Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

oh yeah.. and here's the list:
StarBucks GTD
MilitaryIV j
instant klassic
I Love AF1

and remember if that puts you at 3 automatically are banned.
I am looking back at every msg I wrote on this forum, what did I say that was inappropriate?
Im still trying to figure it out. Prob mad I called his friend an alien
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

I am looking back at every msg I wrote on this forum, what did I say that was inappropriate? And never once did I quote someone saying a bad comment.

sorry. you got warned for posting the comparison pic
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

I am looking back at every msg I wrote on this forum, what did I say that was inappropriate? And never once did I quote someone saying a bad comment.

sorry. you got warned for posting the comparison pic
Come on man lol.

I thought we were allowed to do that. Don't we usually do that here on NT?

Sorry I am not famous like the great Ben Baller. I actually work for a living
i need a NT rulebook
laugh.gif many rules.....i swear i only know like 10% of them

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

if it involves an asian then no ^^^
yo that is true...if its about blacks....
nothinhappens EVER
Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

if it involves an asian then no ^^^
haha it was nothing against him being asian. His face just looked like it. Ppl say I look like that dumb furby doll
Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415



Here you go buddy

i need to get you a good charlotte tshirt. extra small so one of the madden bros can notice your belly at their concert. you must like their bad boy waysand tattoos.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

one more
Spot Rusherz

keep it coming.

I don't understand why you don't just close this thread. Everyone knew what was coming and I guess couldn't control it.

And your friend looked like the guy from Mac and Me just like the thousand other threads where someone looks like someone.

You have people here who come on all the time, loyal members, getting warnings for this like some sort of trap. The first three posts had everyone quotingquotes. You knew it was coming

#311 - BEN BELLA says - reply to this

LOL....Warning?...ill take one too.....cuz this is hillarious.......

Wait a min...Dirty you have 37 THOUSAND posts?..My god.
Originally Posted by FlyDaily can't post quotes from other sites now?

in all fairness to dirty, he not really being totally unreasonable, whats inappropriate is inappropriate. if you cant post something inappropriate, whyshould you be able to post something from another site thats inappropriate? was fun while it lasted 8)
Originally Posted by MilitaryIV

Originally Posted by FlyDaily can't post quotes from other sites now?

in all fairness to dirty, he not really being totally unreasonable, whats inappropriate is inappropriate. if you cant post something inappropriate, why should you be able to post something from another site that inappropriate? was fun while it lasted
your warning isnt going away so stop sucking up
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by MilitaryIV

Originally Posted by FlyDaily can't post quotes from other sites now?

in all fairness to dirty, he not really being totally unreasonable, whats inappropriate is inappropriate. if you cant post something inappropriate, why should you be able to post something from another site that inappropriate? was fun while it lasted
your warning isnt going away so stop sucking up

like i give a damn about a warning. im not suckin up, justbeing rational.

Dom...stay wildin
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