Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

I can co-sign with about 95% of the things said in this thread, so I guess that makes me an introvert. Guess I always kinda knew I was one..

I'm curious though, what are your guys' eating habits like?

Me, personally, I would rather have a meal by myself, especially if I'm outside of the house...I eat what I feel like eating that day and go where I wanna go and I can just eat by myself and leave...saves time having to wait for someone/a group of people and find a mutually acceptable place to eat....I guess I just don't like eating with people in general, call me an anti-social eater or w/e..

I only do this for lunch, but I would have no qualms doing it for dinner too (i.e. going to a spot like applebees/tgi fridays myself) but I always figured it would look really strange and it seems socially unacceptable to eat in a sit-down restaurant by myself as a dude in his 20's lol...if i was an older dude i'm sure i could play it off by reading a newspaper at the table or somethin..

so anyway, are any of you introverted eaters as well?

I can eat (in a restaurant) alone, I go to the movies alone sometimes, I go shopping alone. I've been to the damn beach alone.
There's pretty much nothing I can't do by myself. I don't HAVE to do any of them alone but I just do and I enjoy myself.

But you know there are those folks out there that'll look at you crazy for eating alone, etc.. In the extrovert's way of needing to understand something... they just automatically assume that you either have no one to eat/do things with or that you feel lonely because you're alone.
That's hardly ever the case, people just don't get that some folks don't need to lean on others for everything.


The only thing that I find cannot be done alone is concerts. Tried it once...never again. lol Concerts just $+!$$!! suck when you're by yourself.
It's just flat out no fun. If there was some way to make them fun, I'd take them in doubt, but there appears to be no way to enjoy a concert by myself.

i snuck into a nerds concert once (they were just playing in the highschool across the street from me) and I had a pretty good time... I always go off and domy own thing when Im in a concert, club or rave anyways... I usually just drink and act a fool by myself and not have to worry about anyone else... The onlypart about these activities that I dislike doing by myself is going to them... Like the drive to and from the place would get lonely... But since it wasliterally across the street it was a lot of fun
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Orange Soda Man

Introvert and proud.

I don't get why it has such a negative connotation.

But whatever. I'm just being me, all I can be.
Because, as the article says... bubbleheaded extroverts that are afraid of being alone with themselves like to make us seem like we're abnormal for not being interested in their world.
We're [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]pretty much[/color] superior so... it's all good.

But for real though, what's wrong if you're happy with being by yourself. Seriously, the "me" time that I get
There's nothing like a lazy afternoon listening to my iPod and just straightchilling.

But that being said, I don't have a SO, so I love the freedom to do whatever the hell I want, whenever I want.

Not having to answer to anybody FTW!
^ Amen to that!

I think this thread title needs to be changed! Introversion should be much appreciated! We're big deals.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

^ Amen to that!

I think this thread title needs to be changed! Introversion should be much appreciated! We're big deals.
I concur.

Where's mFury at? Holla at your fellow introverts!
welcome to my life

i like to socialize with people but i dont go outta my way to try and make friends with people

if im around people i really dont know, im very quite and keep to myself and sometimes people say i come off as being stuck up. then on the other hand if imaround people i know im the life of the party.

sometimes i do go on my binges when i just want to be alone, and i can go a week without answering my phone unless its work related, i talk to people all dayat work sometimes i just want to sit in peace and enjoy a nice cigar or something

its also hard for me to make friends i really have to feel people out and try to understand their personalities.

i still remember my mom scolding me when i was younger because i was so called anti-social and didnt want to interact with all the other kids.

being a introvert has its perks though i completely independent from others, my pops kinda gets mad at me though because alot of the things he thinks a fathershould help his son with i do on my own without asking for guidance from anyone else.
this is definitely me. i dont mind though........thats just how i am. im naturally quiet, shy, reserved, introverted. i enjoy my own company. most people justtalk to talk, they aint really sayin anything. i hate extremely extroverted people, its like some people HAVE be surrounded at all times and cant do anythingby themselves. people need to understand my personality and not take offense. leave me alone when i say so. im sure i come off as cold, stand offish,unapproachable etc etc. my mom says i dont have any social skills

i do everything by myself too.........been to restaurants, shop, been to concerts. nothing wrong with it. for some reason i cant get myself to go to the moviesalone though.

just curious, how many of yall are capricorns?

