Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Two other things that could happen are either she ends up facing serious consequences because of the blueprint switch (maybe there was a camera right there showing her doing it) or Saul gets in hot water with Lalo and them and they go after Kim so the identity change guy helps Kim start a new life somewhere.

I think she ends up getting disbarred. She's going rogue, but isn't as good as it as Jimmy.
I think she ends up getting disbarred. She's going rogue, but isn't as good as it as Jimmy.

From what Gilligan said she’s definitely gonna get in trouble with something legally. Maybe she gets disbarred and just falls off into the deep end.
Kim and Jimmy getting their Frank and Claire Underwood on :pimp: Shame it'll all fall a part.

Its pretty clear now Saul is gonna come face to face with Gus over Lalo's schemes
Kim and Jimmy getting their Frank and Claire Underwood on :pimp: Shame it'll all fall a part.

Its pretty clear now Saul is gonna come face to face with Gus over Lalo's schemes

Iono, Gus always referred to him as "the lawyer" in Breaking, like he knew him by rep only.

I'd be cool with them meeting face to face, just not sure they're gonna go that route.
New episode tonight.


As Jimmy doubles down on "Saul Goodman," a deeply conflicted Kim brings him an interesting proposition. Gus makes a sacrifice in order to play the long game. Mike attempts to smooth things over with his family.
I don’t get why Gus was making dude scrub them fryers like that....taking his frustration because of the dead drops out on him or what?
I don’t get why Gus was making dude scrub them fryers like that....taking his frustration because of the dead drops out on him or what?

I was thinking witness at first, like establishing he was at work, but not really how it played out.

He just gave up 700K playin the long game, maybe was showin in two ways how damn meticulous and methodical he is.
It definitely wasn't face value. I think it was a combo of having a reason to stay at work that late and part frustration of losing that money.

Hamlin's pitch to Jimmy was so so so fake. I love his character overall but that was just pathetic. There's definitely a reason he was doing that.
I was thinking witness at first, like establishing he was at work, but not really how it played out.

He just gave up 700K playin the long game, maybe was showin in two ways how damn meticulous and methodical he is.
It definitely wasn't face value. I think it was a combo of having a reason to stay at work that late and part frustration of losing that money.

I really felt sorry for the kid

all that for minimum wage
Not at all.

Having that kid there not only gave him an alibi but also gave him somebody to take out his frustration on for just forking over 700k to the cops.

totally get why Gus was doing it and the point

but because that dude Lyle kept questioning himself if it was clean(or dirty) it just reminded me of how Jesse felt there wasn't a fly but for a portion of that episode helped Walt catch it until it was revealed there was an actual fly.
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