Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Mike be like

I knew it was bull ****, all along, I saw where it was going. The car was the real breakdown. He peddled the shoplifter girl, tried to sell the lawyers, even impressed Howard. Then he told the girl to grind like he did. He broke when his crappy car wouldn't start. But the scheme with the letter, I knew it was a setup.....

How Kim didn't know, I have no idea. Her face in the hallway tho, legit shook. Rhea is an acting clinic, she is tremendous. She was broken at that moment.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: sold the judges on honoring the McGill name then files paperwork to change it. Bruhhhhhhhhhhh :rofl: :rofl: I was CRYING.
Excellent episode. I was intrigued beginning to end.

Surprised no one mentioned how in the opening scene, all the other attorneys said they were happy to vouch for their New attorney but Chuck just said I'm here to vouch for James McGill.

German dude is such an idiot. You ditch on a drug kingpin and think it's all good.

Mike is too solid. That gum scene was brilliant.

Figured he'd file a dba and not all out get his name changed. I hate how obnoxious and arrogant he was in the hallway. Kim hated it too.

I'm not a fan of Kim but I'm way more interested in her fate than nacho. He could die for all i care.

Why did Mike not tell gus that lalo was following him?
great finale
-I'm seriously BAFFLED at how Werner thought what he did was going slide. Like if they blindfold you to and from the location, pay you an obscene amount of money, you think they letting you go on PTO ???:rofl:
-Great to see Gus and Mike somewhat at odds, and seeing how Gus basically built his drug empire, and the snags it hit. Mike advising Gus reminded me of how on BB with the cartel Mike was tellin Gus "there's another way..." Great stuff from 2 men who respect each other.
- Knew Jimmy wasn't in it. Odenkirk is great at straddling that line where you can barely tell dude really doesn't care...or does he?
-Hyped for Lalo vs. Mike next season
-Wonder what the cold open flashforward will be for the opener.

It's probably just me but Lalo reminds me of Bill Paxton(RIP) from True Lies, at least when he's being goofy. His introduction mainly with Nacho, not so much on this episode
Great finale.

S'all good man. :rofl:

The metamorphosis from Jimmy to Saul is complete.

Even had Kim believing his ********.

She was in the hallway like


Lalo on some ninja steez. :lol:

Knowing what we knew about how Gus operates Werner's death was a foregone conclusion. I know it had to eat at Mike to kill Werner but he sucked it up like the G he is.
Giancarlo has mastered the silent but infuriated face.

I really thought he was gonna kill Gale just with the waves of anger coming from him :lol:
Kinda disappointed there wasn’t any Gene scenes in the finale tho. Thought they were gonna reveal who the cab driver was
Werner is an idiot but I think his naivete is also a reflection of Mike. He thought he could get away with it because Mike was willing to let him get away with it. Mike didn't want to kill him but things got so out of control that it had to happen.

Werner is an idiot but I think his naivete is also a reflection of Mike. He thought he could get away with it because Mike was willing to let him get away with it. Mike didn't want to kill him but things got so out of control that it had to happen.
Yeah, I also think it reflects on the type of person Mike eventually chose.
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