Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

I'm not a loner, but I'm def. an introvert. I don't if it applies to others as well, but as long as I feel like I belong and I feel comfortable,I'm not shy at all and my true personality comes out. But if I feel out of place in a group, I get real uncomfortable and I just lose confidence. I guessthe key is just to surround yourself with the right people and never back down.
people do be gettin pissed, i been there myself because im like this too...

For me its even come to the point where i question my own am i doing this friends #+!+ wrong?? why people getting annoyed?? I am quite a selfish bastard so i thought maybe i should be giving people more of my time even if i dont really want to image I have since made a concious effort to get at people more often and my people appreciate it.


I mean, I'm never gonna stop being ME but everything is a learning experience. While I do expect people to understand my personality like I try tounderstand theirs, I feel like as a friend...I can pull my head out of my *%$ long enough to entertain them if they happen to request my presence during one ofmy loner sprees.
There have been so many times my friends wanted to do things with me but I wanted to stay home just because. I haven't been doingthat lately.

Ever since I graduated in June, I've felt oddly refreshed. I've been running the streets w/ folks just living it up and I don't mind a bit. I getplenty of time to unwind and be in my lonesome at home. I mean, @%$%... my post counts on yuku are a direct testament to my loner periods. lol I'm not inschool anymore so I don't really have a reason to sit up on the computer all day screwing around. I still have my spells (like this Lazy Sunday night) butI have learned that just because I'm a bratty introvert that needs 'her' me time...I should be more accommodating to my true buddies.

Now, it'd be different if I lived w/ my friends and was forced to be all up around those heffas 24/7!
But they 'get' me and we're a lotalike so that'd never even be a problem.
Introvert =/= Loner
acidicality wrote:
I'm not a loner, but I'm def. an introvert. I don't if it applies to others as well, but as long as I feel like I belong and I feel comfortable, I'm not shy at all and my true personality comes out. But if I feel out of place in a group, I get real uncomfortable and I just lose confidence. I guess the key is just to surround yourself with the right people and never back down.

Originally Posted by Dylishis

See, that's the most important thing is having people that respect you for you, that KNOW you and accept you. That's a big problem I had in college because I went down there by myself. I made a few (3) good friends that I'm still friends with today but along the way, I picked up a lot of "friends"/shallow acquaintances. Superficial friendships + my personality + their personalities= not much with the fun.

%%@+ got kinda hectic after I moved in with a few friends from the dorms into an apartment. Everything was all good for the first couple months. We always hung out! Went to the mall, the movies, dinner, out to the clubs and bars... I wasn't really in my introverted mode at at first but one day I guess I picked the wrong time to not want to be social.
%%@+ kinda went downhill from there and it was clear that they were offended by my need to be alone and they thought it had something to do with them. We talked it out and I thought we had an understanding but nothing ever changed. It was really...something. lol

That's why I hold on to my few little friends. Most of my friends are friends from jr. high in addition to my college buddies. It's hard being grown trying to meet and get used to new people, esp. when you don't want to be bothered.
Oh, I feel you on your whole post. I was around 23 or 24 for me where my friends started wondering why I like to do stuff by myself. I told them "Don't you feel good? Knowing that you can go out into random areas and feel comfortable in your own skin?" It was hectic for me too, because myboys are people I'm know from high school , and we went through a lot. I was always an extrovert, but when I decided to be an observer in life and learnthrough a different way, my friends thought I was weird.
It's allgood now because like you, I have a small circle of 6 friends that I can count on for anything. It's manageable, and they know where I stand. Beingintroverted should be appreciated as long as you know when it's the right time to socialize. Now if you're extra extra shy, and can't engage inconversation like it's pulling teeth out of you, then that's not being introverted but more a problem.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

You won't find a sadder story....

I used to get hit alot for talking too much when I was little. IDK why. I just was.

Around 3rd grade my pops hit me so hard cause the teacher called him and told him I was talking too much in class.

He used to drink alot.

He beat the crap out of me so bad that I became unconscious when he started hitting me on the head with the belt buckle.

After that I never really talked or cared to talk to anyone at home. I barely talked to kids at school.

Was like my own little vow of silence.

I worked it off over the years but it did scar me....bad.

And it didn't help that we lived in bad neighborhoods, had no real family around and that I was an only child.

That was just one little chapter of the crap I went through as a kid. I still have bad dreams and cry about my crappy childhood sometimes.

