce king

You at least have to give Bronze credit for keeping the family strong and black man. Unlike MJ, he didn't run off to the white women after his marriage failed.

If we were holding a family forum at The Essence Festival next week in New Orleans that would be a great talking for Lebron champ. However since we are not and we are talking about sports only NOBODY gives a dam about Lebron keeping his family together. We talking about sports and sports icons champ. Save that **** for an article on The

Also, it was Juanita that divorced Mike, not much he could have done. Only the Umar Johnson’s and the like care about MJ being married to a white woman. Actually truth be told……nobody cares about him having a white wife because him being a basketball ICON trumps all of that.
First off finessence finessence said “Bron is an icon along the lines of Magic or Jordan”. I’m here to tell both of yall that he’s NOWHERE near Jordan as far as icon status. Even other NBA players have said such.
LeBron James played a quarter century of basketball at the highest level. 24 years of very good to excellent individual contribution to the sport. The man is almost 40 years old, and there isn't an NBA team that would say "no" to him if he wanted to join them.

He's up there with the all-time greats.
LeBron James played a quarter century of basketball at the highest level. 24 years of very good to excellent individual contribution to the sport. The man is almost 40 years old, and there isn't an NBA team that would say "no" to him if he wanted to join them.

He's up there with the all-time greats.

One more time for the dudes in the back of the class to seem to not be paying attention. There’s a difference between being great……and being an ICON. Jordan is an ICON. Lebron James is not.
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