Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

i say travel the world. go to europe. you will be forced to speak to strangers.
Yeah, forcing him to speak French, German, or Spanish is definitely going to help him get past his introversion.

I take it you've never been cause if you had then you'd know you don't have to use those languages to communicate. I was always pretty shy (stillam) but traveling out of the country helped me get over that some cause I had to interact with other people.
I have friends and do things with them all the time, but I'm definitely more introverted than most of them are. I swear some of these guys can't bearbeing alone--ever. I've actually made up excuses to not have to go do things because I just wanted time to myself.
i do not understand how its unappreciated. i can be very extroverted if i want, or i can be very introverted if i want. and i definitely prefer to beintroverted MOST of the time. but i still need to go out, have my fun and be around other people sometimes. go try and talk to people WHENEVER, whether it be agirl or guy, a cashier, a stranger, a bum, or a worker. try starting off with a simple "hi, how are you doing today," and if all that fails then tryalcohol or weed.

really i think the only downfall is if your a SHY introvert and CANT communicate efficiently with others. but, i do get a lot of people mad being an somebody said above sometimes people dont understand; my friends get maaad butthurt when i dont feel like chillin. but to be honest i have some of thebest times just being all by myself
Originally Posted by migit1209

Friends come and go, heh.
Sad, but true... Can't wait till after HS where I can meet new people. I was such an introvert few years back in HS.
Originally Posted by Gregory House

Introvert here. I mean I can be social and +@%%, but it's just my nature to be quiet and have thoughts to myself and not share it.

That's what some people don't understand. Like I DON'T want you give my life story to you, just deal with it. Yet, some people take offense to that.

i can agree with this
not to sound racist or anything, but Americans are taught to be extroverts from kindergarten on up, I noticed this from the moment I came here. This is the reason you are often seen as appearing obnoxious and over the top when visiting Europe or Asia or conducting business with these people.

In Europe people are taught not to say #+%% if they dont know for sure what theyre talking about, but in America teachers encourage their students to bull #+%% their way out of situations or conversations they might not be clear on.

Its just different ways of bringing kids up.

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I have friends and do things with them all the time, but I'm definitely more introverted than most of them are. I swear some of these guys can't bear being alone--ever. I've actually made up excuses to not have to go do things because I just wanted time to myself.
For real, I never understood why my some of my friends always constantly like company. I've come to the point where, my friends know that Ilike being alone. I tell them straight up when I get invited to their parties that I wanna chill at the house, watch a movie, or listen to some music. I havea pretty good close-knit circle of friends that know I get wild and have fun, but they also know I like to go do things by myself. Especially on Sundays, Ijust go on my own journeys and enjoy the nice weather. Lately though, I've been having random conversations with people at the store and stuff. I figuredwe're all human, and if I hear something funny, or entertaining, I'm gonna react.
Originally Posted by Gregory House

Introvert here. I mean I can be social and +@%%, but it's just my nature to be quiet and have thoughts to myself and not share it.

That's what some people don't understand. Like I DON'T want you give my life story to you, just deal with it. Yet, some people take offense to that.

Thinking they can solve my problems.

That's how I feel.

On the real I'm contemplating getting a tattoo about being alone or some one man army type #+*@. I'm still planning though.

"I'm a loner I be chillin by myself/My spirit is riding shotgun without a seat belt"

-Mickey Factz
Originally Posted by Gregory House

Introvert here. I mean I can be social and +@%%, but it's just my nature to be quiet and have thoughts to myself and not share it.

That's what some people don't understand. Like I DON'T want you give my life story to you, just deal with it. Yet, some people take offense to that.

