Ben Roethlisberger accused of sexual assault by another woman

You guys have to check this out...

The Tribune-Review doesn’t name the alleged victims of sexual abuse. Her friends, however, told the Trib on Monday that she has left school. Her attorney, Lee Parks, in a written statement said that she is seeking therapy because of the alleged incident.

MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. — Four volumes of written records tied to the investigation of Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger paint a tawdry picture of Big Ben's bar-hopping that led to allegations he raped a college student.

So far, the investigation has claimed two victims: The 20-year-old Georgia College & State University student who accused Roethlisberger of raping her has dropped out of classes, according to her friends. And the local officer who first took her statement, Milledgeville Patrolman Jerry Blash, resigned Wednesday afternoon after eight years on the force.

During the investigation, Georgia Bureau of Investigation agents learned that Blash used salty language to describe the young woman, who was drunk. He had his photo taken with Roethlisberger and several other officers earlier in the evening of March 4.

"He no longer is an employee here," said Chief Woodrow Blue Jr., who insists that Blash's role in didn't compromise the investigation because the case was handed off quickly to detectives within the department and GBI.

Although District Attorney Fred Bright passed Monday on prosecuting Roethlisberger, the hundreds of pages of interviews, statements and investigative material in the joint Milledgeville Police/GBI report paint a portrait of a drunken lout buying booze for under-aged women and ordering his bodyguards to keep men away from the up to 25 women surrounding him in the "VIP" room of the Capital City nightclub in the early hours of March 5.

It was around 1:30 a.m. on March 5 in a dingy staff restroom near the VIP lounge where authorities determined Roethlisberger was left alone with the young accuser. Without DNA evidence or corroborating witnesses, detectives determined that they couldn't prove he assaulted her.

The Tribune-Review doesn't name the alleged victims of sexual abuse. Her attorney, Lee Parks, in a written statement said that she is seeking therapy because of the alleged incident.

Ann Marie Lubatti, one friends of the 20-year-old Georgia College & State University sophomore, told investigators that Roethlisberger appeared to be "noticeably intoxicated" and that "he walked back to where she was with his penis already out of his pants."

Although the young accuser first told Blash that she hadn't been raped, once she sobered up her written statement said that Roethlisberger came at her with his genitals exposed.

"I told him it wasn't ok, no, we don't need to do this and I proceeded to get up and try to leave," she wrote. "I went to the first door I saw, which happened to be the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I still said no, this is not ok, and he then had sex with me. He said it was ok. He then left without saying anything."

Allegations of all-night drinking run throughout the report.

Lubatti entered the club with an illegal ID that was later destroyed by Milledgeville police, according to the files. Bouncers at Capital City previously seized a doctored ID of young accuser.

Authorities never measured Roethlisberger's blood alcohol content.

Versions like Lubatti's and similar yet often contradictory stories from other witnesses litter the many hundreds of the report, but everyone seems to agree that the starting point for Roethlisberger's infatuation with the young woman was at the Velvet Elvis tavern around midnight, when he noticed a tag she wore on her dress that suggested she was willing to engage in sexual intercourse.

At one point, according to the accuser's friend Victoria Garofalo, the quarterback looked at the pin and said that he liked to "(expletive) girls."

Earlier, at The Brick restaurant, Roethlisberger was asked whether he wanted to take the party back to the accuser's sorority house, but he said: "Hell no. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen," according to the statement of student Katie Cromie, who gave the quarterback a band for his mullet.

According to Garofalo, his entourage — which included off-duty Pennsylvania State Trooper Ed Joyner and Coraopolis Officer Tony Barravecchio — "even asked our age and were kind of surprised when I said 19 and the other girls, 20." Throughout the evening, according to witness statements in the report, Roethlisberger ordered shots of tequila and called for young women to drink them.

Student Nicole Biancofiore told Milledgeville officers that patrolman Barravecchio "placed his hand" on the accuser's "shoulder and (applied) a little bit of pressure to guide her" to the staff restroom.