And people like my girl really just don't get it when I tell em "You'll never understand what a tortured childhood I had"

Sorry to hear that, man. We all have our demons, and I hope you will overcome them to enjoy this life.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

people do be gettin pissed, i been there myself because im like this too...

For me its even come to the point where i question my own am i doing this friends #+!+ wrong?? why people getting annoyed?? I am quite a selfish bastard so i thought maybe i should be giving people more of my time even if i dont really want to image I have since made a concious effort to get at people more often and my people appreciate it.

I mean, I'm never gonna stop being ME but everything is a learning experience. While I do expect people to understand my personality like I try to understand theirs, I feel like as a friend...I can pull my head out of my *%$ long enough to entertain them if they happen to request my presence during one of my loner sprees.
There have been so many times my friends wanted to do things with me but I wanted to stay home just because. I haven't been doing that lately.

Ever since I graduated in June, I've felt oddly refreshed. I've been running the streets w/ folks just living it up and I don't mind a bit. I get plenty of time to unwind and be in my lonesome at home. I mean, @%$%... my post counts on yuku are a direct testament to my loner periods. lol I'm not in school anymore so I don't really have a reason to sit up on the computer all day screwing around. I still have my spells (like this Lazy Sunday night) but I have learned that just because I'm a bratty introvert that needs 'her' me time...I should be more accommodating to my true buddies.

Now, it'd be different if I lived w/ my friends and was forced to be all up around those heffas 24/7!
But they 'get' me and we're a lot alike so that'd never even be a problem.
oh your wonder you dont like kicking it with your friends too much
...especially if they the bubbly type??

man.....cant even begin to imagine the headache
damn yall starting to make me feel bad im bout to go running...........but i do feel what all of yall are saying im in my loner stage as well i call ithibernating i always do this at least once a year not by choice but it jus happens
I'm social when talking about things that interest me or out with people [time and place for everything].

I'm quiet when people don't have anything interesting to say or out by myself.
Originally Posted by sloanboy

damn yall starting to make me feel bad im bout to go running...........but i do feel what all of yall are saying im in my loner stage as well i call it hibernating i always do this at least once a year not by choice but it jus happens
It's like when you go on a diet the wrong way, forcing no room for a cheat, and when you finally get that cheat you binge and now you'recompletely off that diet. You need balance.
Originally Posted by acidicality

I'm not a loner, but I'm def. an introvert. I don't if it applies to others as well, but as long as I feel like I belong and I feel comfortable, I'm not shy at all and my true personality comes out. But if I feel out of place in a group, I get real uncomfortable and I just lose confidence. I guess the key is just to surround yourself with the right people and never back down.
QFT x2. the one caveat i have with your post is when you said "the key is to surround yourself with the right people." to me, there areno 'wrong' people. if you tell yourself "oh, that guy/girl probably won't like me" you are subconsciously telling yourself that you areinferior to them. you just have to adopt the mentality that nobody in this world is better than you, and that you can make yourself comfortable in any environment with anybody.. which will then allow you to show your true personality no matter where you are.

theres no reason why you should ever feel uncomfortable when you're just around other regular people. learn some social skills, learn how to make yourvoice heard.
I'm a total introvert. I used to be a ton more shy too. Now it's not so much about me being shy but me letting people make their impression andrespecting their privacy kind of thing.

I don't mind it and the people around me have learned to not take it personally when I do retreat.
Originally Posted by acidicality

I'm not a loner, but I'm def. an introvert. I don't if it applies to others as well, but as long as I feel like I belong and I feel comfortable, I'm not shy at all and my true personality comes out. But if I feel out of place in a group, I get real uncomfortable and I just lose confidence. I guess the key is just to surround yourself with the right people and never back down.
True story.

Some crowds of people, even though they are good people, and they are my friends or whatever, It's not the most comfortable group I could be apart of. Onceyou find those key people who are cool with you for you, then it fits like a glove on a hand.
Man to be quite honest it is not that bad, I am a pretty shy dude, and prefer to be alone, it sucks for my relationships though, I just won't call becauseI just want to be alone, my boys wonder why I am just as coo with getting it crackin at the club as I am staying at the crib. I just don't see the big dealin making tons of friends when we all have a few close ones anyway. Had a ton in HS and I talk to like 3 now.