Thinking they can solve my problems.
Tru story son
there's a cockiness to americans when compared to europeans. ironically, it's americans that like to think europeans are cocky lol its the "i canbs my wayt out of anything and sound like i know what i'm talking about" attitude that's a tradition here. gotta show everyone up at everyopportunity.

but yeah, i would always have people hang around me...but i do things alone...i guess you can say...I'M THE MERCENARY
I'm an introvert. I always thought I wanted to be much more outgoing but I believe their is a time and place for everything. Freshmen year I went crazywith extroversion going to parties and talking to strangers about nonsense. Its fun at first but then you realize your "running away from yourself"unless that's what you truly want for yourself. Maybe you should try looking at your introversion as a gift rather than curse. If you give intosociety's standards, you'll simply become another pawn.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I have friends and do things with them all the time, but I'm definitely more introverted than most of them are. I swear some of these guys can't bear being alone--ever. I've actually made up excuses to not have to go do things because I just wanted time to myself.
For real, I never understood why my some of my friends always constantly like company. I've come to the point where, my friends know that I like being alone. I tell them straight up when I get invited to their parties that I wanna chill at the house, watch a movie, or listen to some music. I have a pretty good close-knit circle of friends that know I get wild and have fun, but they also know I like to go do things by myself. Especially on Sundays, I just go on my own journeys and enjoy the nice weather. Lately though, I've been having random conversations with people at the store and stuff. I figured we're all human, and if I hear something funny, or entertaining, I'm gonna react.
See, that's the most important thing is having people that respect you for you, that KNOW you and accept you. That's a big problem I hadin college because I went down there by myself. I made a few (3) good friends that I'm still friends with today but along the way, I picked up a lot of"friends"/shallow acquaintances. Superficial friendships + my personality + their personalities= not much with the fun.

%%@+ got kinda hectic after I moved in with a few friends from the dorms into an apartment. Everything was all good for the first couple months. We always hungout! Went to the mall, the movies, dinner, out to the clubs and bars... I wasn't really in my introverted mode at at first but one day I guess I picked thewrong time to not want to be social.
%%@+ kinda went downhill from there and it was clear that they were offended by my need to be alone and they thoughtit had something to do with them. We talked it out and I thought we had an understanding but nothing ever changed. It was really...something. lol

That's why I hold on to my few little friends. Most of my friends are friends from jr. high in addition to my college buddies. It's hard being growntrying to meet and get used to new people, esp. when you don't want to be bothered.
Originally Posted by Gregory House

Introvert here. I mean I can be social and +@%%, but it's just my nature to be quiet and have thoughts to myself and not share it.

That's what some people don't understand. Like I DON'T want you give my life story to you, just deal with it. Yet, some people take offense to that.

Thinking they can solve my problems.


It pisses me off when people just don't understand that I want to be by myself. Being a loner/introvert has its pros and cons, though. I'm not associal as I should be so I don't really go out as much. But I like being independent and I just don't know that many people who think like me. I havefriends but I'm not the person that everyone knows, if you catch my drift. Right now, being a introvert is appreciated.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I have friends and do things with them all the time, but I'm definitely more introverted than most of them are. I swear some of these guys can't bear being alone--ever. I've actually made up excuses to not have to go do things because I just wanted time to myself.
For real, I never understood why my some of my friends always constantly like company. I've come to the point where, my friends know that I like being alone. I tell them straight up when I get invited to their parties that I wanna chill at the house, watch a movie, or listen to some music. I have a pretty good close-knit circle of friends that know I get wild and have fun, but they also know I like to go do things by myself. Especially on Sundays, I just go on my own journeys and enjoy the nice weather. Lately though, I've been having random conversations with people at the store and stuff. I figured we're all human, and if I hear something funny, or entertaining, I'm gonna react.
See, that's the most important thing is having people that respect you for you, that KNOW you and accept you. That's a big problem I had in college because I went down there by myself. I made a few (3) good friends that I'm still friends with today but along the way, I picked up a lot of "friends"/shallow acquaintances. Superficial friendships + my personality + their personalities= not much with the fun.

%%@+ got kinda hectic after I moved in with a few friends from the dorms into an apartment. Everything was all good for the first couple months. We always hung out! Went to the mall, the movies, dinner, out to the clubs and bars... I wasn't really in my introverted mode at at first but one day I guess I picked the wrong time to not want to be social.
%%@+ kinda went downhill from there and it was clear that they were offended by my need to be alone and they thought it had something to do with them. We talked it out and I thought we had an understanding but nothing ever changed. It was really...something. lol

That's why I hold on to my few little friends. Most of my friends are friends from jr. high in addition to my college buddies. It's hard being grown trying to meet and get used to new people, esp. when you don't want to be bothered.

You won't find a sadder story....

I used to get hit alot for talking too much when I was little. IDK why. I just was.