When student Lubatti said that she tried to enter the VIP area to retrieve her highly intoxicated friend, Trooper Joyner "would not look her in the eye and stated he did not know what she was talking about."

A bouncer at the club, Caleb Johnson, said that Joyner — who paid the bar tab — instructed him "to allow only females back to the area where Mr. Roethlisberger was seated."

Confronted later by Blash and K-9 Officer Michael Clay, Roethlisberger told them the accuser "was so intoxicated she had fallen and hit her head" and that "he would not give the girl the time of day, and that he had ignored her."

Members of his entourage told police that a disgruntled friend of the accuser was removed from the VIP area and might have tried to punish Roethlisberger for that. According to the files, Barravecchio told Blash that "these +$@!%+ in town see guys with money and accuse them of rape."

Shortly after that, Roethlisberger invoked his right to remain silent and seek legal counsel before he flew back to Pittsburgh. His two off-duty police officer bodyguards drove back to Pennsylvania.

Saying that he was "going dark" until he could absorb the full contents of the report, Roethlisberger's attorney Ed Garland declined to comment on the matter.

"We have not seen the investigative report, but will have further dialogue with the Georgia authorities to properly evaluate the situation, should that be necessary," said Pennsylvania State Police spokeswoman Lt. Myra Taylor. "We have no further comment at this time."

GBI Agent Davis confirmed that Pennsylvania State Police officials contacted agents involving the trooper's role in the Milledgeville incident.


From TMZ:
In the report, investigators claim that on the night of the alleged incident, Blash admitted that after he encountered the accuser, he may have made a comment similar to “this f*cking %+#@@ is drunk
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

i was coming in here specifically to ask you what you think ... we all knew that this was grimey ... and we don't need charges to warrant a suspension ... 
i think some in here were hoping for the best ... but when you have this kind of history ... 

like i said he should get 4 games ... anything less would be absurd and anything more would be warranted ... 

@ dragging her ... since when do athletes have to force girls ... #where they do that at

I feel u fam. I really do feel u...
I still dont think there should be suspension from Goodell

 but on the flipside,  If I was on a jury on this case, I would convict Ben without a doubt just off using my common sense.


aiight ... so then what happens next ... what should Goodell do being that he created this conduct policy ... 
more so, what would have to happen in order for Ben to get suspended ? 


some other thoughts ... dude clearly didn't get it after the motorcycle accident ... he clearly didn't get it after the previous allegation ... 

and now you need conclusive tests to file a charge ... shorty def. was embarrassed by the DTF ... its all fun and games until the free drinks stop and the host wants to $!+* 

@ all those reports ... about the lack of evidence ...
@ the cop (he deserved to be fired) and wow @ the bathroom being cleaned ... 
That !@!# just sounds despicable. I wonder if he'll be found guilty in Goodell's court of law.
I just don't see how the DA dropped this....well, actually I do
Ben spending a good chunk of that 100 mil contract to keep his !#! outta jail...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I just don't see how the DA dropped this....well, actually I do
Ben spending a good chunk of that 100 mil contract to keep his !#! outta jail...

Ed Garland....we saw how he got ray lewis off and now Big Ben....Mike Vick lost..
I can't mess with this dude Ben anymore. He got away with something and he knows it. smh.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I just don't see how the DA dropped this....well, actually I do
Ben spending a good chunk of that 100 mil contract to keep his !#! outta jail...
Or maybe the lack of evidence and her being trashed enough to not recollect everything led him to that conclusion (although it seemed like he really wanted to go for it/thought Ben did something). Any good lawyer would have poked enough holes in the case with what's been laid out in front.

Remember...beyond a reasonable doubt.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I just don't see how the DA dropped this....well, actually I do
Ben spending a good chunk of that 100 mil contract to keep his !#! outta jail...

