Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

So I don't need to pre order to play the beta on the 29th? if so, I'm going in.
Nope, those who pre-ordered or bought MoH get in the 27th, everyone else the 29th. So you're good money
Originally Posted by omgitswes

I'm a little confused, can I not order this from Steam? Does it have to be from Origins?

If I do order from Orgins will I be able to add it to Stea?m
Battlefield 3 will NOT be available for purchase or playable on Steam.
You will need Origin to play the game.
Those who pre-ordered off origin got the beta.. dunno about anywhere else.. But 2 days early ain't #*!@ shoulda been 2 weeks
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by omgitswes

I'm a little confused, can I not order this from Steam? Does it have to be from Origins?

If I do order from Orgins will I be able to add it to Stea?m
Battlefield 3 will NOT be available for purchase or playable on Steam.
You will need Origin to play the game.

Well that sucks. Having to use a separate client just for EA games
1-2 days to download
got damn

As long as I get to play the weekend of I'll be happy.. the game itself releases the weekend of someones bday
I can't miss it either
... AND I have to move the 31st of October
bad timing BF3 bad timing
Battlefield 3 - NT Fam/"Clan"

Post NT username along with iD or GT. Copy & Paste only. Dont quote. Please Keep this post together.

NT PlayStation 3
*WitnessMyCalm21 - Decembersown21
*ricerocket1 - reichd3rd
*zk1MPLS - zk1mpls
*derrty6232 - BURRack_Obama
*ChicagoKid23 - Donut1908/TheAlmightyDonut
*CherryJ23 - HTowns_own23
*Proshares - Bigbobbs87
Rlak824 - Rlak824
TheDauqs - J-Cuzzo

0cks - RockCoKaneBlow
Aveezy - June_The_Beast

bustadimes - dhuang
ToAnotherLevel - Pharaoh_XVIII

NT Xbox 360
*WitnessMyCalm21 - The12thMonth
*ricerocket1 - reichd3rd
-The Juice - HangLo Saxon
*derrty6232 - BobFromMarketng
mikejs210 - mikejs210
im that one - roger e3
ReDd Spyder - NYC D NiC3 718
sneaky - fackin retro

dizzledyl - chief23insanid

Joe Billionaire - J Killionaire
gHeTtOnOyPi - AO Two

xtianp - hi im xtian

Ahyoon Chef - Nice Gamertag

Lpheat22 - Lpheat22
jae oh en - jae 0h en
donpoppa - donpoppa

Cwrite78 - xwaarmachine (same steam name)
Carver - JoeeBrap(steam/origin)
mp3911 - xnil21x on origin, nil21 on steam
SladeWilson - SLADEWILSON - add me
swendro88- swendro88 (Origin) swendro(steam)

Vendetta - eX_Krony (steam
omgitses - omgitswes (steam)
Originally Posted by sladewilson

for some people itll take 1 or 2 days to download 0__O
*raises hand* most probably. 

EDIT: 20GB Beta, though? I think that's requirement for the final game. 
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]
Battlefield 3 - NT Fam/"Clan"

Post NT username along with iD or GT. Copy & Paste only. Dont quote. Please Keep this post together.

NT PlayStation 3 
*WitnessMyCalm21 - Decembersown21
*ricerocket1 - reichd3rd
*zk1MPLS - zk1mpls
*derrty6232 - BURRack_Obama
*ChicagoKid23 - Donut1908/TheAlmightyDonut
*CherryJ23 - HTowns_own23
*Proshares - Bigbobbs87
*Rlak824 - Rlak824
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]*TheDauqs - J-Cuzzo

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]*0cks - RockCoKaneBlow[/color][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]
*Aveezy - June_The_Beast[/color][/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]*bustadimes - dhuang[/color][/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]NT Xbox 360
*WitnessMyCalm21 - The12thMonth
*ricerocket1 - reichd3rd
*The Juice - HangLo Saxon
*derrty6232 - BobFromMarketng
*mikejs210 - mikejs210
*im that one - roger e3
*ReDd Spyder - NYC D NiC3 718
*sneaky - fackin retro 

*dizzledyl - chief23insanid

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]*Joe Billionaire - J Killionaire
[/color][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]*gHeTtOnOyPi - AO Two[/color][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]*xtianp - hi im xtian

*Ahyoon Chef - Nice Gamertag
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]*Lpheat22 - Lpheat22[/color]
[/color]*jae oh en - jae 0h en 
*donpoppa - donpoppa
*laker4lifeman  -Malicious25

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)][/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]NT PC
*Cwrite78 - xwaarmachine (same steam name)
*Carver - JoeeBrap(steam/origin)
*mp3911 - xnil21x on origin, nil21 on steam
*SladeWilson - SLADEWILSON  - add me [/color]
[/color]*swendro88- swendro88 (Origin) swendro(steam)[/color]

*Vendetta - eX_Krony (steam
*omgitses - omgitswes (steam)

*zk1MPLS - zk1mpls (Origin)
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by sladewilson

for some people itll take 1 or 2 days to download 0__O
*raises hand* most probably. 

EDIT: 20GB Beta, though? I think that's requirement for the final game. 

