Black Culture Discussion Thread

almost peak serena here:

crazy to see the contrast between how jamie fox & serena today have aged 😮‍💨

Who cares? Dude sounds like a female. Why the hell does he care about white men sitting beside him. Dudes whine entirely to much. People want to be liked so bad it’s sickening. You’ve paid your hard earned money. Southwest doesn’t give a damn about who sits next to you.

Catch your flight, sit down and move on with your life.

Folks begging for a white man to sit by them on a plane? What in the Forrest Gump “seats taken” is going on :lol: :lol:

¿😂 how did you miss the point entirely? sure his n of 1 observation is very dubious/suspect but i don’t think most folk takeaway is that he is ‘begging for white men to sit by them’ 😂
almost peak serena here:

crazy to see the contrast between how jamie fox & serena today have aged 😮‍💨

¿😂 how did you miss the point entirely? sure his n of 1 observation is very dubious/suspect but i don’t think most folk takeaway is that he is ‘begging for white men to sit by them’ 😂

His point is silly. Why does he care so much about someone not wanting to sit beside him?

You prefer overt or hidden racism? I like mines overt.

He made a post specifically highlighting the fact that a white man didn’t want to sit in between him and another black dude.. he’s definitely concerned/begging. He tweeted that mess for goodness sake.

Again, he’s paid his money to fly, why does he care so much about someone sitting by him? He’s clearly spent a lifetime concerned about it. It’s definitely a big deal to him (since he had the gall to tweet it) so he’s definitely tight about it :lol:
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His point is silly. Why does he care so much about someone not wanting to sit beside him?

You prefer overt or hidden racism? I like mines overt.

He made a post specifically highlighting the fact that a white man didn’t want to sit in between him and another black dude.. he’s definitely concerned/begging. He tweeted that mess for goodness sake.

Again, he’s paid his money to fly, why does he care so much about someone sitting by him? He’s clearly spent a lifetime concerned about it. It’s definitely a big deal to him (since he had the gall to tweet it) so he’s definitely tight about it :lol:

agreed. i think it’s just an attempt at a funny observation, you’re adding too much sauce to say bro is concerned’ about it…

it is the kind of observation most people notice about their experiences, most times it’s benign & we laugh about them (whether or not these experiences are actually indicative of our own conclusions is different, i.e. we can all think of reasons why even on a packed flight sitting between 2 dudes might not be anyone’s 1st choice 😂) but can also sometimes be detrimental because it may set an unhealthy/unrealistic assumption/expectation
agreed. i think it’s just an attempt at a funny observation, you’re adding too much sauce to say bro is concerned’ about it…

it is the kind of observation most people notice about their experiences, most times it’s benign & we laugh about them (whether or not these experiences are actually indicative of our own conclusions is different, i.e. we can all think of reasons why even on a packed flight sitting between 2 dudes might not be anyone’s 1st choice 😂) but can also sometimes be detrimental because it may set an unhealthy/unrealistic assumption/expectation

Buddy probably just didn’t want to sit between two dudes. We call it the “h*** seat” in my hood :lol: :lol: :lol:

It probably wasn’t racial at all
Not sure what kinda sample-sz this comes from, but on It’s face, it’s kinda wild

Louisiana is hell for black folks and really most ppl in general but this type of disparity is probly true for most cities since white flight happened back in the day…The only white ppl still living in the actual city limits are the rich ones ducked off in the big money neighborhoods or the youngins that moved downtown from the burbs with their parents money

Poor and middle class whites don’t live in cities as much as us so the numbers will always be skewed, you’ll find that low of incomes for whites in the country or rundown suburbs
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We gotta crawl before we walk. We dont even have the type of generational wealth for nepotism to be a talking point, good or bad.
Bomani is saying, if nepotism is bad then it is bad. It doesn't matter if we are doing it or the white man.

My man compared it to black folks celebrating OJ getting off. Sure black power or whatever but what are we really celebrating here?

He is simply asking for consistency because a minority acting in the same manner as their oppressors doesn't automatically make the act fine.

But yea, I agree with all he has said on the topic.
Thats the problem with life atm. We dont want to have difficult conversations so we just dumb everything down. We're not going to get anywhere like that.
I think the conversation is currently being had though.

I think saying, "It's good sometime and sometime it isn't " is more dumbing down what's taking place than anything.

The difficult part would be looking within and admitting the truth. "It's fine when people I like/care about do it but I don't like to see certain people do it." Then realizing you only dislike it on a conditional basis.

sure but people from cooler climates tend to have longer torsos, which is well suited for swimming. im guessing even without segregation swimming would be dominated by white people.


short legs long torso is more cold adaptive. and happens to be good for swimming.

but id agree culture plays a role, so racism/ lack of role models exacerbates the gap
"the white people do nepotism so black people should do it to" is a absolutely brain dead argument. Bomani is 100% right there.

I just don't think drafting Bronny with the 55th pick is all that nepotistic.

McDonalds all americans who have bad freshmen seasons get drafted all the time. it's not some crazy reach.
"the white people do nepotism so black people should do it to" is a absolutely brain dead argument. Bomani is 100% right there.

I just don't think drafting Bronny with the 55th pick is all that nepotistic.

McDonalds all americans who have bad freshmen seasons get drafted all the time. it's not some crazy reach.

But folks thought he wasn't even qualified to be a McDonald's AA in the first place. :lol:

But either way, it's the 55th pick. Nothing is expected from that draft position.
But folks thought he wasn't even qualified to be a McDonald's AA in the first place. :lol:

But either way, it's the 55th pick. Nothing is expected from that draft position.

eh i disagree with those people, he was well within that range as a prospect.

obviously it helps to be lebron james son, but ultimately I think he was qualified for the McDs all american and he's qualified for the 55th pick.
Yea and then the argument is his prep ranking was as high as it was due to who his father was.

But none of that matters now. He has to show and prove. Make the team, G-League, or whatever role he is placed in.
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