Ben Roethlisberger accused of sexual assault by another woman

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Tiger is a revolutionist. Big Ben is nowhere near that. The coverage is more than viable.

Tiger Woods is guilty. Big Ben is accused.

If Big Ben is found to be guilty, you can guarantee the coverage picks up.

Dont give me that

Tiger Woods didnt commit a crime

Tiger Woods didnt deserve all that coverage he got. He's not a saint, we got it the first few days. 

And you're right...Big Ben is just accused RIGHT NOW but using a bit of logic you have to beleive.... where's there's smoke.... there's fire.... especially the second time.
Don't give you what? Tiger and his stature doing unethical practices is > Big Ben and his avg. prestige being accused.

I'm not trying to defend Ben and that's what it's starting to sound like. I just think people forget what Tiger Woods has meant to the game of golf and sports on a level not seen before. Ben is just another Pittsburgh Champion with no real flare or glamour about him.

I'm personally still more shocked and intrigued by the Tiger situation than I am by Roethlisbergers situation. Ben is a irresponsible douche bag so this stuff he's going through is all just junk to me and none to thrilling. Tiger Woods was held to a much much higher standard than that punk and to see his fall from grace is much more noteworthy than Ben in my opinion.

If Ben is found guilty then that will add more interest for me and the general public, but until that happens I could care less about what's going on with him.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

Sneakerheathen makes my head hurt. Really bad sports thoughts and really bad other thoughts. Stop please before its too late.

Too late for what?
I do agree espn dropped the ball a little bit with the first accusation, but I can also see why they might have wanted to hold off on the story because this woman was just suing him for money. It was not even a criminal investigation about the rape accusation, she just filed a lawsuit for compensation. This 2nd issue has been well covered by espn though. I see something about it every time sports center is on and they do updates about the story pretty much every day. I honestly believe the first case would have been a huge story if the woman had come out right away with the accusation and was not seeking money. All that bs about her being scared to lose her job was no excuse. If you have been raped you call the police right away, you don't sue the accuser for money months later.
If you have been raped you call the police right away, you don't sue the accuser for money months later.

and you know this how? do you know anyone who has been raped or sexually abused?

often times it takes weeks, months, years to come to grips and even admit to themselves they have been raped.   

The stats on unreported assaults are overwhelming, theres a reason for it.
its not easy as you would think  to face  face the world when you have been assaulted.

here's a stat from 1996
In 1996, more than two-thirds of rape/sexual assaults committed in the nation remained unreported.
The FBI estimates that only 37% of all rapes are reported to the police. U.S. Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all rapes or attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.

the  accuser in the first case did inform the hotel security and staff that an alleged assault happened, she was an employee of the hotel. the owner of the hotel just happened to be  Big Ben's homeboy. so imagine whats going thru her mind ...
it aint just black and white...
Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

If you have been raped you call the police right away, you don't sue the accuser for money months later.

and you know this how? do you know anyone who has been raped or sexually abused?

often times it takes weeks, months, years to come to grips and even admit to themselves they have been raped.   

The stats on unreported assaults are overwhelming, theres a reason for it.
its not easy as you would think  to face  face the world when you have been assaulted.

here's a stat from 1996
In 1996, more than two-thirds of rape/sexual assaults committed in the nation remained unreported.
The FBI estimates that only 37% of all rapes are reported to the police. U.S. Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all rapes or attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.

the  accuser in the first case did inform the hotel security and staff that an alleged assault happened, she was an employee of the hotel. the owner of the hotel just happened to be  Big Ben's homeboy. so imagine whats going thru her mind ...
it aint just black and white...

That may be true, but why sue him for money? She still could have filed a criminal case. She probably would not have had the evidence for a conviction, but there damn sure isn't evidence for her to get any money. Also you mean to tell me she had the courage to tell hotel security, but not the police? Give me a break, this was a 40 year old woman not some young girl. It's not like this was some secret she kept to herself for months and then finally told a close friend. She told the staff when it happened at her work. If she could do that, what stopped her from calling the police? The hotel should have absolutely called the police as well, but if she wants justice I think this is the wrong way to go about it. Yea it sucks that people get raped and many times there is not evidence to back up the victims claims, but something just isn't right in this case.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Don't give you what? Tiger and his stature doing unethical practices is > Big Ben and his avg. prestige being accused.

I'm not trying to defend Ben and that's what it's starting to sound like. I just think people forget what Tiger Woods has meant to the game of golf and sports on a level not seen before. Ben is just another Pittsburgh Champion with no real flare or glamour about him.

I'm personally still more shocked and intrigued by the Tiger situation than I am by Roethlisbergers situation. Ben is a irresponsible douche bag so this stuff he's going through is all just junk to me and none to thrilling. Tiger Woods was held to a much much higher standard than that punk and to see his fall from grace is much more noteworthy than Ben in my opinion.

If Ben is found guilty then that will add more interest for me and the general public, but until that happens I could care less about what's going on with him.
I know you cant possibly believe all the crap you type
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Learn to read and digest homie. I never said cheating was worse than rape. I said proven allegations of cheating involving one of the wealthiest men in sports history (a revolutionist if you will) is more significant than accusations of an immature SB winning QB. More people win the SB than what Tiger Woods has accomplished.