Because, as the article says... bubbleheaded extroverts that are afraid of being alone with themselves like to make us seem like we're abnormal for not being interested in their world.
We're pretty much superior so... it's all good.

taken from wikipedia:

"In popular culture, however, there is a certain romanticism in the idea of the LONER since he or she is seen as special and unique. This can beattributed to the notion that truly great people often lurk in the shadows of societies that espouse corrupt or superficial standards of existence. As aresult, the concept of a lonely hero is a recurring theme in stories."
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

taken from wikipedia:

"In popular culture, however, there is a certain romanticism in the idea of the LONER since he or she is seen as special and unique. This can be attributed to the notion that truly great people often lurk in the shadows of societies that espouse corrupt or superficial standards of existence. As a result, the concept of a lonely hero is a recurring theme in stories."
I like being mysterious, no one knows me forreal on campus other than the guy who says nothing but has a beatin system in his car. I will say I used to getlonely though, to be an introvert, you have to have other friends who are introverts too
Introversion FTW.

This might sound arrogant, but #+@* it.

A lot of people are shallow, and I'm a big advocate of deep-thought and meditation.

I've realized that hanging out with most people keeps me from finding the truth/meaning in life that I'm looking for.

(Looking back, that sounded a lot deeper than I had intended it to. Hopefully, someone can relate.
i'm generally an outgoing guy but i can be an introvert at times. i value privacy more than most and spend time doing things by myself more than withothers. i make and have a lot of friends out of necessity but i'm a lonely stoner at heart.
damn...hella virgos in here...but yea...this thread is much appreciated...i hate that theres not more people like us and dudes feel the need to be inconversations 24/7...i work in a warehouse and when im in a truch with somebody else they usually try to start a convo with me about some of the mostun-interesting %$%* ever...alot of people think im weird or shy...i just like being in my mind

btw...that Cudi cd is speaking volumes to me right about now
Originally Posted by solefood229

welcome to my life

i like to socialize with people but i dont go outta my way to try and make friends with people

if im around people i really dont know, im very quite and keep to myself and sometimes people say i come off as being stuck up. then on the other hand if im around people i know im the life of the party.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

But you know there are those folks out there that'll look at you crazy for eating alone, etc.. In the extrovert's way of needing to understand something... they just automatically assume that you either have no one to eat/do things with or that you feel lonely because you're alone.
That's hardly ever the case, people just don't get that some folks don't need to lean on others for everything.

And are Virgos more inclined to be introverted? Cause I'm a Virgo
I've had my share of wack friendships over the years, so right now I'm being very picky about who I roll with. I've never had a problem kicking itdolo, I actually prefer it because I do what I wanna do not what "the group" is doing. I just don't like socializing for the sake of socializing.I just wanna meet people that are on the same wavelength as myself.
Sometimes I get bored and desire company, but most of the time I can occupy myself fine. When I look at everybody else I couldn'tpicture anything different.
I'd like to drop off a few songs that pertain to this topic...d/l them or listen on YouTube

The Roots- Clock With No Hands
Jet Audio ft. Mickey Factz, Danny!, and CurT@!n$- Stand Alone
Sarah Vaughan- Vanity
Blu- Vanity
Tre's (from Pharcyde) verse- Runnin
I've been a loner for the past 25 years and it's starting to run its course. I just find it hard to relate to 90% of the people I associate with.

Folks now a days are too materialistic or just don't take value in the same things that I do.

Or maybe I'm just selfish and need to lighten up.
I love The Roots Clock With No Hands. There was one point in 06 where it was my go to song for a long while until I worked myself out of a bad funk. Myroommates could never understand it. Still love it now.
Originally Posted by mFury

So... yeah. I think this one goes without saying.

It's hella easy to make friends. Go talk to someone....anybody. Say what up, introduce yourself, explain your likes/dislikes, and look at them in the eyesbut don't stare.
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

Originally Posted by Dylishis

But you know there are those folks out there that'll look at you crazy for eating alone, etc.. In the extrovert's way of needing to understand something... they just automatically assume that you either have no one to eat/do things with or that you feel lonely because you're alone.
That's hardly ever the case, people just don't get that some folks don't need to lean on others for everything.

And are Virgos more inclined to be introverted? Cause I'm a Virgo
I believe we are.
& Wow at some of these responses. Describing me to a tee I swear.
Kinda gave me chills.
When I wanna chill to myself and play 360, I do. When I wanna go out I do.. just find a good medium. you'll be good fam.
i'm glad i learned the difference between loners and introverts. socially i'm probably the exact opposite of an introvert, but i do enjoy eating andwatching movies by myself. i grew up real shy but college broke me out the mold. hindsight, i feel like i tried to "reach out" to a few introverts incollege, but in reality, they didnt need "reaching out". i hope i didnt offend or bother them. probably did

anyway, i dont think introverts are afraid to be by themselves, i just think it's hard for yall to BE yourselves in this extroverted dominated society. ithink yall get a bad rap because you tend to see serial killers portrayed as loners, which is not equal to introverts. i myself had that confused.
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