Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

i share a computer with fam, so i know how missing turns feel. :\
not for long j/p lol
Team Lost Power City ruined my life​
EzCode Parsing Error: co​
Still debating on donating. If I have a seller lined up I def do it.
Team Florida
The Real Drrty Drrty
Reppin Shallowside-954!!​
he is an nter, and what did he do to you? also does anybody wanna help me out with (16582) LoCo?
TEAM [Scrubs]
You found a homeless couple having sex. You decide to throw a rock at them. You laugh and run off.​
Jesus wouldn't kill anyone, main reason why i have other role models.

What exacly has LoCo done?
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
He only made that gang to get back at his old gang, something similar happened to me so I fell back. But if you got a reason to get at him then do it I guess.
Team Florida
The Real Drrty Drrty
Reppin Shallowside-954!!​
lol, i'm in war with him, but the other dude in the gang tellin me they cool with voltron. :lol:
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
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