Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

this scene broke my heart brehs

Jimmy was always about that life and Kim wasn't. Sure, she liked running scams but when Howard got killed, she could never forgive herself. Her whole life in Florida was pretty much on purpose so she could punish herself. That call with Jimmy was the final straw...he didn't sound like a guy who was humbled or remorseful by the situation and that broke her
The name of the parent show is Breaking Bad. Why is Kim not in it? Chick broke good.

Jesse's appearance was fine to me, a nice little random crossing paths moment but no impact to the story like Kim got him off a charge or something
It's been pretty weak imo since the Lalo death. I missed the previous 2 black and white episodes where they show what he's been up to in Omaha with the guys that spotted him at Cinnabon. Honestly didn't care tbh. Feel like I didn't miss out on much and Marian calling the law on him was the perfect episode to come back on.
Yyyyyyyyyooooo, with nothing else on the horizon like El Camino or BCS...
... 😬😬😬😧😧😧...
... it's only... ONE... MORE...EPISODE...
... of the entire Breaking Bad* saga. Whole experience wrapping up Monday night.

*Since 2008. EARLY 2008, too.

Finally watched the episode.

Kim bussin it wide open for real life Hank Hill


Guess finally confessing everything to Howard's wife was the catharsis Kim needed.

Her breaking down on the shuttle got me. :frown:

Saul really worked himself into a shoot going for that last big score.

Jeff one of the GOAT dumb henchmen. :lol:

Show has to end with Saul getting his comeuppance.
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