Best 12 images of 2012 by Imgur

Jan 22, 2011

In one of the simplest ways possible, images capture and describe events in our lives and allow us to share our findings around the world in mere moments. A single image can bring out any emotion; it can spark a conversation, describe a culture, change a life, or bring attention to a pressing matter. And, let's be honest, some images are important just because they're hilarious.

This year on Imgur:
  • 300 million images were uploaded
  • 364 billion image views were counted
  • 42 petabytes of data were transferred
This year's best images, in addition to being some of the most viral on the Internet, had great impact in some way. You may ooh and ahh, your heart may be warmed, you may crack up and laugh, but we'll let you blame the tears on the onions. Happy New Year!


Alexander Rhodes was an average guy working as a movie extra when Reddit got a hold of his IMDb profile. When it was discovered that IMDb rankings were based on views, a mission was declared to make Alexander and his role in Jack Reacher more popular than celebrity mega-superstar Tom Cruise, the leading actor in the film. Mission: Accomplished. The Internet exerted its power, and, in just a few short days, Alexander rose to the #1 spot, was the subject of multiple news articles, and was noticed by Cruise himself. Internet: 1 Tom Cruise: 0 Alexander Rhodes: Over 9,000


Why can't we all just get along? GIF of the year award goes to this pacifist child and his pal Spidey! This one really makes us go, "D'aww!" With a whopping 3,020,837 views and 2.72 TB of data transferred, we have a feeling we're not the only ones. As sosyourface commented, "Growing up watching Americas Funniest Home Videos did not properly prepare me for the ending of this GIF." Let's never fight again.


This summer, hot, dry and windy conditions spread wildfires across Colorado and Utah, causing death and destruction in their wake. This image, taken by OP's stepfather in Southern Utah, shows the amazing contrast between the untouched sky behind him and the fiery conditions ahead. The image was widely shared and used by news organizations, bringing necessary attention to the wildfires.


"Hello, ladies," said the string ray, or would say if he could talk, that is. While the smiling stingray is a pretty standard cruise ship gimmick, these three unsuspecting ladies were not aware that the sly ray was about to be put on their shoulders. The perfect photobomb was captured, and the resulting pure, raw terror on the subject's faces is nothing short of hilarious. The old lady in the back of the image was not the only one to laugh at their pain; the image quickly went viral, was featured on multiple Internet culture sites, and has accrued 1,152,711 views to date.


For the past four years, Rick van Beek has run his local triathlon with his daughter who has cerebral palsy. She can neither walk nor talk, and her dad says he isn't even sure that she can see, but he knows she loves the outdoors. And he loves her, so he swims while pulling her in a kayak, bikes with her in a cart behind him, then finally runs while pushing her in a wheelchair so she can feel the breeze on her face. Is someone cutting onions in here?!


This image of a participant in the Chicago Gay Pride Parade hugging an apologetic Christian hit us right in the feels. Members of The Marin Foundation, a Christian LGBT advocacy group in Chicago, showed up to the parade holding apologetic signs including "I'm sorry for how the church treated you." With a single image, a step was made in the right direction for equality.

Andrew Marin, the supporter hugging the man in this image and President of The Marin Foundation, wrote to Imgur: The idea for the apology came from a gay employee of my organization, The Marin Foundation. He knew how much shame he had to endure in many church circles, and also how much it meant for him to have people sincerely apologize to him. So we gathered a group of straight and LGBT Christians and went to the Parade. We had no idea what would happen, or that this picture was even being taken. And today this picture means so much because it stands for something bigger than any of us--it stands for actually living a faith worth living and loving how Jesus commanded us. As author Chris Heuertz says, "Everything in moderation except love."

-Andrew Marin (


McKayla Maroney was the favorite to win the women's gymnastics vault in the 2012 London Olympics. When she came in second, her disappointment was captured in this image from the podium, spawning the McKayla is Unimpressed meme. The image spread at a phenomenal speed and popped up everywhere. Even President Obama got in on the joke when he invited Team USA to the White House. We doubt McKayla is impressed that her image became one of the most viral of the year.


Sign your friend up for Cat Facts and hilarity ensues. With an astounding 4,590,710 views and 1.04 TB of data transferred, this initial Cat Facts image set the stage for one of the funniest and most widely used text trolling pranks of the year. Mee-wow!


In early August, the Mars Curiosity rover and its sophisticated movable laboratory landed successfully on Mars after nearly eight months of space travel, and wowed the Interwebs with its interplanetary magic. Within two minutes of landing, Curiousity's first image from Mars was sent back to Earth showing Martian rocks, dust, and the rover's wheel. The original was just a tiny thumbnail, but it excited the world and proved that NASA hasn't lost a bit of its awesomeness.


On August 29, President Barack Obama took to the interwebs for a surprise Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) and uploaded this image to Imgur as verification. It eventually saw 2,052,200 views. After the SOPA blackout protest in January, we made it clear that Internet enthusiasts are a force to be reckoned with, and to see POTUS taking online communities seriously is a great step for the Internet.


The grumpy cat named "Tard," short for "Tarder Sauce," has become one of the most popular memes of the year. Within 48 hours of the initial post, this image gained over 1,000,000 views (now up to 1.5 million) and spawned countless image macros. In coming days, Tard was featured on multiple Internet humor sites around the web and secured a place in the Internet's heart. Tard now has an official website and Twitter account, licensed merchandise, and makes media appearances. As much as Grumpy Cat may dislike us, we can't help but love her.


At the end of January, we met Omari, a hero who single-handedly defended the Faraja Orphanage in Kenya from attackers, and, in doing so, was hacked in the face with a machete. OP, who was in Kenya for an internship, posted this initial image with the title, "Think we could raise the $2,000 needed for the remainder of the cement/barbed wire wall to keep both him and the children safe?" Not only was his call to action answered, the goal was far surpassed. $80,000 was raised online for the orphanage. Omari's assailants were never caught, but the donations allowed the orphanage to complete the wall as well as purchase two cows, food, medicine, bunk beds, an alarm system, guard dogs, a guard, and allowed them to look into purchasing their land. Not to mention Omari's lovely mug has been viewed 1,553,236 times now. The power of the Internet is strong!
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
That Spidey gif. :lol: Nice article BTW.

Robert,the cat that learned how to forgive himself
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I remember when I first read the story about Omari. Such a heartwarming story and reminds me a there is still a few genuinely good people out there. 
I only saw 5 of those before this article. That cat facts one

at catfacts

and that Sting ray kills me every time.  "yo waddap lemme get in that pic *cheeeeese*"
I remember the story about the dad taking his daughter along on triathlons because she enjoyed the out doors. Should have been higher on that list imo. :pimp: none the less.
-Spidey gif was mad cute.
-sting Ray looks mad creepy.
-cat facts was an awesome prank.
-That gymnast is only 17.
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