Bill O'Reily using Eminem to discuss feminism and difference in left/right actioi/reaction to it

Nov 6, 2004

He just secured another platinum record for Em. Em knew this would happen, Bill the idiot fell into his trap
I'm about to goto bed, ill pass on the vid and not get heated.

Bill will get his one day.
i didn't even watch the vid, but the only reason Bill appears to win any argument is because he doesn't even give the other person a chance torebuttle. the guy's an idiot.
100 months at #1


CNN & MSNBC ain't got jack on Bill

Bill's RERUN's beat out Keith Overbite, I mean Keith Olbermann

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are justterrible & stupid
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Am i the only one who likes Bill?

He reminds me of that old school grandfather...gotta love the guy

I love Bill
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Bill's RERUN's beat out Keith Overbite, I mean Keith Olbermann
That must explain why Keith Olbermann stays &@#$%ing about Bill O'Reilly.
In response to this video.

Bill makes a great point about the far left media & their hypocrisy.

The media today is quite sad.
Media is biased as hell against conservatives but Bill f'd up by doing this. I had no idea Em's CD was coming out until now. Thanks Bill.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

In response to this video.

Bill makes a great point about the far left media & their hypocrisy.

The media today is quite sad.

umm...didnt this same media get at ludacris for his song about john mccain and hilary clinton?

and chill with the large bolded font.

funny how he asks the woman for a feminist group that has no politics in it...and then she answers with "real girl politics"....and he doesnt callher out on it
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

Bill O is a huge $+%%#@*, can't stand him.

But, they did have one interesting point in that video:

Replace Palin with Michelle Obama in the song and video and that !*#+ is not gonna go over so well.

I suppose it's because 90% of America sees Sarah Palin as a clown (me being one of them) and Michelle Obama as a respectable woman.

Why though?

Because of their political views?
Well Palin came across as a sexy milf who was an air head. She dressed hella sexy and said a bunch of random/stupid things so the media jumped allover her quickly.

Obama dresses "classy" and seems more like a regular women. Idk if this all made sense but whatever.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

i didn't even watch the vid, but the only reason Bill appears to win any argument is because he doesn't even give the other person a chance to rebuttle. the guy's an idiot.

He's actually a smart man for that tactic.
Remember what happend the last time he let a rapper rebuttle

Spoiler [+]
It's all publicity. Now everyone knows Em is back (not really feeling the track though), and Bill gets ratings by satisfying his fan base and by catching afew channel surfers who are interested in Em. Win-win.
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Am i the only one who likes Bill?

He reminds me of that old school grandfather...gotta love the guy

bill is that dude
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

100 months at #1


CNN & MSNBC ain't got jack on Bill

Bill's RERUN's beat out Keith Overbite, I mean Keith Olbermann

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid
I have been listening to all types of music lately instead of rap also but why generalize? why not be more accurate ex/ soulja boy/dro/guccirather than saying all rap is stupid
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid
You sir, are the biggest hypocrite
. Just a few months you was jocking the Aftermath team and how much you Love 50 and blah blah blah. Nowyour against rap? !*+@ out of here

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

You've been on 50's tip a lot lately TBONE.
50 my favorite rapper ever and always will be.
So yes I ride with Fifty.
Especially since I hate a lot of these terrible new dudes like Kanye & Wayne
Just terrible.

Plus Eminem coming back =

And Dr. Dre CD & his producing =

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