Ed Garland....we saw how he got ray lewis off and now Big Ben....Mike Vick lost..
I think I'm gonna re-read some of the details of the Ray Lewis case when I get some time.....was there as much of a cover-up with him as it seems like with what's going on with Ben? 
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

He raped her...

she's probably a known #$*+ and a trial would've exposed her life as a +%%#%...

this. something tells me this isn't the first time she's worn the DTF nametag. prob has it tatted somewhere on her.....

there must me more slimeball stories from Ben that have been silenced out of fear or embarassment.

big ben's going to need ultra-noiseblocking earplugs when he runs out the tunnel....
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I just don't see how the DA dropped this....well, actually I do
Ben spending a good chunk of that 100 mil contract to keep his !#! outta jail...
Or maybe the lack of evidence and her being trashed enough to not recollect everything led him to that conclusion (although it seemed like he really wanted to go for it/thought Ben did something). Any good lawyer would have poked enough holes in the case with what's been laid out in front.

Remember...beyond a reasonable doubt.

yesssss.... the DA wanted to go after Ben, U could hear it in his Presser when he announced no charges He said he feels Ben did do something but it would be nearly impossible to win the case
Ya'll gotta remember too. She wanted it dropped. That was the major reason over anything the DA didn't move forward. It was a wrap.

I'm also fairly certain she got an envelope at her front door too let's be real.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Ya'll gotta remember too. She wanted it dropped. That was the major reason over anything the DA didn't move forward. It was a wrap.
Roger Cossack said that really didn't mean much since it would have been the state (not her) vs. Ben if it would have gone to trial. While they do listen to the victim's input, it's ultimately up to the DA to proceed or not. He said if the DA feels he has enough evidence to get a guilty verdict, there is no way he drops the case unless plaintiff and defendant settle beforehand.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Ya'll gotta remember too. She wanted it dropped. That was the major reason over anything the DA didn't move forward. It was a wrap.

I'm also fairly certain she got an envelope at her front door too let's be real.

Although it is the DA's ultimate decision to press charges this is a very true statement.  Rape cases are extremely difficult to win and if the alleged victim doesn't want to go through with it that makes the DA's job twice as hard because then they have to compel the alleged victim to participate in something he/she has no desire to and that makes an already difficult situation impossible.
Roger Cossack said that really didn't mean much since it would have been the state (not her) vs. Ben if it would have gone to trial. While they do listen to the victim's input, it's ultimately up to the DA to proceed or not. He said if the DA feels he has enough evidence to get a guilty verdict, there is no way he drops the case unless plaintiff and defendant settle beforehand.
Word? Dang.

Also... we saw this week the attorney for the other woman from last year (although that case is sketchy as hell) is going straight down to GA to gather up all this evidence/statements he can and is still fully proceeding with his client's civil case.

We know too someone's gonna dig up that dirt on the THIRD case that leaked this week from that lawyer.
Prosecutors all across the country bring charges on less evidence than this DA had when they are dealing with regular folks like you or me. However, you better believe that this DA learned from the the Duke rape case and the Kobe Bryant rape case. The lesson he no doubt learned was that if you don't have incredibly solid evidence of sexual assault and the alleged perpetrator is/are high profile do not put your reputation/career on the line.
One problem with me, how come Kobe was REQUIRED to interview and give his DNA but Ben wasnt? am I misinterpreting something? and I think the problem with this DA was he was no match for a high powered defense team whos budget and resources was going to be as big as the entire Middlevillage Attorneys office budget resources.
Gives my school a bad name, drives me nuts. Side note if my friend is locked in a bathroom with a creepy guy I'm not just asking bouncers to help I'm bringing WW3, so that is a bit questionable
Gunna I could be wrong but from what I remember Kobe didnt lawyer up right away and was pretty much doing everything asked of him by the cops that night, answering questions, etc. Ben has been through this before he knew what to do.
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