Black Culture Discussion Thread

I didn't know it was a show. I don't have any women in my circle that still on trash tv like that.

So this past summer, I did a local getaway and stayed in a hotel around McClean VA. It was a Hilton. When I pulled up I saw about 20 police squad cars and about 500 black folks out and about around the hotel's parking lot.

I had no clue what was going on but it looked real ignorant. ( #Respectabilities )

Come to find out there was a regional audition for the show Baddies East or whatever the actual name is. Ever possible stereotype you could think of was on display man. I am not sure how they convinced the Hilton company to accept that reservation because it was wild as hell.

This is what I ran into.

Did a dig on the show. Zeus Network? No wonder I never heard of it. That means the friend's parents are going out of their way to take in filth. Its all bad over there. Tbh, I still wouldn't worry too much about it at 7 years old. You can't control what other people let their kids watch or what other kids tell your kid. I'll tell you what tho, she ain't NEVER going to that little girl's house or anywhere with her and her parenT.

I feel like this one topic encompasses every single issue in the black community. From single parents, to what we glorify, to us exploiting our own to get over. That Zeus Network don't show nothing but that type of slop.
Did a dig on the show. Zeus Network? No wonder I never heard of it. That means the friend's parents are going out of their way to take in filth. Its all bad over there. Tbh, I still wouldn't worry too much about it at 7 years old. You can't control what other people let their kids watch or what other kids tell your kid. I'll tell you what tho, she ain't NEVER going to that little girl's house or anywhere with her and her parenT.

I feel like this one topic encompasses every single issue in the black community. From single parents, to what we glorify, to us exploiting our own to get over. That Zeus Network don't show nothing but that type of slop.

Everything is a choice. When we all choose to make better decisions on what we produce and what we consume we’ll be in a much better place.

Alcohol has always been disgusting to me. Never understood the appeal. 35 year old and I’ve only tasted it a couple times as a kid, and never smokes either but to each their own.

People always talk about rap music, guns, drugs, etc but NEVER talk about the disgustingness and destruction that alcohol does.

But I know some people who can’t be sociable without drugs or alcohol.

I can easily be myself without it. It’s a crutch to some people IMO
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But for real tho. Someone can do the opposite with "white people songs" and some black folks won't get it like some Led Zeppelin or some shhh
Im willing to bet, we'll get more of theirs's than they will get of ours. Dude wasn't growing up jamming "Sweet Caroline" but I bet you know the words.
That shh damn near played at every arena during a ball game. Mfs got no choice but to know it :lol:
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