Being Homeless because I want and I can’t stay still.

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I really don’t see the big deal in telling someone go see a therapist or mental health professional

I give a lot of people that advice, I see a therapist

It is not some slight or insult.

Dude isn’t homeless. He feels uncomfortable staying in one place, chooses to sleep outside, and likes getting into fights. Dude could mentally healthy and just be eccentric, or this could be the early stages of something more serious. For his own health and well being I think it would be wise to talk to someone. At the minimum they might feel you are mentally healthy, but give you some perspective on life that could be useful.
I can only speak to my own experience but I wouldn't have gone to counseling if not for NT. People that I knew my entire life didn't know how bad I was suffering probably because they were grieving too. I was in a dark place but when other NTers were sharing their grief journeys and how much counseling helped I took a chance and am better for it. I have gotten to know many NTers over the years through アミーゴ アミーゴ and participating in NT's secret Santa and this place means a lot. NT broke through to me in ways others couldn't.
I can only speak to my own experience but I wouldn't have gone to counseling if not for NT. People that I knew my entire life didn't know how bad I was suffering probably because they were grieving too. I was in a dark place but when other NTers were sharing their grief journeys and how much counseling helped I took a chance and am better for it. I have gotten to know many NTers over the years through アミーゴ アミーゴ and participating in NT's secret Santa and this place means a lot. NT broke through to me in ways others couldn't.

Says a lot coming from a highly educated, highly compensated individual like yourself. Sometimes you need an anonymous push - and I’m glad you got there my brother 👏🤝🙏
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So has anyone had someone close to them….for lack of better wording….”lose it”? What were the signs?
So has anyone had someone close to them….for lack of better wording….”lose it”? What were the signs?
My best friend is bipolar so a pretty extreme example but her way of speaking/texting changes significantly and her thinking becomes delusional. Even though she has a Bachelors in psychology and is nearly done with her Masters in clinical psychology, it becomes a tough challenge to get through to her that she's absolutely not "fine."
Just to be clear, I don't want to suggest that's what's going on here, I'm just answering your question.

I don't think it's anyone's place to put an armchair psychologist diagnosis on marikomorose marikomorose but it's pretty glaringly obvious that this is a situation and way of thinking that should be discussed with a therapist. Defending sleeping outside and getting in fights with random people as something that is just fine is, for lack of a better term, delusional.
So has anyone had someone close to them….for lack of better wording….”lose it”? What were the signs?

Not super close, but someone who I was friendly with in high school "lost it"

He started out smoking a lot of weed like everyone was, but pretty soon he was HEAVY into acid and who knows what else...stopped caring about his personal appearance and hygiene and started reading books about wicca or whatever New Age stuff he could find

The last time I ever saw him he got into a big shouting match with the gym teacher because he had been refusing to participate and he said "I will preach the final sermon"

Everybody was scared he was going to come back to school and do something crazy, but he never did because he was sent away and according to his younger brother he is still institutionalized to this day

Not really a comparison to OP because this kid was doing a lot of stuff that might have had adverse effects on his still developing brain
agree, nothing wrong with liking to fight. You just want it supervised in a safe place.

Sounds like you might benefit from being in a community as well.
All this thread is doing is making me feel good with my one bedroom one bathroom ***……

Duck tales. Story gets more and more fake

I notice more and more people trying the “van life” or like this dude pretending to be homeless when they all have the luxury of going home whenever they choose as well as having their phones.

Like why try to emulate a struggle you are nowhere close to really having to deal with?

So corny
I notice more and more people trying the “van life” or like this dude pretending to be homeless when they all have the luxury of going home whenever they choose as well as having their phones.

Like why try to emulate a struggle you are nowhere close to really having to deal with?

So corny

Why learn to box if you're not a fighter?

You might think it's corny but putting yourself in uncomfortable situations is usually beneficial for development.

As long as the approach is calculated and you have sound reasoning of course :nerd:
Why learn to box if you're not a fighter?

You might think it's corny but putting yourself in uncomfortable situations is usually beneficial for development.

As long as the approach is calculated and you have sound reasoning of course :nerd:

And you think that applies to this situation?

Putting yourself in uncomfortable situations is one thing, living on the street when you don’t have to? Nah. Learning to box when not being a fighter is an awful analogy to use when comparing it to OP
That’s the only way you learn is being put in uncomfortable situations.

If you never leave your comfort bubble you’ll never grow.

Yea the problem is he finds his "uncomfortable situation" quite comfortable. Hes having his struggle experience from the perspective of a spectator of actual homeless people. He said it himself, hes healthy and doing fine....... :lol:
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