Beta 2-3 GB   2 maps rush an conquest, but like XXXXXXXX people downloading at the same time
They said theyve tweaked the map & placement of Mcoms so we'll see i guess
Man i can no longer play BC2. Im not trying to come off as a BF vet cause im not but man nothing but low ranks coming over from cod already playing the game like %#%!. Dudes running around QuickScoping and Saigas/USAS12s & sitting in corners or in bushes with their 4x Scope AR not flinching ... Like GTHO NAOOOWWWWWW 
 I think i went 44-21 and we lost on the last Mcom on Valparaiso... I had to turn it off... I have never touched a fully auto shotgun .. I think i have a max amount of like 20kills for both. Quickscoping is fine. But i can already tell these Trickshotters from cod are going to come on in on some stupid %%@$.. So im glad they nerfed the snipers in BF3. But man thats what worries me for BF3.. Dudes from CoD. I know there are CoD players out there who dont play like that and actually play the game like its meant to be played but man lets be real here ...
Uhhh..... Zk1mpls..  
 ..... Man i really dont want to post this cause its sad news concerning the beta cause i know Zk1mpls is one of the few guys who has been in this thread & posting in the thread frequently expressing his excitement but man .... 

I just found this out but ill just post what i found in the EaUk forums.. Hopefully they include everyone and this was just an error on the website 

Spoiler [+]

but seriously EA?

Hello everyone! 

As most of you know by now, EA has made a very weird decision of not including Asian and the Middle Eastern players into the beta. Currently, the Singapore server provider for BF3 in Asia, Fragnetics have said that they will be hosting servers during the beta but Asian players will not be able to play on them due to the current issue. None of the community managers (Zh1nt0, Seeson and Crash7800) have spoken about the issue as of yet and EA Singapore(Head Asia office of EA) has not given a proper reply on the reasons why Asia players will not be able to play the beta. 

I, on behalf of the Asian/Middle Eastern community hope to cook up some support for the inclusion of Asian and Middle Eastern players into the beta. 
You might be thinking that the beta is only 32 Player Rush Operation Metro and will only run for 10 days but there are a lot of us in Asia and the Middle East who really love this series and would love to get an early hand on the game. We are fans of the series just like everyone of you on the forums and hope you guys can support our cause.

Added note: EA promised the beta to players who pre ordered the Limited Edition of Medal of Honor(2010) will get early access to the beta. This promotion was also given to Asian players.

You can help by either,

1.Tweeting either @Zh1nt0, @Seeson or @Crash7800 and push for the inclusion of Asian and Middle Eastern Players

2.Post of the wall of EA Singapore's Facebook page and make them put more pressure on EA HQ: Electronic Arts (EA) Singapore | Facebook

3.Vote up this reddit page: Beta not available in Asia? : battlefield3

4.Like this post to show your support

Spread the word and help us get into the beta!

P.S To the trolls:
Not every part of Asia is a third world country. We have BF communities in places such as:
6.Hong Kong

P.S To supporters:
Please discuss in a respectable manner. Vulgarities or playing the race card won't help the situation and might make it worse.
I read that earlier. damn, that sucks.
Poor guys who bought the MOH Limited Edition in Asia.

It's cool. Origin doesn't even have the Philippines on the drop-down list of countries you're from.
But Origin's still in Beta stage, so we'll eventually get there.

I guess it would be the same on the PS3. Oh well. Guess I'll be on BFBC2 til then. Will add the PS3 and PC dudes soon. Trying out the 2k12 Beta first. Haha

I'm happy for Australia and New Zealand, though... they get screwed with updates/release dates the most.

EDIT: Apparently Africa (with the exception of South Africa) is excluded as well.
By the way, saw this on a Steam Forum

Message from the community manager on Twitter:!/zh1nt0/status/116140729864159232


@zh1nt0 so can you tell us if the recommended system requirements are enough to run the game on ultra?

@bkohn1 recommended is usually medium

@zh1nt0 so would one GTX580 run it on ultra? Or do I need two of them?

@bkohn1 2
2 GTX 580s?
Doubt it... just probably want to boost GPU sales.
Not sure if this was posted already, but just read this on Battlefieldo:

[h3]Sep 20th[/h3][h3]Beta Q&A with zh1nt0[/h3]
[h1]We’ve got more Beta news![/h1]
A Q&A with BF3 Global Community Manager Daniel Matros (zh1nt0) on a public teamspeak with the German community, and details of the discussion from the EAUK Forums have exposed some new unconfirmed details regarding Battlefield 3 and the release of the BF3 Beta next week on September 29th. We’ve broken down the list from the conversations below into bullets to keep it as short and sweet as possible.
[h1]Q&A[/h1][h3]General Beta Info[/h3]
Beta will not start at 00:00.

Between 2-3 gig beta client.

You can not UPDATE alpha client you need to re-download the new Beta Client.

Netcode is totally rewritten and new.

No level limit @ beta.

Cant join as a Squad if the Team is full so battlelog groups won’t get split.
[h3]Gameplay Info[/h3]
Autoheal on all vehicle’s after 10-15sec.

Vehicles autoregeneration ONLY under 75% Health.

Unlocks are for WEAPONS not for the classes you can not unlock red dot sight on gun1 and use it on gun 2.

Operation Metro got changed and has a new Layout, thats why they want to test balance again.

You have more then 1 knife animation, from behind, on the ground and you can NOT counter the knife attack.

You can still throw grenades to hear enemys yell.

You can not cook grenades.

You can join with friends on a server.

Friendly fire is On as the default setting.
[h3]Misc. Info[/h3]
You can use 3 screens if you have enough graphic power.

Next 1-3 weeks will be talking about new maps.


No Bombs on Jets.

When you get kicked you can see the reason in Battlelog.

Ranked Servers can be changed to unranked Servers.

Battlelog application for iPhone.

Battlelog can be updated without patching the game so we can get new stuff faster.

No weather or time changing in game.

No comment on the Battlerecorder.
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