Females don't seem to like that I don't call or need to kick it: oh well.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Man to be quite honest it is not that bad, I am a pretty shy dude, and prefer to be alone, it sucks for my relationships though, I just won't call because I just want to be alone, my boys wonder why I am just as coo with getting it crackin at the club as I am staying at the crib. I just don't see the big deal in making tons of friends when we all have a few close ones anyway. Had a ton in HS and I talk to like 3 now.

Females don't seem to like that I don't call or need to kick it: oh well.
I'm a introvert but I just socialize with people who share similar interests as I do.

But Metrokid sums it up the best:
Originally Posted by MetroKid26

Don't sweat it man...Try and socalize when it's called for.

work = talk to a co-worker
school = talk to a colleague
club = talk to (preferably) a girl

just go out and live it, cause being alone isn't cool all the time, honestly we all need a friend time to time
I'm an introvert but people like me so that's why it appears like I'm not an introvert. If it weren't for that, I'd be doomed.
Originally Posted by you go boy

i guess this can apply to me... ill be at the club and just post up the whole time... maybe im not a dancing type of guy or i dont know anyone or both... its not that i want to be left alone but i dont go out of my way to talk to people... but if someone talks to me then im a talk back... so i guess you can say i only speak when spoken too

this is me to a not afraid of voicing my opinion or talking to mom always told me id argue w/ the pope
its true i would. id argue w/ anyone except God.

so thats probably the American in me always having to be right/poppin off at the lip type stuff

however, im a HUGE introvert. can spend all day dolo in the crib and enjoy myself......even having a gorgeous little girl w/ a beautiful woman hasnt changedme, ill talk all day to my peoples about anything but i wont do that w/ strangers. im not a follower at all. like if theres a group of people at work oranywhere that i at least semi-know the people having a convo/laughin etc i wont go over there and see whats up. its me being arrognt saying to themnon-verbally......what u find funny/interesting doesnt matter to me and i im not ridin no ones $%^&..

however i do have a sense of humor and i can defintely be witty and make ppl laugh but it's not my forte. i also find that alot of stuff people find funnydoesnt make me laugh. maybe crack a smile but i never understoof how people could have the loudest deepest longest laughs over the dumbest/meanest/mostinsignificant doin someone dirty or even not-so-negative stuff.

if you dont like being introverted then thats too bad......CONFIDENCE goes a LONG way whether introverted or not


nas is a virgo and look at the stuff he says all he raps about is how introspective and to himself he is and how he always does it his way....i feelthat

Thanks guys.

I overcame it and I became a better person because of it. I don't know how either cause the $&#% I went through coulda easily made any regular personbreakdown or worse...

I never became dependent of drugs, pills, liquor, never went to jail, never got arrested, never took it out on my girlfriends or family (not even my pops), oranything dumb.

A rose out of the concrete type stuff. No Karamo.

Once in a while I do shut down and little tears do come out, cause I mean...I am only human and it wasn't fair to grow up like that and I still amanti-social in my own ways.

I can't really let anybody get too close to me cause I feel most people do betray your trust sooner or later. It's not an easy way to live life the wayI do but I'd rather know what I know than walk around pretending like it's all good.
Personally I'm a introverted loner myself. After moving multiple times in high school I became more and more quiet. I definately unappreciate myintrovertedness.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by Dylishis

I think only other introverts can understand introversion. The one thing that I can think of to show 'unnappreciation' of the whole matter is the fact that some extroverts take personal offense to introversion.

Being in college (especially living in the dorms when everyone I hung around was ALWAYS ALWAYS doing stuff--- rooms stayed packed w/ people
) really brought that to the forefront. I have 2 older siblings (10 and 15 years older) and they're male.
I pretty much grew up alone. Never had to share anything with anyone. I'm used to being able to dip off and be by myself ...listen to a video/computer game...unwind on my own time. Then I got to college and realized that sometimes people don't understand that. Not only do they not understand, they take it personally. THAT'S something that sucks. Having your introversion on public display.

Some folks don't get that you want to be alone sometimes. Not all the time... but %$+%, let a %%+@! breathe!

I feel you, it's kinda why i got jokes, gets folk to leave you alone sometimes. I hate when people wanna "understand" why you want to be alone. It just is what it is, i'm not shy, not anti social, (and not arrogant either)there are just times where i don't want to be bothered. You still got to get out there though, sometimes you retreat into your safe zone you forget to do simple ++#* to appease the extroverts like calling your moms.
Biggest co-sign on this. I like to socialize, people like me, but sometimes I like to sit and listen to my music while playing 2K9.
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