Biggest sports conspiracy of the decade, Kings vs Lakers 02

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

2006 finals >>>

exactly. i wanna see you say 02 was a bigger conspiracy to a mavs fan and ill gladly watch the mavs fan knock you the %$%+ out
Originally Posted by DownRtFierce

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Watch game 5 and yeah the refs were also behind why the Kings missed all of the free throws in game 7 @ Sacramento .

2006 NBA Finals was worse and more of a black eye for the league.

THIS. Kings had game 7 won, all they had to do was knock down FT's. But CHOKE.

yup. theymight have wanted to extend the series but kings had their chance and choked
imo the refs didn't rig the series for the Lakers.. they only wanted to extend it to 7 games.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

imo the refs didn't rig the series for the Lakers.. they only wanted to extend it to 7 games.
My love for the NBA has dwindled, don't know how people could up with it and spit out statements like the one above.

As if it was ok for the refs to want to "extend" the series.

Refs shouldn't be able to manipulate games or series. If the best team is supposed to win in 5 games, let the series end in 5. Don't push the seriesextra games.

Bottom line is, David Stern got greedy and it showed this past decade. However, I do get him credit for sweeping this under the rug.

It's funny how people say the biggest controversy in sports is baseball and how it got tarnished by the Steroid era. IMO, "fixing" games is alot worse yet those that point it out are seen as conspiracy theorists when the evidence is very blatant.
This is why i dont like the lakers at all or there fans.

There would have not been a game 7 if the refs didnt push it past game 6. The kings should have been 2002 champions . It wasnt even
close and if you think it was thats wack.

and before kobe stans come in here and talk crazy everyone and they mama knows it was shaqs team when they was winnin in the early part of the
Im not a kings fan,lakers fan,mavs fan or heat, nor a kobe hater/ laker hater. I love basketball and was on youtube looking for highlights of the kobe buzzerbeater against the kings and on the side I seen footage off the series and after watching it I was shocked.
Didn't know this topic gets posted a lot in this section, lol
Originally Posted by RiverXBear

and before kobe stans come in here and talk crazy everyone and they mama knows it was shaqs team when they was winnin in the early part of the

Who's saying it was Kobe's team? even your mama knows it was Shaq's team..
Originally Posted by jordan vs magic

The 08 Lakers vs Celtics finals was the worst I've ever seen


you serious?
just cause the lakers lost doesnt mean it was the travesty that the 02 wcf or the 06 finals was.
yeh im a kings fan and im tired of this subject

i just want to focus on the future and the potential of the kings
It's hard to fault the Lakers for that series. It's not like they called in the fix. The truth of the matter is there are some ultra-greedy officialsin the league's front office who should probably be writing pro-wrestling scripts.

One of these days one of them will get exposed.
Originally Posted by Gregory House

Every time this topic pops up laker fans become defensive.

Not completely right.

Most Laker fans acknowledge the horrible officiating in game 6. But Kings fans on here whenever a thread gets created on here about the 2002 WCF will not admit to the following:

- Losing and getting dominated at home in game 1
- Someone mysteriously poisoning Kobe's burger at the hotel the Lakers were staying at in Sacramento before game 2.
- Kings fans always bring up and complain in game 4 that Samaki Walker's 3 point shot before at the half shouldn't have counted, which it shouldn'thave. But people always forget back then that the league rules were different back then and the NBA refs couldn't use instant replay to review those typeof shots like NBA refs can today with the current league rules.
- Game 5 at Sacramento. Kings get the advantage of one side officiating which was just as bad as game 6 if not worse, while Kobe gets hacked on the final shotand no call is made. Kings fans till this day whenever a thread like this gets created turn a blind eye and can't have a intelligent response whenever game5 gets brought up.
- Game 7. Teams play all season long for the best record & home court advantage which the Kings had and yet the still couldn't get the job done ontheir home court. They CHOKED so many free throw attempts in this game that would have won them this game and the series.

Kings fans on here always get defensive whenever these facts get brought up about the 2002 WCF.
Sac-town had one more game, and it was in their home floor, still choked. Refs weren't bad in game 7. If only they made their FTs......
All I can remember when mentioning game 7 against the kings and lakers is Peja airballing a wide open 3
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