When put next to one another, Ben is a nobody.

Sorry for stating my opinion last time as well. My point was that if I were building a team I would start with the O-line. Nothing more. Just got carried away in trying to prove that. No need to rehash that argument when you're not even seeing clearly as to what I'm saying right now.

It's pitiful to me that we can't just banter about something without you taking things out of context or never getting the context right the first time based off of an argument months ago. Grow up a little bit and expand the mind player. No need to get hostile when someone has a legit reason as to what's going on. I'm not the only one who has said this, yet you only choose to believe I am. Get a clue.

Chat with ya next time.
The people saying that this is not being covered enough, are you referring to ESPN or all networks? It would make sense why ESPN is protecting him a bit more.....

Not saying it is right though.  But then again, should we consider ESPN a news source?  Do they have the ethical obligations of a CNN, CBS, FOX, etc.?
as far as Ben being a nobody comparitively, he is.

u have to step away from being a sports fan right now.

non-sports fans and dont have a slue who Ben Roethlisberger is.

All over the Globe, Most Non sports fans know who tiger woods is.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Learn to read and digest homie. I never said cheating was worse than rape. I said proven allegations of cheating involving one of the wealthiest men in sports history (a revolutionist if you will) is more significant than accusations of an immature SB winning QB. More people win the SB than what Tiger Woods has accomplished.

When put next to one another, Ben is a nobody.

Sorry for stating my opinion last time as well. My point was that if I were building a team I would start with the O-line. Nothing more. Just got carried away in trying to prove that. No need to rehash that argument when you're not even seeing clearly as to what I'm saying right now.

It's pitiful to me that we can't just banter about something without you taking things out of context or never getting the context right the first time based off of an argument months ago. Grow up a little bit and expand the mind player. No need to get hostile when someone has a legit reason as to what's going on. I'm not the only one who has said this, yet you only choose to believe I am. Get a clue.

Chat with ya next time.

   Where did I indicate that I was being hostile towards you?

Did I give you one of these

Or one of these?

Or this

I gave you one of these
  and this  
    because you are funny to me like a clown


Because you go on these long rants and make personal assumptions about me because I dont agree with your point of view on a sneaker message board? 
Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Ha Tiger didn't do anything against the law and his face was EVERYWHERE, this fool is a serial rapist and they barely talk about it. I'll say it again America is a f'd up place


Racism's still alive....they just be concealing it
Tiger is the biggest athlete in the world. Of course what he did got more coverage. You guys act like Tigers media coverage was normal for an athlete. Kobe's case did not get as much coverage as Tigers on a national level and he is a black athlete who was accused of rape. Donte Stallworth and Jayson Williams both killed people and did not get this much coverage as Tiger or Kobe. Do you guys not watch espn at all? They have coverage of Ben Roethlisberger every single day, and it was the top sports story when it broke. Stop pulling the race card for everything.
What endorsements? %@%#@ sporting goods? I love when people play the race card only when it is convenient. Michael Phelps smokes weed and it was a huge story. It was covered by tons of different media outlets. Josh Howard smokes weed and brags about it and it is hardly a story. It has everything to do with how big of a star you are, not what color your skin is.
Originally Posted by dtb00201

What endorsements? %@%#@ sporting goods? I love when people play the race card only when it is convenient. Michael Phelps smokes weed and it was a huge story. It was covered by tons of different media outlets. Josh Howard smokes weed and brags about it and it is hardly a story. It has everything to do with how big of a star you are, not what color your skin is.

I love when people r ignorant to the reality that racism still is alive and well and if u complain you're pulling the card.

I aint da only one who feels this either.
[h1]Roethlisberger’s Conduct Draws the Ire of Goodell[/h1][h6]By JUDY BATTISTA[/h6]
ORLANDO, Fla. — N.F.L. Commissioner Roger Goodell made clear Monday that he was unhappy with the conduct of Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, who is under police investigation for an alleged sexual assault of a 20-year-old college student in a Georgia bar. Goodell said he had spoken to the Rooney family, the team owners, and planned to speak with Roethlisberger, who has not been charged.

“We take the issue very seriously,
Yeah, Roger isn't going to go easy on him, going to be a very uncomfortable meeting, haha. Tomlin pissed as well (as he should be)
Originally Posted by dtb00201

What endorsements? %@$%+ sporting goods? I love when people play the race card only when it is convenient. Michael Phelps smokes weed and it was a huge story. It was covered by tons of different media outlets. Josh Howard smokes weed and brags about it and it is hardly a story. It has everything to do with how big of a star you are, not what color your skin is.

So Rethlisberger isn't a 'big star'? A two time Super Bowl winner, on one of America's favorite team? Race has a lot to do on how they report/cover stories IMO, this story is a classic example of it. Kobe's case was ALL over the place, just like Tiger's and Vick's. I had to open this thread to see if there was any new news on this case, because it's seems to be swept under a rug.
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