Berenstein Bears Vol. Parallel Universe

So, it's almost like how people pronounce Dr. Seuss's name? Cats been butchering it for years too.
wait. Hypothetically, you don't believe your god would be so sensitive to send someone who made a good joke to hell, right?
Off color jokes like that are only accepted on cartoons, such as family Guy. When actual people deliver them, people call for their head.
Next yall are gonna tell me the ninja squirrels are called ninja turtles.
I remember this book from 4th grade.
I wonder if this parallel universe is a parallel universe in a parallel universe's parallel universe.
I wonder if this parallel universe is a parallel universe in a parallel universe's parallel universe.[/quote]

[quote="ootherocoo, post: 23948833"][URL=][GALLERY="media, 1497776"][/GALLERY]

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im so tired of these parallel universe nuts ruining credible theories, especially ones on extraterrestrial life ... these arrogant people have the nerve to say that ET and UFO encounters are with time travelers from other dimensions, instead of alien beings from elsewhere in the universe...sorry just wanted to get that out there /endrant


Why do you think time travel is more credible than a parallel universe? Generally speaking, not in this particular instance.
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