Around 3rd grade my pops hit me so hard cause the teacher called him and told him I was talking too much in class.

He used to drink alot.

He beat the crap out of me so bad that I became unconscious when he started hitting me on the head with the belt buckle.

After that I never really talked or cared to talk to anyone at home. I barely talked to kids at school.

Was like my own little vow of silence.

I worked it off over the years but it did scar me....bad.

And it didn't help that we lived in bad neighborhoods, had no real family around and that I was an only child.

That was just one little chapter of the crap I went through as a kid. I still have bad dreams and cry about my crappy childhood sometimes.

And people like my girl really just don't get it when I tell em "You'll never understand what a tortured childhood I had"

I just made myself depressed bringing back memories of this #&@$.

. 'Night NT....
I think I'm most likely an introvert, don't really care to interact with people when I don't need to but I work with people and I'm completelyadaptive at work.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

You won't find a sadder story....

I used to get hit alot for talking too much when I was little. IDK why. I just was.

Around 3rd grade my pops hit me so hard cause the teacher called him and told him I was talking too much in class.

He used to drink alot.

He beat the crap out of me so bad that I became unconscious when he started hitting me on the head with the belt buckle.

After that I never really talked or cared to talk to anyone at home. I barely talked to kids at school.

Was like my own little vow of silence.

I worked it off over the years but it did scar me....bad.

And it didn't help that we lived in bad neighborhoods, had no real family around and that I was an only child.

That was just one little chapter of the crap I went through as a kid. I still have bad dreams and cry about my crappy childhood sometimes.

And people like my girl really just don't get it when I tell em "You'll never understand what a tortured childhood I had"

Damn. I'm sorry to hear that man.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I have friends and do things with them all the time, but I'm definitely more introverted than most of them are. I swear some of these guys can't bear being alone--ever. I've actually made up excuses to not have to go do things because I just wanted time to myself.
For real, I never understood why my some of my friends always constantly like company. I've come to the point where, my friends know that I like being alone. I tell them straight up when I get invited to their parties that I wanna chill at the house, watch a movie, or listen to some music. I have a pretty good close-knit circle of friends that know I get wild and have fun, but they also know I like to go do things by myself. Especially on Sundays, I just go on my own journeys and enjoy the nice weather. Lately though, I've been having random conversations with people at the store and stuff. I figured we're all human, and if I hear something funny, or entertaining, I'm gonna react.
See, that's the most important thing is having people that respect you for you, that KNOW you and accept you. That's a big problem I had in college because I went down there by myself. I made a few (3) good friends that I'm still friends with today but along the way, I picked up a lot of "friends"/shallow acquaintances. Superficial friendships + my personality + their personalities= not much with the fun.

%%@+ got kinda hectic after I moved in with a few friends from the dorms into an apartment. Everything was all good for the first couple months. We always hung out! Went to the mall, the movies, dinner, out to the clubs and bars... I wasn't really in my introverted mode at at first but one day I guess I picked the wrong time to not want to be social.
%%@+ kinda went downhill from there and it was clear that they were offended by my need to be alone and they thought it had something to do with them. We talked it out and I thought we had an understanding but nothing ever changed. It was really...something. lol

That's why I hold on to my few little friends. Most of my friends are friends from jr. high in addition to my college buddies. It's hard being grown trying to meet and get used to new people, esp. when you don't want to be bothered.


people do be gettin pissed, i been there myself because im like this too...

For me its even come to the point where i question my own am i doing this friends #+!+ wrong?? why people getting annoyed?? I am quite aselfish bastard so i thought maybe i should be giving people more of my time even if i dont really want to
I have since made a concious effort to get at people more often and my people appreciate it.
^ I don't think there's ever been a thread where I could cosign almost every reply, its kind of comforting to see that others go through the samethings you do.
i guess this can apply to me... ill be at the club and just post up the whole time... maybe im not a dancing type of guy or i dont know anyone or both... itsnot that i want to be left alone but i dont go out of my way to talk to people... but if someone talks to me then im a talk back... so i guess you can say ionly speak when spoken too
And people like my girl really just don't get it when I tell em "You'll never understand what a tortured childhood I had"

that sucks man. that "victim" mentality helps no one.
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