Better email account: yahoo or gmail

I use yahoo
^Word lol. Gmail and it's not even remotely close. It's such a chore to go back and check my yahoo and hotmail
I don't even know how I managedbefore gmail. Toss in gmail mobile and its a wrap
lol, yahoo still exists? the functions and innovations that google has created with gmail are superior to any other mail service on the planet. nuff said.
What exactly is so great about Gmail? I have both but all i do is check and send mail Gmail is nice but what are you guys using it for that makes it so muchbetter?
Gmail, especially on my G1.

Gmail has a much easier configuration, everything is clear, easy to read and practical. Plus their Contacts are arranged better, the e-mail threads are easierto navigate. I could go on forever.

oh and "" sounds more professional than ""
Google just got in the game too late.

I already had an established Yahoo e-mail account that I used as my default e-mail for online banking, credit cards, school, bills, misc websites etc. Gmailisn't THAT much better for me to go and change all of those.
Im too use to using yahoo cause Ive been using it since I was 12. got a gmail also though
I like Gmail. The thing about yahoo that I don't like is the fact that you can't connect it with other email accounts unless you pay for the premiumservice. Gmail has that feature for free.
Originally Posted by Frank 7he T4nk

I like Gmail. The thing about yahoo that I don't like is the fact that you can't connect it with other email accounts unless you pay for the premium service. Gmail has that feature for free.
Same. It's $20 for Yahoo's premium service..and even then it doesn't auto-update like's just POP access. So Gmail winsby a mile.
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