Biggest sports conspiracy of the decade, Kings vs Lakers 02

I can recall three series that were fixed: sac and LA, Mavs and Heat, and PHI and MIL. I remember glen robinson and Ray Allen going off on the officials duringthat series. It was obvious the Nba wanted LA v Philly that year. But that Kings Lakers series was obvious, and for anybody to try to cite the free throwsmissed by Sac in game 7 is missing the fact that there should have been no game 7. Thats why when I see some bull during the playoff I just figure its theexecutives of the callling the shots and not letting the players decide the game.
chris webber's passing

young kobe
i remember watching that game with my mouth open in was so blatant...and that kings team was incredible...the deserved a ring
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Originally Posted by Gregory House

Every time this topic pops up laker fans become defensive.

Not completely right.

Most Laker fans acknowledge the horrible officiating in game 6. But Kings fans on here whenever a thread gets created on here about the 2002 WCF will not admit to the following:

- Losing and getting dominated at home in game 1
- Someone mysteriously poisoning Kobe's burger at the hotel the Lakers were staying at in Sacramento before game 2.
- Kings fans always bring up and complain in game 4 that Samaki Walker's 3 point shot before at the half shouldn't have counted, which it shouldn't have. But people always forget back then that the league rules were different back then and the NBA refs couldn't use instant replay to review those type of shots like NBA refs can today with the current league rules.
- Game 5 at Sacramento. Kings get the advantage of one side officiating which was just as bad as game 6 if not worse, while Kobe gets hacked on the final shot and no call is made. Kings fans till this day whenever a thread like this gets created turn a blind eye and can't have a intelligent response whenever game 5 gets brought up.
- Game 7. Teams play all season long for the best record & home court advantage which the Kings had and yet the still couldn't get the job done on their home court. They CHOKED so many free throw attempts in this game that would have won them this game and the series.

Kings fans on here always get defensive whenever these facts get brought up about the 2002 WCF.
To be honest, I only counted 1 Kings fan replying to this topic. The 2nd one would be me. Check the Kings threads to look for real Kings fans thatactually care about 2010 and not 2002.
For everyone talking about game 7, thats not the point. The Kings had the series wrapped up in game 6.

If the refs never did what they did, then there wouldn't be a game 7. Every game is different in a series, and game 7 makes no difference for what happenedin Game 6. After game 6 all the momentum went to LA and the Kings never got over that.

I hate to say it to these videos, but that is most definately a blast from the past. Not the officiating, but young Hedo, sharp shooting peja, hell evenLawrence Funderburke!!!

Some of those dont make sense at all, but its been 8 years past now. Thats all I have to say on the matter...
For biggest sports conspiracy of the decade, I have to go with the NBA rigging the Draft Lottery and giving (literally) the Bulls the first pick in the 2008Draft.

The Bulls had a 1.7 percent chance of drawing the top pick... and "miraculously" did, jumping ahead of eightother teams projected to pick before them... It just so happened that the best player in the country that year, Derrick Rose, was a Chicago native... It alsojust so happens that Chicago is the third-largest basketball market in the country and was suffering tremendously with a sub-par (at best) franchise for over adecade.

I'm a Bulls fan but even I can admit the apparent conspiracy here. Smart move by the NBA... it just hasn't really payed off (yet at least).
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