Black Culture Discussion Thread

I think it would be beneficial if we started a group me chat or something to discuss economic plans of action
In the same vein of this sentiment, to all the folks in the Baltimore area, the pikesville library has an event where the local community can get together and discuss things of this nature. The group is still in its early stages so any support (in the way of ideas or just making an appearance) would be greatly appreciated.
It's called the Unity project. The next gathering will be on this Saturday from 11:00am to 1:30pm
(P.s. wasn't sure where to post this, but I figured it was most appropriate for this topic.)
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First time clicking this thread, not even sure what's going on in here.

But black culture? I'm thinking mac'n'cheese lol

My wife's grandmother's mac and cheese won runner up in the south Carolina state fair in 2012 for best recipe

I know many people grew up on grandma's mac....but the **** my wife makes....lawd jesus. No really, jesus take me now. She uses the same recipe that's been used in her family for 6p years....and again in came in 2nd in the south Carolina state fair. It sex ually humps your taste buds
I was proud of him. I always wondered why Akon only recently started stepping up and repping Africa. Like Wyclef carried Haiti on his back from the jump, even ran for President down there. But it seems like Akon only recently started repping Africa/Senegal, basically around the time when African music started to become a bit more popular in the US. But as they say, there's no time like the present.
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Red Cross Raises Half a Billion for Haiti, Builds Only Six Permanent Homes

Not sure why we keep assuming these orgs have the best intrest of blacks in mind. Them Bill gates and all them other groups that want to play "Jesus" and "save" so called "uncivilized" people.
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