Bigger bust.. Kwame Brown or Kenyon Martin?

just put it this way, you wouldnt look as stupid if you traded Caron Butler for Kenyon Martin....
Originally Posted by chicksNkicks

forget what he coulda, woulda, shoulda been.. im talking about right now... even KG and TD21 said Kwame was one of the hardest defenders to go against...

Are you serious? Put ANY player through injuries like K-Mart's been in and obviously he's not going to be animpact player off the bat.
You've got to be kidding...
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

You serious?

Kenyon had a good couple of years back in Jersey. Kwame was never consistent.
wrong! Kwame was a consistent failure!!!
,,,anyways, to thedude who started this thread, have you seen Martin play when he was still with the Nets?Injured -free? I guess the answer is no...
kwame by far is worse

kmart was injured, hes just now getting back the filthy tomahawks he was throwing down in nj
Everyone must admit, for coming back from two microfractures Kenyon has recovered amazingly and still has the deadly quick ups he did before. He's stillrusty in the ballhandling/shooting department obviously, but still.
Seriously the thread starter has to feel so dumb for making this thread....I don't think ONE person has agreed with him....

It's obvious you don't know what the #$+# you are talking about so just stop now.

^^ Based on what I've read thus far, I'd have to agree.

This can't be a serious thread, Kenyon is and was light-years better than Kwame Brown.
kwame by far. Kenyon has been victimized by injuries. Hes a beast when hes healthy. remeber back in the days when he played with the nets?

Kwame Brown is like, the biggest BUST in history! And I don't think K-Mart is a bust. Kenyon actually played great in his "prime" in Jersey,helping the Nets reach the finals consecutive times. The only thing that slowed him down in his career was his injuries.
micro fracture surgeries in both knees slowed him down but to call him a bust no way he was killin in jersey

Kwame on the other hand is a bust
has never had a good complete season I only remeber him killin in 1 laker game last year
I wouldn't even say that Kenyon Martin was a bust to begin with. IMO, he has had the best career out of anyone drafted in the 2000 class. No, he neverturned out to be a 20/10 type of player, but career averages of 14/7 aren't too shabby either. He is light years ahead of Kwame Brown, and the argumentshould be moot. Kwame Brown is ARGUABLY the biggest bust drafted at #1 in NBA history. As a matter of fact, I don't even think I have heard Kenyon Martinmentioned as a bust. True, a lot of Martin's success can be attributed to playing with Kidd, but you can't discredit what #'s he put up whileplaying in NJ. He was easily one of the most intimidating 4's in the East, and I wonder what he would have done if he stayed a Net. Anyways, for a guycoming off of 2 microfracture surgeries he is providing a nice spark for the Nuggets and he still has some good years left in him.
Originally Posted by BlowDaWhistle

Seriously the thread starter has to feel so dumb for making this thread....I don't think ONE person has agreed with him....
hahahaha... real talk, i dont know what the eff i was smokin on... kenyon > kwamazo... i think i still have animosity towards kenyon for him shiningme off when i asked him for an autograph when he came out of cincy...

a lot of good laughs tho..

and yes, im admiting im wrong... but id still pick kwame over kenyon on my team...
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